Is the demon pill legit? Are demons actually controlling everything...

Is the demon pill legit? Are demons actually controlling everything, and influencing world politics from behind the scenes?

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this guy has a or 4k display wtf

>spend decades researching demons
>it's the jews
saved you time

I've actually been thinking about this a lot lately jews aren't the ultimate enemy satan is but jews are the synagogue of Satan so God will destroy both

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I am thinking that the jewish synagogue of satan are the hosts of the demons.

No joke I had a dream last night where I met Satan and he basically told me to enjoy life while I can because he marked me and said I would burn in the lake of fire for eternity
Should I be worried?

I heard it's actually really bad, like every non-white is possessed and many whites especially meds and Slavs are also possessed. Those not possessed are usually oppressed. The church is probably compromised too since formerly mandatory exorcisms for certain sacraments have been removed. It also wouldn't surprise me if all the most important elites are possessed.

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Jews finance Satan. Dig deep enough into any evil or depravity, and it's just layers upon layers of jews jewing. There is no definite end point at which jewing stops. There is no ultimate jew. The jewing is infinitely recursive. This is the fractal nature of jews.

Satan isn't demons, Satan is greys

demons are an entirely different host of conscious organisms

The jews let Demons into their bodies sometimes watch this video:

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Satan needs someone to push his agenda on mass Jews do this because Satan isn't a man like us Jews are basically the minions of Satan and money is the tool the Jews use to push Satan's agenda for the world

Schizo posting. There is no natural good or evil

However there are people who are drawn to doing evil acts. Evil is usually associated with manipulating others or dominating others

Demons have been influencing humanity since the first page of Genesis

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What difference is there between possession and oppression and how visible are they? Can you train yourself to recognize it?

> evil acts
> no spiritual influence
You better be pretending to be retarded

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Well said. This is absolutely true. It's why their corruption, which is on a global scale, is so well hidden. Fractals of Jews up to Jewish activities.

Possesion means the demon is controlling your movements, influence means Satan is attempting to get you to let him influence your movements

The hierarchy is like this: jews -> satan -> jews


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Wouldn't everyone be potentially oppressed then?


Moral relativists will not be spared on the day of the rake.

Anyone can enter heaven, user. The key is Christ. Repent and you'll be forgiven.

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Yes everyone is oppressed by Satan and will be until they die, seriously. When we die we can't sin anymore because our spirits can't be tempted because we will see demons physically and they won't be masked from our natural eyes

Possession means you're under the demon's control. Oppression means the demon is messing with you or torturing you. Just look at Jow Forums to see people undergoing a lifetime of demonic oppression.

When humanity invents time travel the door will open, and hell will pour out of it.

What did he mean by this

Yes, oppression is basically when demons attempt to fuck with you. Possession is specific in that it requires your consent to at least a certain extent. People who are possessed are the guys who make pacts with demons, or allow them permission in some way shape or form.

Oppression can involve nightmares, influencing other people to fuck with you in freaky ways, etc.

Sometimes Satan uses dreams to tempt people to worry about being saved, if you are saved don't let anything contradict what you know about God

Oppression isn't influence.

This guy gets it.

Father Malachi Martin on the old Art Bell show used to scare the shit out of me talking about this stuff.

Probably. It would seem many positions of power are held by evil people, and that these evil people rarely recieve justice for their deeds.

Yes, it is real. While they are extremely powerful, they still cannot fuck with you without your consent. Also, be with Jesus Christ and they will not fuck with you. They go after weak people. People seeking power. People seeking wealth.

Being influenced is a type of oppression but there are many others, like possesion

Final Battle:

It's not demons vs humans you faggot. We cannot save ourselves. Only Jesus Chrost can save you. Repent.

