The absolute degeneracy of the left

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sounds like bs
this guy is a retard just look at him, he doesn't have the ability to differentiate nonsense from reality

You mean the next canadian president.

Open the camps, fire up the ovens.

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>commie organization is corrupt to the core and only serves the needs of its leaders
who'da thunk it

fuck my hairy anus bigot!

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>implying you wouldnn't be having orgies if you could

You know, I'm starting to think that living under Communism in the 70s and the 80s was probably better for the average man than the current liberal system is.

The USSR wasn't pushing people into becoming faggots, cutting their dicks off and destroying the family unit.

I mean, sure, economically you were worse off but socially? Really makes you think.

Also, you can hardly be a materialist when consumer goods aren't readily available.

>Implying there's a lot of fuckable people in those meetings
>Implying the orgies are just a bunch of guys sucking each other's dick

He has a younger brother who is a leftist too but more post-modern sort

Soviet union was a jew hellhole but countries like Romania were great. Romanians to this day would bring them back.
>Nevertheless, according to opinion polls held in 2010, 41% of Romanians would vote for Ceaușescu[69][70] and 63% think that their lives were better before 1989.[70][71] In 2014, the percentage of those who would vote for Ceaușescu reached 46%.[72]

Suck my lady cock, bigots.

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The Soviet Union was explicitly anti-Zionist after 1952 though. The Jews killed Stalin. That's why Khrushchev executed Beria when he came to power.

I've only talked to people from Bulgaria and the Ukraine but they overwhelmingly say that the 1990s were much worse than anything during the Communist era.

LOL communists finding out how utterly corrupt communists are

Go figure, this was bound to happen

Soviet union did try to target family unit because it wanted to be at the top. Caring for your family more than the state was haram.

It's just americans and the result of growing up in a capitalist society and treating communism like a luxury and a hobby. Pic related. Stalin's entire personal possessions at the time of his death. You fucking faggot.

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How do I join?

>normal people/workers starve to death
>while political class feasts like kings
Back to leftypol, faggot.

At least Americans have the balls to use nuclear armaments kike

>be chief commie
>have personal possessions
not real gommunism :DD


>channel logo is an AK and sickle
Does this guy represent the farmers and military?
Or is this guy a giant fucking retard who wants to look cool?

>Or is this guy a giant fucking retard who wants to look cool?
Take a guess.

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This dude looks like a gopher with a fucking mohawk. He's better than most commies, though.

That's why Romanians could barely wait to kill Ceaucescu.


Ironically Ceaucescu got capped because he was selling off grain reserves to pay debts to Western banks.

Probably a lot of CIA involvement in the fall of the Iron Curtain as well m8.

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I actually really fucking like Jason. I don't know where the fuck I lean, but it sure ain't capitalism.

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At least he cares about his appearance which is more than most leftists can say
The pic. I didn't watch the video

I’m a capitalist and a nationalist but I actually like this guy for some reason.

suck my tranny cock you nazi bimbo sluts, or else.......

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This shit is hilarious. They tolerate everything even destructive ideas. They're all pulling in different directions against the right which is going one way.