Need A Bit Of Advice

Im a piece of shit that works for a subcontractor of comcast. I fucking hate my job because comcast is full of shit and are liars. Between my job and the jew control of basically everything i have started drinking more. i used to just smoke weed. but i have started drinking vodka every night. i dont want to be in clown world anymore. is there white pills like this epstein thing or is it all bullshit and nothing will change. i want to suck start my shotgun. sorry for shitty grammar fairly drunk. also public education

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Q will save you. Just trust us.

how can i trust q when the god emperor is suck jew cock?

hey man thanks at least ya know. evne if it was bullshit it was a nice gesture.

Apply for new jobs, remove alcohol from your residence. Exercise. Read. Sleep. Work. Do not give up.

Alcohol and weed will kill you. It is a mindset, a choice to deal with the world as it is, not numbed somehow. Otherwise you will always be substituting substances. You know how you want to live your life. We need everyone to live their life that way.

dude my fucking asshole of a landlord towed my truck. no wi work at home and i have no other optons. but for what its worth i have a man servant and tomm ill have nice breakfast burritoes. honestly its just that clown world is bothering me very much. im fucking tired of this shit. every women i have ever had has been a cunt or a whore. and i was good to them you know. i just dont see the point. i have other people in my family to pass on my bloodline. im not sad. i know we live in a simulaton i have seen it. i just have dogs and a mom you know. but i also have a way out. i have a shotgun ready to go. i mean honeslt im not ready to do it like right now. but im running out of excuses. i have been working out. im trying to be a good fascist. im starting to feel like if the muslims arent right. just blow up a crowded area and then the state does what you want you know. anyways. yeah i mean im not building bombs just saying. im a acient fag from b im just tired. im tired of life im not even 40 yet./

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if i had weed i wouldnt drink. sure im trying to numb myself so dont start killing my neighbors and eating them. id like to taste a human before i die.

Ew. Just eat pork, don't be gross.

give up alcohol and weed entirely
get a new job (i doubt comcast pays their subcontractors well but you can make decent money in construction)
save your money like crazy
when a recession hits, wait for real estate prices to bottom out and then use all of your savings to buy up as much real estate as you can. rent the properties out so they pay for their mortgages
when RE prices rise again your properties will be worth 2 or 3 times what you bought them for
refinance them based on their new values to pull a significant amount of cash out
use that cash to buy more real estate (once again renting them out)
u can get very wealthy this way