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I have a schizo theory about it.
>the functioning part of the brain consists of neurons
>there's a dark matter/energy universe superimposed over our
>charges move through axons
>moving charges excite dark matter
>the dark universe has different laws and for humans it would seem immaterial
>the brain activity in this world transfers and translates in the immaterium
>emotions, ideas, thoughts and memories of people are constantly broadcasted to the other side
>demons, angels and spirits are real
>demons feed on negative thoughts, angels on positive, other spirits on specific ideas
>the brain is mostly a broadcasting unit but can be a receiver sometimes
>DMT and similar drugs can induce specific brain firing that enables receiving
>the inhabitants of the other side can only impact our world through the human mind
>through dreams and thoughts they impact human behavior
>all religions are based on the interaction with the dark universe
>since we are broadcasting out thoughs non stop we build ourselves in the dark universe
>Christianity teacher people to keep their thoughts pure so that we build good versions of ourselves in the dark world
>Buddhism has meditation which allows not to broadcast negative carnal thoughts and emotions
>there are different areas of the immaterium
>souls of vikings reside in the war oriented area and reminisce about splitting sculls and earthly victories
>souls of pure virgin nuns exist in a blissful happy and calm area
>souls of degerates reside in the hellish area, since they don't have bodies they are incapable of gaining bodily pleasure and remain blueballed for an eternity, always reminded of earthly pleasures and memories of fucking, doing drugs, eating tasty food, etc.
>souls of brilliant men reside in the autism realm where they joyfully sperg out and argue/discuss for an eternity

I also heard many people report seeing satanic activities going on at liberal parties. Really disturbing stuff.

>under certain circumstances humans can harness the power of the immaterium
>for example remote viewing that was studied by CIA is the process of gaining information using the immaterium
>satanic elites please demons to obtain power

Whoops, looks like you just made a typo. See you in hell for eternity lmao.

>they still cannot fuck with you without your consent.
This is absolutely not true, at least from a Catholic perspective.

Christ is the demon. Don't be fooled. He murders. He tortures. Punishes the weak, he begs you trade your finite existence for eternal punishment. Don't be a fool.

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Stop shilling against Christ and repent you kike filth

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true. my father had to perform exorcisms a couple times as a pastor. remember because i guess one of them was a family member of a close friend and deacon of the church. my dad had him come as a person aiding in prayer during the exorcism bu when he came into the room he immediately left and just stayed in his car. he saw somethin that shook him up pretty bad.

the Catholic church still performs exorcisms and apparently it is increasing dramatically. protestant pastors like my dad have done so as well, though some protestant pastors have no clue what to do and pften call on the Catholic church for help.

Hence the human sacrifices etc. The more depraved the people are willing to submit themselves to him the more Satan and his minions will offer gimmies.

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No, it's Jews. Now go take your medicine.

that would be the Father of Lies in the Bible, who is the Christian God, and not fucking Christ. the Christian God projects innocence while turning around to torture it

No worries, God forgives

this. it is God's will ultimately.

severe habitual sin, molestation, suicide and murder are examples of acts that can invite these demons too. in what i have studied, and could be wrong, but certain sins stand out oddly like arson or peeping toms/stalkers.

and yeah people to make pacts with demons. it is not good.

It is a bunch of factions fighting one another, some are of the Light aka good, most are of the Dark aka evil.

All the bad guys everyone knows about---ultra-rich Jews, the Black Pope & Jesuits, Anglo-Saxon elites, Masons, Chinese Dragon family, the Black Nobility. These ones use occult means & occult personalities to manipulate the world.

The good guys try to avoid occult practices but sometimes there's no choice. Faction Two is one of the good guys. Some interesting people in this group.

They're losing user.
Our Pleiadian brothers and sisters are coming. Not to save us, but because we're saving ourselves.

Yes. “The prince of this world”

sorry bro the cahals running the show are luciferians. look up elite pedo rings and ritual abuse. dont fixate too much time studying this stuff all the time as it can weigh on your soul. the evil is real, whether you believe it or not, these monsters worship/envoke fallen angels.

look into the Dutroux affair, finders cult, franklin scandal, and many others, and you will always find it. it is fucked up. we are in a spiritual war.

>>there's a dark matter/energy universe superimposed over our
Stopping reading there

How are you able to look at the horrors going on around you and not recognize the immediate smell of demonic stink?

