Hello my frens

Hello my frens
I live in a peace of shit commie degenerate place known as Cuba, but luckily I can get US citezen ship if arrive at the US and seek political asylum.
>now I need some help finding the best way of getting out from here

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we're full

Give me your fucking DNA if your not 99.99% fucking white your going in the concentration camps. Oh and no paddies.

Attached: downloadfile.jpg (474x356, 30K)

I’m not a bitch spic my guy
I’m extremely redpilled and support trump I just want to work hard and make some money then comeback And help my family

Holy shit half life 2, haven’t seen that in forever but the minute I saw that ramp and handle bars I knew.
Oh and fuck off we're full. Go be a commie somewhere else rebel scum.

You should go south, land in Venezuela, and assassinate that busdriving fuckhead who is trying to make another shithole.

See this Does Not help the USA. You full well admit you just want to help yourself and your family and literally Leech off our country. That money you hoard and exfil Hurts America. TL;DR FUCK Off we are full.

>mixed race
>Half white half brown
Don’t worry about me fucking your women I have a brown gf and she’s coming with me

Fuck you nigger
I got kicked out of school for wearing a maga hat

Venezuela ? Lol i rather get castrated by Castro