Radical leftist asians state nothing wrong with eating dogs

My favorite subreddit strikes again, this time unironically defending the eating of dogs and for some strange reason comparing it to pedophilia. I've never heard of the major associations of pedophilia amongst whites compared to other races.

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don't worry we'll crush the insects if our hand is ever forced


What the fuck's wrong with eating dogs lol. You're fucking stupid, I want a logical appeal, not just "oh well I have a dog and this makes me sad"

with your 5 round sks?

Dogs are for eating

explain to me how eating a dog is morally worse than any other animal

Hang them Nuke them Salt the land Destroy this insect culture.

dogs have honor

Personally I don't have objection with people eating dogs. The objection is that they are tortured cause better taste.

prove it

dogs have more use than just eating them. its a waste. same with horses.

Explain how me running over your kids drunk as fuck is less preferable to someone else's kids getting the old glug glug vroom vroom thump thump

I think killing them is less of a waste then playing around with them until their meat gets old, there are more practical animals to eat but dog tastes pretty good I must admit

Humans are obligated to protect human life in order to continue our species, anyone equating the life of a dog to the life of your own species is even more mentally challenged than a race traitor


This is Jow Forums.

Fuck dogs.

If you touch a single hair on a cat, the internet hate machine will re-mobilize and destroy you.


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This. Dogs aren't just parasites like cats. We have bred them and trained them for thousands of years. They literally are man's best friend. Eating a dog when it's not absolutely necessary is savage behavior because it shows you lack the intelligence to see the value of a trainable animal companion. Also, there are far better sources of meat like pigs and cattle. The fact that dogs clearly demonstrate loyalty and affection towards humans is another reason although it's less important.


There's nothing wrong with eating dogs. If it doesn't kill you and also provides nutrients it's ok to eat it.
The problem is they don't just eat them, they boil them alive whole, skin them alive, beat them to death with blunt objects, keep them in filthy inhumane conditions, chop their limbs, knife their necks/guts.

But we're talking about people who, until recently, considered cannibalism delicatessen.

t. sociopathic bugman

I think we should only be allowed to eat dogs that were bred to be genetic abominations like poodles and pugs.

Could be worse I could be british

It doesn't take a radical to think this.

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This is an appeal to past labor, if it helps you hunt or something then fine but once you taste dog you 'll realize its totally worth it

Snacks don't care about your feelings

>have so many strays that shelters have to kill them and everyone says to spay and neuter your pets
>can't eat the extras

This is what I wanted to say

>unironically defending the eating of dogs
They just do this because they are instinctively trying to defend their culture to outsiders. If you ask them if they would personally eat dog, they'll back off because they know its wrong.
>No, I don't. I just don't like it! But its not wrong!

How the fuck is it wrong lol I still can't get an answer

Do you eat dog?

I've had it a few times yeah

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It is not wrong to eat with dogs, faggot.

Dogs are great for guarding your property, they are great for teaching kids responsibility, they are great for mental health reasons. There are some breeds that are useless but still it's not a good food source. I would wager the same people that want us to eat dogs also want us to start eating bugs, and eventually they start talking about the wonderful health benefits of eating your children. The fact is that there are some things that society does, that may seem arbitrary, but they are not arbitrary because they separate us from the savages. These are the social customs that keep us from falling back into chaos.

Their man's best friend for a reason. Have you ever had a dog? There is something kind of retarded about people who seem to not understand why people like dogs.

Gtfo to china though nigger.

If I see a gook cooking a dog on the way home for work I'm not calling 911 I'm going to [redacted] the gook.

>not one mention of torture in that thread

What the fuck is wrong with expelling Jews lol? You're fucking stupid, I want a logical appeal, not just "oh well they told me stories where they dindu nuffin and everyone was mean to them so fuck having a functional society and shit".

When there are too many dogs without said purposes (and there are) its time to start eating them. The rest of your post is just some slippery slope fallacy/"you don't want to be called a savage by me, now do you?" bullshit

I agree. People who don't like dogs are just strange. They have something missing inside them, probably a soul.

sorry i didnt realize you are an insectoid... at least youre not a hypocrite

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sorry this was meant for

Why exactly is eating dogs worse than eating literally any other animal?