Demons or entities, a figure that has a hybrid body of a human and a goat is getting brought back to society. You saw it on old paintings, old books and stories. They called it the devil then, and you can meet this entity yourself if you want to. They have recently made DMT popular by youtube, various news sites, more than likely reddit and Jow Forums too. You should try it and do a good dose too, you'll see the devil.

Jerry Marzinsky's experience suggests yes. Also, Isuspect a lot of elites have deals with them

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Jesus is coming to make things right.
The wrath of God was foretold in the book of Revelation, and this stuff is already coming to pass.

>Matt. 24:6 - 8
You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.

Place your trust in Him, and He will save.

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I'm not sure, I've been having a lot of apocalyptic themed dreams lately. Sounds creepy honestly user.

try this red pill out

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In more ways than one. The ones that have lost their corporeal form roam the earth looking for humans to prey on when it comes to trying to turn man against God, while the remnant of the Canaanites, who carry fallen angel DNA through the Rephaem, who ate and continue to eat human flesh, still control many world leaders behind closed doors.
Want an example of one of those hiding in plain sight? The photo of the Queen of England making nice with the huge "fat" guy whose skeletal frame is abnormally large.

I know what you're saying since I've thought the same thing after doing a shitton of DXM once, but I'm pretty sure it was just the drugs. I've always believed in demons though. If God is real then the devil has to be right?

From what I know of esotericism and mysticism, you're basically on the right track. The details might be fuzzy but you've got the gist of it. Idk enough to say if I agree with the mechanism you used to describe it, but the effects I agree with, look into gnosticism/neoplatonism/Hinduism if you haven't, might give you some more insight.

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It's a trick. Repent and pray.

Nice theory and I see it plausible.

>>souls of brilliant men reside in the autism realm where they joyfully sperg out and argue/discuss for an eternity
Extremely comfy.

What do you view as being the material world's utility in the point of view of the larger immaterial world? Are we a factory for specific kind of emotional energy, or everything across the spectrum? Does humanity produce something tangible in the immaterial world beyond energic sustenance? Is the reason why we must resist evil and live virtuous lives as material beings that it has lasting positive impact on the immaterial plane?

In the same sick biblical book we read also that Yahweh ordered his servant Josiah to sacrifice the foreign priests in their temples and burn their bones on the altars (1 Kings 13:1-3; 16:34)

The most shocking example of the practice of jehovitic sacrifice, however, is found in the Book of Judges according to which the Israelite judge Jephthah, after being instigated by the spirit of Yahweh, made a vow to his god promising that he would sacrifice in holocaust the first person to come out of his house in exchange for the victory in the war against the enemies of Israel (Judges 11:29-31). Yahweh fulfilled his promise and Jephthah came home victorious. However, unfortunately the first person who came out of his house was none other than his beloved daughter and the poor Jephthah, full of sadness, saw himself obliged to offer his own human offspring in holocaust to his depraved god (Judges 11:34-40)

sacrificial blood purifies everything and without the shedding of blood there is no remission (Hebrews 9:16-17; 9:22). In the end, the cult of Yahweh is a death cult and its founders and elites are completely perverse people, depraved, sick, demoniac, screwed up in the head and handed over to mental illness. They and their wicked god are the embodiment of pathological depravity.

>Stay away from Devil/Ahriman. Dont worship that faggot. He is evil

>Stay away that evil nigga who traps souls

>Stop worshiping the devil/abrahamic deity. He's an evil faggot

>Beware of the evil devil/anu, dont submit to the faggot

>Satan is God's loyal servant, doing God's work. Evil is divine and a core part of Yahweh. God is not good! Only the heretical goyim religions worship a god of Good

>Satan is god. Evil is divine. Satan rewards you with good if you submit and follow satan. Only idiots worship a god of Good

the Bible explains openly that Yahweh finds great delight in the gruesome and morbid sacrifices (Genesis 8:20-21; Leviticus 1:5-9; Numbers 18:17-19). It is as if he were fascinated by the immolation of innocent life. It is evident that the god of the Jews is a carnivorous entity of a predatory nature given that in Genesis he rejects the vegetable offering of Cain and takes delight in the animal sacrifice of Abel (Genesis 4:3-5). What is more, at times the ritual jehovitic sacrifices become huge bloodbaths of carnage. The first Book of Kings recounts that the jehovitic monarch Solomon and his royal priesthood sacrificed more than 22,000 oxen and 120,000 sheep in the temple of Yahweh in a time-frame of only two weeks (1 Kings 8:62-64). The Hebrew god has always had a thirst for immolated blood.

