The Jews

Is there a surefire way to identify a Jew? Everyone knows about the nose of course, but not all Jews have these traits, some blend in with better than others, and not all of their names end with -witz, stein, or berg. What is the best way to improve ones Jewdar?
And more importantly, how do we reduce Jewish influence on our lives and on our country?

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Just throw some cash on the ground. It's the easiest way to know who's a jew.

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Easy way to tell is that they're lobbying for something that's objectively outrageously damaging to your country. Some care must be taken to not get confused though as stupid women also do this unwittingly

Reminds me of the old joke
Q: How do you drown a Jew
A: Glue a penny to the bottom of a pool

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Fun story, in the oldest vampire myths out of Eastern Europe, it is said that you can outrun a vampire if you drop a coin on the ground.

I found one

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Nah I joined my local.synagogue to get dirt on kikes and they're not usually overt, just a donation here and a donation there with some kike only anti goyim talk, but not many of them actually say goyim

Am.. Am I a Jew?

I don't know. How much do you tip your server in a nice restaurant?


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Their eyebrows are pretty damning as well, especially for women.

How do you figure? What do Jew eyebrows look like?

Lol tell me more, I've always suspected vampires were stand-ins for Jews

Purge the bad ones.

Are you implying there is such a thing as a 'good Jew'?

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Dark with high arches or sort of checkmark shaped like Shapiro's

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Notice the simarities?

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ashkenaz are just germanic rapebabies breed by goyim who where kidnapped for breeding satans spawn

Be on the lookout my aryan brother. There may be jews amongst us.
It could be anybody

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Take your meds kike

the only "white jews" are germanic or slavic rapebabies. israel needs more solomons the jewish identity is universal but mostly black

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How do you tell the difference between an Italian and a Jew? Look at this man and tell me he doesn't look super Jewey

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Q: What's the difference between Santa Claus and a good Jew?
A: Santa goes DOWN the chimney!

Q: What's the difference between the holocaust and a cow?
A: You can't milk a cow for 80 years!

Also, keep your eyes out for prominent brow ridges, rounded / slightly hunched back, curly hair, receding hairline in men, and a shuffling gait.

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kingdom of Ashkenaz was first associated with the Scythian region, then later with the Slavic territories, and, from the 11th century onwards, with Germany and northern Europe.

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doesn't look like a jew at all

Now post Woody Allen and I'll tell you

He does, but his nose doesn't hook downwards and his hair is straight.

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just throw 5 cents casually on the floor like you did it by accident, the first one to pick it up is the jew

>And more importantly, how do we reduce Jewish influence on our lives and on our country?
How did you reduce the influence of your bullies in high school?
Just avoid them, buuld on yourself and your direct family and breed.
Seriously strength in numbers isnt the only thing you influence when you have many children.
>My plan
My plan is to make a family so big I can have my own football team play another and fill the stadium.

Dark hair, pale skin, large nose, curly hair, lots of shekels.

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Are you serious? Look at that NOSE!

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Shorter, less oblong features in general
Only thing jewy are Marty's eyebrows

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Those lips are super Jewy. How would Jow Forums describe Jew lips?

Her nose and eyebrows are both indicators

We need to find them my fellow (((aryan)))

Notice the longer, more Arabic-like facial structure, higher forehead, weaker jaw, weaker frame in general

guys im not sure

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Fat upper lip in contrast with lower

is this a jew it's so hard to confirm when jews are so aryan

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Reminds me of the Gary shandling Jew phenotype

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Anybody notice how older Jews are easier to spot than younger Jews?

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jews can't survive without goyim hosts like the parasites they are

Her eyes are indicators as well. Notice how they're not very deep-set and rather bulgy?

imagine the smell

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Also ask their opinion on Christ. Considering how much Hollywood hates Scorsese for his faith (he did originally want to become a priest, you know), he's about as far from a Jew as you could get in Hollywood, ironically. You might as well be asking if Mel Gibson is Jewish since they have a lot in common really.

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Once again, eyebrows

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I wasn't calling Scorsese a Jew. I was saying Italians and Jews have a lot of physical traits that look alike. They also have a lot of organized crime (Murder Inc was founded by a kike, funny how that isn't brought up in any gangster movies huh)

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look at these sandniggers

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Frenly reminder calling someone a kike isnt anti semitism but pointing out someone who rejects Christ.

same energy

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Call them out loudly, and with a whip in your hand

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theres no way to "tell" necessarily, you just develop a jewdar after awhile.

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Their grandparents were turned into soap, you know. You expect them to rub themselves down with grandpa? That's sick, you antisemite.

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Kikes have east african bone structure. Look at skull shape and facial bone structure. It's similar to Somalian niggers and that is because the semitic urheimat is in the horn of apefrica which basically means that kikes are just bleached east african niggers so just look for a mix of niggerish/rodent-like features if you need to spot one.

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true that might cause geneticly passed down ptsd

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Here is another Italian that looks like a Jew. He has the nose and the hair, he doesn't have the eyebrows though. Or, am I seeing Jewish traits where there are none?

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-curly hair
-hawk nose
-sausage lips
-bad eyesight (most male jews wear glasses)

That is how you spot them.

I can tell most of the time.

The slopey forehead

At least boardwalk empire and once upon a time in America address Jewish organized crime but overall it is severely downplayed. I agree that he could be mistaken for a Jew but there are slight differences. Hair texture. Body frame and facial structure, etc.

He has no receeding chin.


Goyim, I know your tricks. I don't pick up money on the floor.

His hair isn't very Jewish looking, his midface is shorter and more broad. Eyes and brown ridge lower than a typical kike.

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>big nose means jew
No. Shape is everything.

jews have been criminals since and before killing christ

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rip out his heart. if it's pitch black and smelling of sulfur, it's a jew

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plus the ears. white Jews have nosferatu ears.

in vid related, a white Jew cop shot a black Jew, and the black Jew community rioted. it's all over the news in Israel

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jews do smell sweet sourish with a mix sulfur indeed

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Not really. There were quite a few of them though. Guys with names like Ricca, Campagna, Bonanno, Salerno, Romano, Gentile, Barbara, Lanza had jewish roots. A lot of them were liasons between the mafia and the Hollywood industry and were based in the West Coast. The Colombos had a lot of connections there through jews like James Caan.

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Abe Reles is a known kike.

>black Jew
how... what... uh...
Great. Another group of people to hate.
Q: Whats the worst part about being a black Jew?
A: You have to sit in the back of the Gas Chamber

look at that dirty jewmouth

Drown them

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A jewish crime boss from the 30s is common knowledge even in Bulgaria? Why do you gotta make me feel like a retard for just hearing about these people?

Haha, no.
Jews are just like you and me user, maybe just slightly smarter.

Yeah you're probably right, my Aryan friend. Maybe we should just leave them all alone?

What does JIDF pay you guys? Any openings?

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