I'm vegetarian myself and it boggles my mind when you meat-eating fucks eat about 5 animals a day then get mad when the Chinese eat Fido. Have you considered that if the slaughter and consumption of a particular animal bothers you so much maybe you shouldn't be eating animals at all?

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Can you tell me something wrong with eating dogs or not

This is where I draw the fucking line. Leave my doggos alone you fucking chinks. Eat cats if you want

you have a point but you can create a stronger personal bond with a dog than you would a chicken.. different types and levels of consciousness

When did I advocate animal cruelty?

What do you think happens in a slaughterhouse?

Do you think in the west all the animals just peacefully fall asleep, let the butcher take their excess meat and go on to live long happy lives at the same farm childhood pets go to?

>slippery slope
Living in 2019 you'd have to be a real moron to think that slippery slopes are fallacies. You start breaking down societies morals and ethics one by one until eventually you end up in chaos.

Dumb argument. We domesticated dogs for utility and companionship. We domesticated cattle and chickens for food. There is a reason for this, it wasn't just a random arbitrary choice.

Pigs, Chicken, Sheep and Cows have been bred for comsumption for 40 thousands years. Dogs have been bred to be our companion, friend and even life saving comrade not as a foodsource you limp wristed sòy swilling faggot.

We would be better off just culling people like you desu. It would probably be a massive net gain, much more than getting rid of stray dogs.

Ok let me tell you I'm fine with eating dogs and not children, do you like that response better?

Someone's awfully butthurt but still there is nothing wrong with eating dogs, don't try to pin some "well some dogs are boiled alive" bullshit on me. I never said anything about accepting all conditions.

It's cool, you have that kinda nigger mentality. Where your deformed sense of morality views dogs like livestock, it's cool subhuman.

Man, they are carnivores, so its risky to eat them, some diseases carried only in carnivores. Not to mention how Chinese kill them.
Moreover its cheaper to bred pigs or chikens to eat then dog, its economically ineffective.
Conclusion - chinese make asians look barbaric, to hell with them, i be back to eating horse

cats were pest control, dogs were good for hunting small animals.

And another thing dogs being carnivorous make a horrible foodsource because their meat is extremely stringy and more prone to parasites because they consume strictly raw meat, whereas natural farm animals are all herbivores with no risk of parasites and have better meat with fat to muscle ratio. That's why dogs were never bred for the intention of food until modern day insects like chinamen came to be.

I just got back from walking my tiny six pound dog and these old Somali women sitting on a bench got really tense and recoiled whenever my dog got within 5 feet of them. I know they're religious retards, but I find it strange nonetheless.

The chinese are a massive detriment to the world, everyone would be way better off if china was just dogs.
Suck my cock

The potential for bonding itself doesn't justify not eating dogs, pigs are very smart and social animals that make great pets with very strong attachments to their owners but the average westerner still eats plenty of pork. At best it justifies not eating your own dog but I doubt the Chinese know any more about the dogs they eat than you do about the animals in your fridge.

Based Russian bro. There's a reason we never domesticated carnivore animals for the intention of food because of parasites and disease the same way we don't domesticate or consume chimp meat until niggers and insectoids of the modern era came to be.

finally got around to reading this. Wtf is with the whites molesting kids crap? That came out of nowhere and of course reddit as usual doesn't challenge it. This disgusting redditor actually made one good point when she said
>Food dogs are different from pet dogs
That is at least more reasonable then we should just start eating dogs. If there is a breed of dog that makes a better food source then a companion or worker, then there isn't anything wrong with eating it. But there are still better food sources in my opinion.

They breed specific species of dog for consumption, they don't fucking eat god damn chihuahuas.


The breed is also dumb as a brick.

Dog's were never bred to be a foodsource sòy swiller.

That's something I didn't know but it makes a lot of sense. Good job for being smart anons.

