The Dutroux Affair

I did a deep dive tonight after the Epstein news and ended up reading Regina Loufs testimony about the Dutroux Affair.

Its all real, isnt it? The world really is run by satanic pedophile kikes and their shabbos goys. Im refunding my ticket Jow Forums, I dont care what it costs me I just want off this ride.

How do I go back

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Eyes Wide Shut
True Detective
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Twin Peaks

You can never go back user. That is the horror, you have discovered the truth, by your own merit and intuition. It wasn't fed to you, nobody gave you pictures with red lines and walls of text, you sought it out and read it for yourself. The world is going to become bleaker and bleaker to you from here on out, because this isn't the end, no you just discovered the rabbit hole and you will follow it. Down into the depths of the abyss that is our world, you will here the words: "don't forget, you're here forever"

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Want to learn something even funnier? The ''Jews'' have become so spiritually corrupt and different from their ancestral roots, not including the dilution of their lineages and loss of canons, that they are so by name only.

fitting that the secret corrupt leaders of the world are from a secretly corrupt religion that has basically been high jacked by heretics for the last few thousand years. God know what else could be going on internally, who knows, maybe the Orthodox or some more eldritch branch know far more of the nation origin than they let out. At this point not really surprised with anything, the last few years have been hella interesting. South Korea shadow cult, Pizzagate, Gamergate, five eyes, sex cult being brought to light left and right. The future looking bright imo

Franklin Scandal
Dutroux Affair
Clinton Foundation Haiti trafficking
Satanic Ritual Murder (widespread)
“Blood libel” - jewish ritual rape and murder

It dates back to Phoenician and Babylonian practices, worshipping a bull (Moloch). Moloch may be mixed up with Baal, depending on the source. Saturn/Chronos worship is more or less the same. It all revolves around jews torturing, raping and killing children.

You’re very late to the party, user.
Kek helped us kill Moloch years ago.

Even the oldest old testament jews were conniving, back-stabbing, incestuous, and genocidal freaks.
They are a poisoned race and they always have been.

I discovered about this whole thing a few years ago and almost had panic attacks at times, I couldn't walk around the house without feeling intense paranoia.

It passes though, eventually you accept the world was created randomly and therefore inhumae things will happen.

Now I am an absurdist hedonist who ignores the evil things of the world.