Never forget what they took from you

Never forget what they took from you

Attached: IMG_2197.jpg (300x225, 15K)

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Children worth a shit?

Forgot to hide flag

This could be you but those fucking jewish socialists destroyed it all

Attached: IMG_1865.jpg (1038x539, 333K)

Nice try kike
Children are the futur of the white race

>when you grow up you can have a loyal wife and a normal family

I am okay with this


Attached: 1560101396273.png (640x477, 345K)

Kek, based

>grew up

>Israeli Flag
Why even bother

>no argument
>"ha y-you are a k-kike!"
Litteral sjw tactics

Pedo jew posting vintage kid porn.
How many kids did you kill Davud?

>implying child labor wasn't popular during communism


Hey now! Only black people, Jews, and women ever suffered.

>when you are so high on shekeljuice that you forget to reset router and change flag

>copy self makes happy
>copy self good
>copy self futur

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You mean that white people, and literal children, worked unthinkably hard to build prosperous nations for their descendants, nations which are now being handed to lazy, dumb migrants who have no stake in them whatsoever?

Yes it's disgusting.

Ironically mismanagement of the British empire by Jews and the British upper classes caused the worst effects of industrialisation in Britain. Jews reached their apogee in Britain after the battle of Waterloo 1815 which coincides with the worst effects of the industrial revolution. ”It is characteristic of their whole attitude towards internal politics for he last two hundred and thirty years : and when sir joshua fitch speaks of the provision for the education of the people of england as being practically the product of a happy go lucky system of muddling through somehow without either mastery or profound understanding he simply provides the formula for a criticism of almost everything that has been done in this country for the last hundred years in the matters of solving social problems. In a nation where so little was done for the hearts of the people, it ought to surprise noone to find next to nothing done for the care of their bodies. If trade and capitalistic exploitation of the laboorer had been allowe to deteriorate the mind and character of the masses, it could not he hoped that in a christian country, which places spirit sbove body, anything would be done to preserve the body of the burden bearer from similar evils. 1919, In Defence of Aristocracy by Anthony Ludovici

>Implying kikes aren't the biggest exploiters of children on the planet
Sure thing Epstein

Yidsrael still has child labor now (as does ameriKKKa)

Yidsrael even still has SLAVERY

I think this fairly accurately sums up my sentiments

Fuck off peterson

Has anyone else noticed that Plague Marines are a metaphor for Jews in the Warhammer 40K universe?

They took away 45 years of economic growth from my country. Your shit jewish socialism run amok. You were not even able to contain that retarded idea.