My point is that, if God is on the side of the Jews, then I can't see him as anything by my enemy
The Jews are a disgusting people. A terribly vindictive, destructive, hateful, greedy people
And it seems like they're right about God being on their side
But feel free to quote Torah verses, while that God's chosen people destroy us and work to enslave us
And yes, if the Jews are receiving help, then I absolutely will "rage" against that, because it's unjust, and I don't want to see my people extinct, or worse, turned into half breed mutts for the satisfaction of Jews.

Yahweh = Saturn, God of the Jews

read the Old Testament. The God described in that text demands sacrifice of first born everything - children and animals. Also blood sacrifices and circumcision on a regular basis. He hardened the heart of the Pharaoh in Exodus purposely so it would lead to the mass murder of all of Egypt's first born. He promises material wealth in exchange for obedience, in stark contrast to Jesus. It only gets worse the more you read the text.

It seems like Satan and his minions are working under a time clock to make things as hellish as possible beforehand so you're probably right.

To make matters worse, the god of the Hebrews is the original militaristic Zionist, since his plan for his Jewish people has always been Jewish world domination and the conquest of all the Gentile nations on earth (Psalm 2:8-9)

In the end, the Judeochristian deity Yahweh is, according to the Bible, a belligerent entity who takes delight in the slaughter of innocents and even demands the murder of small children and newborn infants. What kind of monster would be capable of asking for the killing of an innocent and defenseless baby? If some of you still believe that a degenerate kid-killer like Yahweh is a god of love and worthy of praise then you seriously lack honesty and have sacrificed your own humanity for a blatant lie

Any civilized person knows that the sacrifice of innocent life is something wholly immoral. In fact, for most people the ritual killing of living beings is a practice which is associated with the Satanic sects of our time. However, too many people have forgotten that animal sacrifice was always the main theme and essential lifeblood of biblical Judaism. The truth is that the jehovitic cult was characterized by the continuous immolation of beings. In the temples of Yahweh sacrifice was offered on a daily basis in order to appease his burning wrath and atone for the transgressions of the Mosaic law.

Yahweh demands human sacrifice, even if the Torah refuses to call it such
That's what it is when he orders an entire city put to the sword and consecrated to him.

>be god
>want to control souls
>spreads punishment/evil
>some humans want to avoid being a victim of punishment/evil
>god requests human worship him and offer the soul to god, in exchange for a sense of protection
>human offers blood sacrifices and worships the demon
>demon collects these souls in his house, in the afterlife

The Malevolence of Yahweh: The Divine Infamy

Today any sensible and reasonable person would think that religious acts such as the immolation of innocents in order to appease the wrath of a superior, ritual human sacrifice, the shedding of blood for the forgiveness of mistakes, the mass killing of children and newborns, the genocide of whole foreign towns and extreme warmongering are abominable and depraved crimes typical of a Satanic cult and perpetrated by only the most sick and demoniacally possessed people

Most normal people would believe that all the atrocities listed above are deeds of Satan himself. However, oddly the fact that all of those shocking practices were demanded by the biblical god of the primitive Hebrew religion, constituted the heart of the authentic Judaism and are documented abundantly in the Bible itself and attributed to Yahweh is apparently not very well known. In the end, upon analyzing the Old Testament texts in a honest and objective manner, one soon becomes aware that all the characteristics which are typically associated with the diabolical personage Satan are attributable to Yahweh, the god of Judeochristianity.