Tell me why we shouldn't eat stray dogs, the more emotion I see from everybody attacking me the more confident I am that I'm right and the more I start craving dog. yourlogicalfallacyis.com/ad-hominem

I'm not chinese lol

By that logic, we should be eating mutts as well.
Here you go, world hunger solved.

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>eating a stray
What do you want to get rabies or something? That's way more savage then breeding them as a food source. You need to go back to the jungle, you don't belong here.

I guess you can just eat human babies as well based on that logic

Dogs were not bred and raised to be food. They are tools and companions to humans to hunt for food, for protection, for war, etc. Today they are used for therapy, bomb sniffing, detecting drugs, finding survivors in massive catastrophic accidents, etc. Its also why we do not eat horses.

Cows, pigs, chickens, etc are all built and bred to be food. Milk, beef, eggs, etc. Everything about them is one way or another, food and consumption related.

Fucking bugmen everywhere.

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>nothing wrong with eating dogs
They burn/boil cats and dogs alive tho

Give me a logical reason to why you would eat a carnivore that has the potential to kill you, not just"OHH NO, IT"S MUH CULTUR MISTAH WHITE MAN"

yeh the boil them alive in oil and store them alive in tinny crates

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fuck you gweilo

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>hurr they weren’t intended to be food so it’s wrong
>chikin intended to be food so it’s right

Do you realize just how fucking stupid you sound.

The mental gymnastics you flesh eating faggots go to to justify yourselves if mind boggling

It’s either all right or it’s all wrong

Pick a fucking side

We should promote this among Asians. Let them be the final solution to the pibble question.


>Subhuman bugman chink trying to cope
Hold my sides.

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Dog owners are disgusting. Literally the niggers of pet owners.

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They steal people's pets and eat them too. Face it, chinks are subhuman. There's a reason everyone hates them, even other Asians.

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>muh dogz have honor
Jesus christ no wonder you let the jews gain control with your autism. There is nothing wrong with eating dogs.

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Are you white? We- your ancestors- created dogs.

just chipping away at western tradition one bit at a time
it has no other meaning than destroying that which the white man is used to
anything that takes away from the white man is right and good
dogs have nothing to do with this question

>Pigs, Chicken, Sheep and Cows have been bred for comsumption for 40 thousands years. Dogs have been bred to be our companion, friend and even life saving comrade not as a foodsource you limp wristed sòy swilling faggot.
>Dumb argument. We domesticated dogs for utility and companionship. We domesticated cattle and chickens for food. There is a reason for this, it wasn't just a random arbitrary choice.
a)This is a non-argument. The existential purpose of an animal isn't whatever humans bred it to do, it's well suited for what humans have bred it to do but that isn't the existential purpose of its life. They're not inanimate objects, they're living beings with lives of their own that we should respect.
b)Even if animals should be considered as if they were inanimate objects this still wouldn't be an argument against eating dog. A TV is made for watching TV, that doesn't mean you can't use your TV as a footrest if you so wish since it's your property and you can do whatever the fuck you want with it.
c) The Chinese actually do breed dogs specifically for the meat market and have been doing so for a very long time.
d) The fact that we've been breeding animals purely for slavery and consumption for thousands of years only makes it even more reprehensible, it doesn't make it okay. Pedophilia was also the norm throughout human history until the 19th/20th century, this doesn't mean it's okay to fuck kids.

Muslim detected

I never said I'd eat it raw, no rabies to worry about. You're another emotional dog owner who just can't come to terms with logic. The majority is usually wrong, but no I'm going to stay here and try to get people to think critically before I give up and go to the jungle.

Holy fuck you are delusional.

See, there's nothing wrong...

shitskins like you would defend eating people if there weren't health effects

go back to asia

>Owning a cat
>Whole apartment smells like piss
>A literal 20 IQ autist trapped in a feline body

Yeah, you're the nigger, tranny.

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I see that brain parasite is kicking in

>They steal people's pets and eat them too
>Face it, chinks are subhuman

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I see nothing wrong with this. Malthus was right all along