Tell me why you think Russia is the greatest nation on earth

Tell me why you think Russia is the greatest nation on earth.

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You’re really going at removing kebab

You were alot more menacing as the Soviet union

Fuck Russia and fuck you

The only white superpower. America exports nigger culture and is overrun by Mexicans.

The only superpower lead by a man with blue eyes.

Mendeleev who invented the periodic table of elements. All the other contributions to science despite very harsh weather and constant wars. Not to mention Russian literature and music.

Slava Rossiya!

Russian women are degenerate sluts. They'll date any nigger outside of Russia.

No such thing, Russia died with the tsars

Every russian woman i've met was pure gold in her own way and they all were virgins.

Put a Tsar on the throne and it’s The greatest nation.

Because communism

As my Russian sales agent would explain ...

>Why?! Because ...

visit Moscow, lol.
remove kebab, lmao, the funniest thing I've ever heard. According to new immigration laws I rather believe our government is going to remove Russians for the sake of cheap and stupid kebabs from near countries.

russia is a shithole

the duality of man

It was under Czar Alexander II.

I'm pretty sure that canadian incel thinks women in porn are real women.

won the space race

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You do realise they are filled with muslims?

actually has culture and history, unlike some others

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Nope, know multiple Eastern Europeans married to black/Indian/ Asian men.

It's the only true mutt nation.

Russia is a Chaotic Good country and you got a interesting history and you guys got real street cred.

For Canada? Well, we're a bunch of faggots.

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