The Bible makes it abundantly clear that the god of the Hebrews is not a god of love but a violent, bloodthirsty and ruthless tyrant. If anyone still believes that the Judeochristian deity is a benevolent and loving entity they are only deceiving themselves, they have bought into a professional lie and are not being honest on an intellectual level. The Bible itself reveals that Yahweh is an authentic demon!

Judaism no means an authentic moral code, but rather an almost demonic manifesto whose real purpose is the consumption of humanity under the blood thirsty dictatorship of the cosmic predator

Did you do any huge wrong in your life ? If not, the you won't.

Live your life while never being afraid of the devil user, keep praying and keep believing in him.

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The biblical phrase 'cause to pass through the fire all that openeth the womb' is a reference to the child holocaust, a kind of sacrifice in which the victim was burnt completely and offered to Yahweh. According to the same prophetic book, Yahweh polluted the offerings of the people and made them immolate their own sons in the fire simply because the Hebrews hadn't observed the Sabbath or day of rest and some of them had made idols (Ezekiel 20:24). Thus is the twisted morality of the perverse god of the Jews!

'Wherefore I gave them also statutes that were not good, and judgments whereby they should not live; And I polluted them in their own gifts, in that they caused to pass through the fire all that openeth the womb, that I might make them desolate, to the end that they might know that I am Yahweh.' (Ezekiel 20:25-26).

The Bible exposes clearly that Yahweh is a wrathful and intolerant god (Psalm 78), warlike and militaristic (Exodus 13:3; Psalm 2:1-12; Deuteronomy 7:23-24), murderous (2 Kings 2:23-24), genocidal (Exodus 32:27-28; Deuteronomy 20:11-17), unmerciful and cruel (1 Samuel 15:2-3), treacherous (Ezekiel 20:25-26), infanticidal (Psalms 135:8; 137:9; Exodus 12:29) and drunken with his lust for gruesome sacrifice (Leviticus 1:5-9)

The truth is that a detailed study of the Hebrew Bible will reveal that jehovitic human sacrifice constituted a commonplace custom in the original Hebrew cult

This disgusting revelation shouldn't be any surprise for researchers who have a sound understanding of the history of the region of Palestine. Archaeological studies show that even in the second millennium BCE the semitic deity El, the king of the Levantine pantheon and precursor of the biblical El-Yahweh, was a god associated with ritual human sacrifice and whose cult was characterized by the holocaust of firstborn sons (Olyan, 1988ii). The same sacrificial cult would continue among the Hebrews in primitive Judaism (Smith, 2002iii). We see that gruesome sacrifice, both animal and human, was always deeply rooted in the original jehovitic religion. It is most likely that Yahweh not only enjoyed the sacrifices for his own entertainment but also needed them in order to feed off their energy on an astral level. Let's remember that throughout history certain esoteric schools such as the Gnostics taught that the malevolent demiurge Yaldabaoth, associated with the Hebrew god Yahweh, and his predatory Archons fed off human suffering and the energy transfered via the demiurgic religious cults.

In Exodus, the second book of the Pentateuch, we find a bone-chilling reference to the practice of Hebrew ritual infanticide ordered by Yahweh himself in which the Hebrews loyal to their god had to consecrate (sacrifice) their firstborn sons as an offering to their lord, just like they were used to immolating the first offspring of their cattle, with the purpose of commemorating the killing of the firstborn males in Egypt by Yahweh (Exodus 13:2; 13:12-15)

In Leviticus, the third book of the Pentateuch, the same bloodthirsty god explains that no owned man, animal or field that is the property of a Jew and has been consecrated to him can be ransomed and will die without remission definitely (Leviticus 27:28-29). Let's note that in some translations of the Bible they put a footnote at the bottom of the page which says that in the original language the expression 'consecrate' refers to 'an offering for the god Yahweh', which makes it clear that the biblical deity enjoyed the sacrifice of men

