No welfare is not socialist

>no welfare is not socialist
>welfare is only possible in state capitalism
>sweden and norway are state capitalists

>no, socialism is not having state run buisnesses
>socialism is giving workers the control over the means of production
>Does venezuela do that?
>Does china do that?
>Did the USSR do that?
>Do democrats do that?
>Did Hillary propose that?
>Does Bernie sanders propose that?
>Does sweden do that?
>The clear answer is no
>No control over the means of production=not socialist
>sorry but thats the truth, you cant blame it for the failure of "socialist" countries neither for the welfare state
>Its not that socialism only works when we think that is socialism,, socialim is workers control over the means of production, either by banning private property or making new laws for it to happen, neither of those have been done or proposed by the countries and polititians I mentioned

>No marxism isnt the same as Leninism and socialism isnt the same as communism, neither marx or lenin were socialists.

>want proof it can work at a big scale well open google and see how mondragon corporation is doing, open another tab and look for the spanish revolutionary movement and how they managed to make a prosperous socialist state with good healthcare and education
>want to know the reason socialism isnt still a thing?
>blame globalists, blame the united states,blame the CIA for exterminaing these movements with violence and replacing it with US backed dictatorships and/or state run capitalism
>want to know whats really dangerous for democracies?
>guess what the US is doing about it... you almost guessed it, nothing as long as those regimes are beneficient for them, is socialism beneficient for their empire? you guessed it again no

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All this text doesn't need to be green

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well its never gonna happen, you coward, show your flag and maybe I will

>I write a paragraph... Look how intchullectual I am about defending one of the most failed ideologies in human history

Not a marxist, next

You polfags really know how to get around the argument when not knowing what to respond

>blame globalists, blame the united states,blame the CIA for exterminating these movements with violence and replacing it with US backed dictatorships and/or state run capitalism

No socialist state that has ever existed, whether it was the USSR, PRC or even tiny Albania saw its socialism overthrown by the CIA, no matter how hard they tried. In each of those, socialism was undermined from within, from internal contradictions within their Parties. The CIA of course has their fingers in every one of the capitalist restorations in these countries for sure, and we will surely know more details in the future. But all they did was support rightist opportunists that were already running their countries down the capitalist road.

2011 format?

>HURRRRRR THEYRE THE REAL (insert devil economy here), WE'RE THE REAL (insert benevolent economy here)!
>DURRRRRR, NUH-UH! THEYRE THE REAL (insert devil economy here), WE'RE THE REAL (insert benevolent economy here)!

heres a take for you, economics is mostly a fucking spook for people inclined to be religious fanatics but who for one reason or another ended up atheist.

what about the spanish revolutionary movement, what about the numerous workers parties in latin america wich wanted to give some sort of workers control over the means of production?

sorry senpai no workers control over the means of production no socialism as simple as that

>Not socialist
Anarchism is a mental illness

>retarded keyboard commie wastes time trying to advocate for death and slavery

workers control over the means of production=death and slavery
Infowars better than CNN

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>state run buisnesses
Sorry commie that isnt socialism

God is real you retarded faggot kys

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>Dictatorship of the proletariat=Dictatorship of the bourgeoisie
>Existance of surplus means there must be exploitation
Read Marx



>He calls that words diarrhea an argument.
Kek. Straw manning much?

fuck marx
He is a brilliant man with many good points but good lord sometimes I cant take that old gook seriously

any counter argument or are you just trying to look retarded

This says more about your stupidity than I ever could, have a good day

This is why anarchists go to gulag
The nice gulag sure, but gulag.

saying Karl Marx was brilliant is pretty much proof of someones stupidity

I am fervently anti democratic. So you’re proposals are total shit.

>Reward people for not working with welfare Gibbs
>Make people who work pay higher taxes to have for Gibbs for not working people.
>People who work stop working because they also want to jump on free Gibbs bandwagon.
>Almost no money from taxes
>Print more money
>Production falls because less and less people work
>No shit is produced.
>Money is less worth because deficit for even basic products rises.
>Economy falls
>Powery rises
>People die from starvation

>People get paid for their work and have full rights for fruits of their own labour.
>Most of lazy fucks go to work when starvation is about to get their asses.
>Dumber people earn enought money to easily survive because low taxes not only lets them earn more but also 0 vat makes products in shop cheaper.
>Smarter people invest earned money.
>Production grows
>Economy gets stronger.
>Inevitable Competition weeds out shitty employers and companies. Inevitable Competition also propels technological progress and better deals for consumers.
>Economy goes up.
>Poverty falls
>Even the poorest have enought wealth to live comfortably like human beings not vegetate like cockroaches

Saying a lot doesn't mean you are smart

Anarchists are faggots and useful idiots for capitalism. There is a reason Soros funds antifa. I'm gonna wring your neck you utopian little faggot

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Socialism, like nazism, is a dead word. Call it another thing, it's not like a workers cooperative is strict socialism anyways.