I ask anyone from the NYPD reading this right now to release the HRC tapes

This country has bled long enough.

I own two large websites. I also have two insiders at Facebook that have access to the source code at Facebook. One simple message I could have those videos worldwide in seconds.

I know none of you have access to resources to get this information out. So please send me the videos. I will forward them to two people at Facebook who have access to the source code.

Please upload to Anonfiles which I own.

The world is waiting. We are done with the sick shit happening to children.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Two of the NYPD detectives who saw the footage on Weiner's laptop were murdered for it. I am sure they are being careful now.

> I also have two insiders at Facebook that have access to the source code at Facebook

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My dad works at Nintendo and if you don't release the papers then he's gonna reset your points to 0 in Mario Kart.

Shit larp thread.

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Roll for NYPD to save country

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there are ants working at the NYPD?

I remember those fake videos.

They're afraid!

Pedo's are going to swing!

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I dont think anyone who saw the vids is still alive user.

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