In the first Book of Kings, a chronicle of the primary history of the Hebrew people, we see that in primitive Judaism Yahweh tended to ask for the immolation of the lives of the sons of the Hebrews for the sanctification of cities at the time of their construction (1 Kings 16:34). Biblical archeology reveals that the barbaric practice of burying the bodies of immolated children in the foundations of buildings was very commonplace in the regions of Megiddo, Jericho and Guerer in Palestine when the Hebrews dwelt (B.A. Turaiev, 'El Oriente Clásico'i).

if only jesus were to return already

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It's Jews all the way down anons

Fractal Jewry

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boomer christposters may be the worst thing on this site, and thats saying a lot

>that same typical focus on Yahweh and complete avoidance of Jehovah
It's all so tiresome. If you types of anons like this are so smart, why do you focus so much on the words themselves and not the actions? Remove all the chatter and just look at the examples of behavior. Does Jesus Christ reflect the same actions in response to things as the proposed OT God? No, he doesn't. He never refers to Him by any other way than Father either, other than when He is in the moment overcome with sin from taking on the world's sin in it's entirety, past present and future, and at that time he refers to Him as God. In the entirety of the bible the only things Jesus Christ calls God is God and Father. Yet you ALL overlook this.

I talk about this for about an hour on CHN with bellagio sampler.

The industrial revolution is a direct result of demonic influence.

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This is true, it's the final pill actually. I've been here on Jow Forums since 09


>(Exodus 13:2

Sanctify =/= sacrifice. It's the same as consecrate. If you read in numbers 6, there's a vow of a Nazarite wherein an individual is consecrated to the Lord.

This is, to be made separate from the world and devoted to the Lord.

You lie when you say things as thus.

how can I tell if my mom was a demon?

ai is the "body"

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Are you seeking council from Anonymous?

>I heard it's actually really bad, like every non-white is possessed and many whites especially meds and Slavs are also possessed. Those not possessed are usually oppressed. The church is probably compromised too

This is actually pretty close to the truth. More people than we think are possessed or heavily influenced. Many of us are oppressed.

The demonic world is similar to that of an animal kingdom with different species all with class and rank.

The most powerful control whole dominions with their influence and play games with, joust with, or ally with neighboring demonic dominions.

At the head of these dominions or stronghold the most power reside, those being the children of the sky, none other than the fallen angels. Where Lucifer is the most feared. Not so much praised as a king, though some of the demonic do hold him in such esteem, but more closely similar to the Ogre in Baki or Orochi in One Punch Man. The most evil and powerful so therefore the most feared and those who are feared always have a following.

The church is absolutely compromised. There are a slim few who teach anything close to the absolute truths of scripture. Most are teaching lies wrapped in deceit smothered in ignorance.

I have seen much better forms of truth or at the very least a closer connection to the Holy Spirit out of individuals like this one:

Though of course not everything we all agree on. but many of his truths are intellectually researched and given much evidence for believing.

I particular found interest on his views on Paul. Which makes the Holy Scriptures much more interesting indeed.

Spiritual warfare is a combination of faith, righteousness through obeying Yahweh, prayer, using the authority of the name of Yahshua. It also involves knowing the enemy and how it operates. Many rules and regulations when it comes to the spiritual realm.

There's no such thing as demons you dipshit

>tfw when you realize that 40K is real

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Woah, just like Stranger Things!

yes absolutely,

You are undoubtly 100% dealing with demonic oppression everyday. Everyone should be. The demonic realm is similar to that of an animal or insect kingdom with all different species. They're associated to different types of sins but it goes much deeper. There are rules and regulations for the spiritual realm. Portals, curses, etc.

You can see them with your minds eye at times and sometimes see them out right.

Would you go to hell for being a good person but not believing?
Or would you just be stuck in purgatory

they're called jews

Yaweh is not the Cristian god, yaweh is the God of jews wich where the synagogue of Satan, my theory after studying religious mythos is that yaweh is moloch, but you already knew that

Western countries legalize anything from abortion to euthanasia, most of them completely separate the Church from the state, as well as produce all kinds of harmful media, and as the years go on less and less of them want to settle down and have families, but the ones that really are possessed are the non-whites. Yeah right