Was Aleister Crowley against Abortion?

The Confessions: “I consider criminal abortion in any circumstances soever as one of the foulest kinds of murder. Apart from anything else, it nearly always ruins the health of the woman, when it fails to kill her. The vigour of my views on this point strengthens my general attitude on the question of sexual freedom. I believe that very few women, left to themselves, would be so vile as to commit this sin against the Holy Ghost; to thwart the deepest instincts of nature at the risk of health and Life, to say nothing of imprisonment. Yet criminal abortion is one of the commonest of crimes and one most generally condoned by what I must paradoxically call secret public opinion. And the reason is that our social system makes it shameful and punishable by poverty for a woman to do what evolution has spent ages in constructing her to do, save under conditions with which the vast majority of women cannot possibly comply. The remedy lies entirely with public opinion. Let motherhood be recognized as honourable in itself, and even the pressure of poverty would not prevent any but a few degenerate women, with perverse appetites for pleasure, from fulfilling their function. In the case of such it would indeed be better that they and their children perish.”

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Not sure. He was a big fan of NASA though.

Bu the way, you still have to post your nose for that other thread.


He believed in the rights of the individual, and that the human form was valuable at any and all stages of development.

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I believed in the nonexistent of human rights, and that the human form is not valuable at any and all stages of development.

Praise kek!

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Jack Parsons worked along side Nazis at NASA. Imagine the thelemites working with Nazis. What a strange world.

Master Therion is surprisingly based at times though his followers thinks he holds outdated 'misogynistic' and 'racist' views so they pozzed thelema

Yes. In large part because Crowley wasn’t exactly the anarchist lunatic people think he was. He was a patriotic quasi-fascist whose worldview stems from an understanding of, and respect for, a dead-set natural order. ‘Do ast thou whilst’ is an order to abide by one’s function in the broader whole of society, in accordance with one’s nature. Women, being meant to bear and nurture children, violate their true will by destroying that which embodies their will.


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Dear Candida

According to your last letter – although I may be able to give you valuable technical advice from time to time – still you have probably reached the point where your guidance – in terms of that necessary for an appropriate decision – is adequate for your needs.

However, since Rome is such a new center, I wonder if it would not be worth your while to spend a little time there. It is only one of the three centers of opposition. I don’t see how you will meet destiny in Guadalahara – on the other hand you might – or in Oshkosh, Minsk, Flatbush or any other place you may decide to go. This is quite uninspired – as it should be – it is really not my concern at all.

After all, the other name of Armageddon will not be written until the morning of Ragnarok, when at last Her banner is unfolded before the armies. This part of the prophecy I have never told, and do not know that I ever shall. So far it has been quite literal. I suppose I shall see that bloody sunset, just as I have seen the rest. Well, I can change nothing, nor do I care to. What is loosed is loosed, and well loosed. All the rest calls for redemption; and nature moves inexorably towards a balance. If I am used in that work – however ill used – I am glad of it.

Correspondence between Jack Parsons and his “Elemental” Marjorie Cameron

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O.T.O member here, can confirm.

Parsons was a kike that went to go work for Israel. He earned his early death.

Crowley on Fascism:

The “common-sense” program of Fascism:

For sometime I had interested myself in Fascismo which I regarded with entire sympathy even excluding its illegitimacy on the ground that constitutional authority had become to all intents and purposes a dead letter. I was delighted with the common sense of its programme and was especially pleased by its attitude towards the Church. . . . I was also convinced of the importance of the movement and of its almost immediate success. I did my utmost to persuade Austin Harrison of the soundness of my judgment. (Confessions, chapter 95)

Mussolini’s “delightful” Fascists:

The Fascisti patrolling the railway were delightful. They had all the picturesqueness of opera brigands. They were armed with a most miscellaneous assortment of weapons. (Confessions, chapter 95)

The Fascists’ behavior was “admirable”:

