How To Fuck Youtube

this is how we did things before the newfag invasion --- simply substitute "hooktube" for "youtube" in the url


this fucks with youtube on so many different levels --- it kills their ad revenue, it defeats their "you hafta sign in to view this" bullshit, it defeats their tracker - i.e. they dont know the link originated from Jow Forums. fuck youtube for taking down my skrewdriver vids

Attached: Skrewdriver - White Power.jpg (289x286, 22K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Doesn't defeat thier tracker at all.
Use invidious.

I click random and it gave me this

They didn't learn their lesson.

Attached: image.png (1377x1539, 109K)

Wait, were you in screwdriver?

NiqNique lol
Black yt is freaking cancer

Attached: Screenshot_20190709-114830_Chrome.jpg (1080x1920, 487K)

>video unavailable
>removed by user.

we interrupt this thread to inform you that Colin Kaepernick has been severely doxxed at four plus 4

Another visit?

Attached: image.png (318x303, 148K)

No. Google skrewdriver and click the videos tab and all the youtube ones are dead.

Is it possible to prevent another civil war?

Attached: image.png (384x444, 235K)


Attached: 1486461835386.jpg (651x647, 34K)

wtf I click that and get this

Attached: 1509683082558.png (500x489, 138K)

Dieversity in Israel.

Attached: image.jpg (750x415, 42K)

>235 KB PNG
>Is it possible to prevent another civil war?
Maybe, but what if I don't want to prevent it?
What if I look forward to giving free helicopter rides and stacking bodies as we cleanse our nation of filth and degeneracy?

I wonder if anyone has ever hacked YouTube/Google? If so, that person is a hero.

Hey spic, get out of the way! Honk, honk!

Attached: image.png (958x600, 610K)

Chinks stealing wrecks.

Attached: image.png (250x250, 55K)

okay, this is epic

'Fucking soulless insecst desecrating our ancestors graves.

Fucking soulless insects desecrating our ancestors graves.

>defeat yt

skrewdriver is ironically good music

Yea youtube ban alot of WP music, yet you can listen to Master Ps ghetto dope and learn how to cook crack.

skrewdriver ftw