How come Croatia has made the assessment that it is in their interest to join the Euro, when half of Jow Forums claims the Euro is about to collapse within months? Typically these people say the reason for the Euro collapse are the investment banking problems of Deutsche Bank in New York and London where thousands of Anglo-American and Indian banking staff is being fired.
Croatia takes official steps to join the Eurozone
Generally it's in the financial interest of the more poorfag nations to join.
The downside is all the other globohomo crap they try to push on you.
Them over expanding and including countries with corruption and 3rd world economies is a big part of why the EU is failing.
It is too big and unwieldily. And the people running it are too detached from realities on the ground, partly because it is too big and has too many disparate unhomogeneous cultures and economies and practices
All EU states are required to join the Euro eventually. Denmark and the UK have formal opt-outs and Sweden I believe just has an official policy to not adhere to criteria.
Croatia isn’t poor, it is a tourist country like Italy. It’s just that the Croatian girls are all dark haired.
I bed they have really tight snatchs but hate giving blowjonbs
they want your interest rate you fucking idiot kraut
because EU said that everybody must join. There is no saying no when your goverment is pro-EU
Denmark is pro-EU, Sweden too. Poland too. They keep their own currencies.
Here, right ftom the source. We are retarded.
The moment we introduce the euro, the poor will be even poorer (imagine your paycheck being 330 eur), middle class will be wiped off the face of the country as prices will go up (shit that was 5 hrk will become 99 cent etc, while wages will be correctly exchanged).
Fuck this retarded country.
Yep that'll be how it goes. Not immediately, but very soon. Especially the consumer prices, because people don't take exchange rates into account when they see a "low" price at the market.
2,5 Dutch Guilders could buy you a beer in 2001. Come the euro, a beer fetches the same price in a currency that was 1,4 times more expensive.
Hail Rothschild!
Every day (((they))) advance. it's hopeless.
I remember how it was in germany, 1 eur was 1.98something DEM, but one month after the Euro arrive and the dust settled, what used to be 2 DEM was all of a sudden 1.30-1.40 EUR.
The most painful hit long term is the tiny things you need daily (milk, eggs, bread etc.) a price hike of 30-40% there will kill the poor.
I'd like to tell you not to do it, to protest, struggle, fight against it, but I know it would be for naught. Just prepare your anuses for when it does happen. It will get as bad as you predict, possibly worse. Enjoy freedom monopoly monies.
Yeah, I remember how fucked the average Slovenian family was when you introduced it. Ah well...
how euros will work? I usually need notes of 10, 20 and 50 kunas, more than that I use card. But euros are too big, I don't want to carry big bag of coins. Kunas are perfect
Croatia has tourist money. Alot of tourists that used to go on cheap vacations in Italy or Greece went to Croatia after the introduction of the Euro. Guess they'll have to look to other places
Because our government is run by cryptocommunist eurocuck traitors and unrepentant thieves; meanwhile 150k Croats leave Croatia every year despite the fact that there are jobs to be had here because they're fleeing from the cancerous political and societal atmosphere and we draw ever closer to demographic suicide while the leftist shills are starting to ramp up the "we need migrants or our pension system will collapse" rhetoric.
So, it's Croatia's turn to become a province of Greater Germany.
There is precisely one thing in this world that would make Croats seriously protest the EU - if the EU got the "genius" idea of creating regional blocks in the future and decides to group Croatia and Serbia together into one block. (Once Serbia joins the EU of course)
The asspain and outrage would be beyond belief and we would follow in Britain's footsteps without a doubt. Anything short of that and we'll take it up the ass like champs.
When did they stop being one? Proudly cleaning Austrian stables since 1300s
heh I'd rather clean an Austrian stable than a Turkish asshole hahahahaha
>2,5 Dutch Guilders could buy you a beer in 2001. Come the euro, a beer fetches the same price in a currency that was 1,4 times more expensive.
So it's 40% more expensive in 18 years?
That doesn't sound too out of the ordinary. That's about 2% inflation.
Poor countries do not benefit from joining euro at all. Developing economies benefit from free monetary policy and ECB policies are made to fit more advanced economies such as Germany. Joining euro as ex east bloc country is a political move first and foremost.
I know. That's one of our differences. I'd never do either.Your whole identity and attempt to separate yourself from your Slav brothers depended and still does on how proudly you suck that Germanic cock. Dropping the Cyrilic alphabet whilst still having a south Slavic language(Serbian) is the best example of how being a prime beta specimen is your no1 trait.
>ECB policies are made to fit more advanced economies such as Germany
The Euro is 20% undervalued to what we would need. We don't get any interests anymore on our savings.
>So, it's Croatia's turn to become a province of Greater Germany.
They'll get stuffed with our money in exchange. We just buy our way to the 4th Reich this time.
Based. Welcome Croatia. I’m sure we’ll thrive and prosper together thanks to the best currency on the planet.
>We just buy our way to the 4th Reich this time.
I am afraid Reich will be a misnomer.JudeoCaliphate is more fitting
I was going to say the euro will finish you but in fact you perfectly fit the Eurozone criteria in the description you made.
Welcome in hell! Enjoy your stay.
2€ for 250g of butter as the lowest price is your future.
Only food that produce low iq mongrel will be avilable.
You pay by card, because no euro actually exist as money, it's more virtual than bitcoin at this point.
What is the collaterla for euro, really, if not the slavery of native europeans.
>4th Reich
enslaved german edition
I'll still key your car and spit in your food regardless.
Bankrupt by 2029.
Joining the eurozone will only make us even poorer, politicians just want to be good goyim to the EU
Caliphate, you mean.
You are primarily muslims. The christian majority is non-practicing. You are a muslim nation. The 11,000,000 muslims in germany are having 3.4 children per household, several cities boast muslim majorities in the 0-18 demographics, the native germans are a)not breeding and b)produce mongrels either via rape or via miscegenation.
Thank you for destroying the continent for the 4th time in your history.
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Man, that was so spot on replying to a Greekturk, Jesus, you are a legend.
>Generally it's in the financial interest of the more poorfag nations to join.
Literally all that happens when you join the Euro zone is that the wages stay the same, but the prices for everything get raised. It's really not in our interest at all, but scammers gonna scam.
- pretty much what this guy said.
This, it's all about politicians getting their sinecure.
How's Erasmus program in Greece, Jovane?
Spittled and keypilled