I was consequently amazed to hear of the coup d’état. Rome was wild with enthusiasm. The Fascisti swarmed all over the city. I thought their behaviour admirable. They policed the towns and suppressed any attempted breach of the peace with the utmost efficiency; but for all that my first doubts disturbed my pleasure in the victory. I thought Mussolini was acting rashly in overthrowing the constitutions. Not only was a reaction certain to follow, as always when success is not the final flowering of regular growth, but I foresaw that Mussolini would be obliged to play politics just as fatally as his predecessors in order to survive the first few crises of his government. My apprehension has proved only too true. Almost at once, he had to sell his soul to the Vatican in whom a real statesman would have recognized his most dangerous foe. (Confessions, chapter 95)

The only thing that changed Crowley’s mind about Italian Fascism was Mussolini’s alliance with the Church:

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I already outed you as jewish in the other thread. Just post nose and get over with it.

During the winter I heard nothing from the outer world, but when I went to Naples in April I found that my worst anticipations had been exceeded. The price of power had proved exorbitant. Mussolini was bankrupt. He had been compelled to purchase papal support . . . I began immediately to write epigrams against Mussolini . . . (Confessions, chapter 95)

Crowley, although a degenerate was very much against abortion.

His oft quoted chapter on blood sacrifice is really a metaphor for masturbation. I told you he was a degenerate! dude churned butter all the time.

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888 is by the way, a number for Christ.

‘The Black Messiah’

Note: We DO NOT accept HB’s recent line that this was not written by Crowley. It is a cynical revision designed to shut down any criticism of Crowley being a white supremacist. There is no proof of what HB has said in defense. It is, at best his opinion, not backed up by any evidence.

AC on the menace of “inferior races”:

There is one salient fact of to-day to which Europe and America can not shut their eyes. It is the surreptitious agitation of the inferior races, those whom evolution left behind – the negro and negroid types period. This menace grows with every year.

Indian immigration to France as a serious a threat:

When Punjabi Sipahis talk among themselves of France, they . . . boast that when the time is ripe they will go over and take possession of those fertile plains, and live in that delightful climate. I will not make the reader’s blood boil with indignation by hinting at the fouler designs implied. This is only one crude illustration of a gigantic movement which is actually in progress – a far more serious menace than the old terror of the ‘Yellow Peril’.

Europeans as superior:

The campaigning against the supremacy of the higher races is therefore carried on, at the present time, by subtly undermining the spiritual bastions of Europe and America.

The Theosophists felt confident in proclaiming Krishnamurti the world teacher because they thought the white races had lost their courage and nobility:

They would hardly dare to attempt to put over so blatant and obscene a fraud; if they had not good reason for doubting whether there remained at the bottom of the hearts of the white civilised races, their ancient courage and inherited nobility.

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Checked and Keked. I gotta convert back to being a Christ cuck.

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93 my bossanovafag!

The female statue on the left is Isis. The male statue is Ra. The jewish God is Elohim. Is Ra El. The three persons in one God according to jews. It's how the name Israel is derived. Occultistism is jewish tricks.

Gonna post your nose yet jew?

During your repo..

Why did they repossess your car? Why didn't you make your payments?

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The lowest Europeans are seduced by the “inferior races”:

The appeal of the inferior races is, perhaps, a taint of atavism in our blood. Those weary spirits among us who despair of life, who fear to fall from the long ladder of evolution; are always ready to listen to the siren calls of the bestial. From the sentimental Yogi to the jazz band, the soft luxurious mire attracts those degenerate types who have forgotten their manhood and their womanhood.

The white race must defend itself, “and reconquer our foregone prestige and mastery”:

The grotesque the atricalities of the renegade Annie Besant, the Barnum of the buck Messiah Krishnamurti, must serve to sharpen the will of the white race; not only to defend itself; but to sally forth once more as in the spacious days of Good Queen Bess, and reconquer our foregone prestige and mastery.

Which way, white men and women?

White men and women must choose between these alternatives: Will they yield, content to be the black man’s slave, after having been his master? or will they stand to, and reply by an energetic spiritual reaction, which will restore the threatened equilibrium of the races?

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Stop following jew cults for one

I think you want the girl from Ipanema's nose.

The white race must defend itself, “and reconquer our foregone prestige and mastery”:

The grotesque the atricalities of the renegade Annie Besant, the Barnum of the buck Messiah Krishnamurti, must serve to sharpen the will of the white race; not only to defend itself; but to sally forth once more as in the spacious days of Good Queen Bess, and reconquer our foregone prestige and mastery.

Which way, white men and women?

White men and women must choose between these alternatives: Will they yield, content to be the black man’s slave, after having been his master? or will they stand to, and reply by an energetic spiritual reaction, which will restore the threatened equilibrium of the races?

AC claims to be the “champion” of the white race:

The white champion has appeared, He who, under the aegis of the Spiritual Masters of the planet, has proclaimed the Law of Thelema, the Law of Love, comprehended and directed by Will: the Law which bids each man pursue the proper orbit of his destiny, and develop himself around his own true centre of Light, will bring back welfare to his own race, and establish Peace with Victory upon the Earth.”

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Less aborts = more white kids to rape ritual.

Crowley on "The Jewish Problem"
The Jewish Problem Re-Stated
by a Gentile
[Aleister Crowley]

A distinguished article entitled "The Cry of the Modern Pharisee," by the Rev. Joel Blau, of Temple Peni-El, New York City, which recently appeared in The Atlantic Monthly, posed the Jewish problem in new dimensions. In America, where this problem is growing acute, wide interest was aroused. I quote a few passages which are characteristic.

"It is depressing to see the Jewish problem discussed, even by Jews, from without and not from within, as if its inner aspect did not matter; at all events, as if this were something in which the world at large need take no interest, it being the concern of a few Jewish zealots only. Over against this mistaken position these very Jewish zealots, who are far from obsolete, claim that the only way to solve the Jewish problem is from within. Find the right solution for the internal problem of the Jew, and the external problem, created by the persistence of anti-Semitism, will solve itself."

". . . he [the Pharisee] would rather lose the whole world than lose aught of the riches of his soul.

". . . As for pride, he admits it, yet holds himself guiltless. For pride is no sin, except when one will not live up to it.

"It [pride] is compounded of a clear knowledge of one's place, a consciousness of both powers and limitations, and a desire to participate wholeheartedly in the passionate business of living. This pride is the child of reverence, the last summing-up of the sanctities of Individuality.

"Its presence is the distinguishing sign of divinely stubborn men, 'terribly meek,' who inherit the earth--and heaven, too.

"Of peoples too, even as of persons, the same holds true; modesty is a sin in any people. The chief duty that a people owes both itself and the world is reverence for its own soul, the mystic centre of its being. . . .

"Personality spells the mystery of mysteries--the last word of life for which all the worlds and all the ages are in ceaseless travail."

"The Jew must be led back to the Discovery of the Jewish Soul."

Despite these utterances, we find elsewhere in the essay that the only practical solution in view is repatriation. A physical Zion is contemplated, and this proposal implies the very materialism which the learned Rabbi deplores as the mark of the modern Sadducee. Now the division between Jew and Gentile dates only from Abraham. The children of uncircumcision no less than those of the Covenant are of the seed of Adam, of mankind. It was by means of the secret tradition of the Hebrews that the leader of the hosts of the new Law obtained "the knowledge and conversation of his Holy Guardian Angel," whose words constitute the whole Law. This Law is the master-key to the Future of Mankind, and the learned Rabbi, being a master in Israel, is able to interpret the Zeitgeist intuitively. Accordingly, he exhibits a profound comprehension of this Law; indeed, he actually expresses some of its corollaries in various phrases.

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