Let's Troll Some Blacks


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Other urls found in this thread:

sfgate.com/search/?action=search&channel=crime&inlineLink=1&searchindex=solr&query="Daniel Jordan DeWitt"

who the fuck still uses the word "pal"

Negroes trying to cover for their dealers apparently.

Jews when they want to make blacks the victim.


Why is his kid a spic?

Fuck this un-American traitor.

the dudes a hapa anyway retard....

on another not people in the comments really have no comprehension of a locked communal door that you need to get buzzed in. i dont blame the guy for not wanting some random person to just walk right in without being buzzed in by the person he knew.

Racist Left youtube!

Mutt kid knows this white sissy is just cucking around like a faggot

>*nigger waits until a random resident opens the locked door sneak into a locked lobby*
>why are you here
>nigger: I'm waiting on a friend
>okay, can you just call your friend on the callbox?
>nigger: no.
>tell me your name
>nigger: I don't have to tell you my name racist white man
Mind you, this guy's father was killed by a crazy nigger doing exactly the same thing.

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>Mind you, this guy's father was killed by a crazy nigger doing exactly the same thing.
how do you know?

They want to create a world where it is illegal to suspect a black person of doing anything wrong. Black dude knew what he was doing, and the white guy took the bait.

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Did you watch the video? because thats not whats happening at all

It was on the articles about this.

sfgate.com/search/?action=search&channel=crime&inlineLink=1&searchindex=solr&query="Daniel Jordan DeWitt"

Yes it is
Did you?

What a shame the YouTube exec wasn't shot while the negroid had a clear opening

>New York Boomerpost


It is what happened if only you read the damn details of the news. That was the lobby of a private building. The retarded nigger "tailgated" someone, aka, he waited on the door to be opened by someone else and entered a private lobby.

the nigger clearly has a chip on his shoulder.

>didn't shoot him
fucking liberals man

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Why the hell did he do that? He should've listened to the kid.

>two crazy people ran into each other on the street
>they rambled and made no sense
>one of the crazy guys had a son with him
>his son has no confidence in his decision making ability

You people are getting dumber and dumber and your posts are getting shitier and shittier. No hope for you gook mix niggers.

silicone valley getting desperate for white sympathy with this pr stunt.

>>one of the crazy guys had a son with him
crazy guy for worrying about safety and security? that's already considered as crazy in this clown world? I can't fucking believe this shit.Don't reproduce you genetic vermin

The nig was a mail robber you fags!

pal? don't you mean client buying drugs from you?

This was his whole goal, bro.
>look suspicious as possible
>wait for a rightfully concerned resident who's never seen you before to ask your business on the property
>don't state that business to try and look like a legitimate guest because it would defuse the situation instantly
>instead, blow it up and be belligerent because you're a race baiter and you're trying to create a scene for the internet
>record everything on camera because you know you've got something progressives on twitter will blow up to the hate crime of the year and get some poor guy who took the bait fired

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That guy was white.

I see as a low-IQ American you get all your factoids from memes. I'm sure you also fully agree with Cukor's reasoning
>He refused to identify himself.
Because as a free American you have to identify yourself to any passive-aggressive bozo you encounter.

Never relax

>He should've listened to the kid
You stupid fucking mongol, a little kid doesnt know much about the world, and the typical behaviour of the negro out in the wild, at that young age. The Google gentleman reacted in a proper manner and as you should when you see an unidentified slouching nigger outside your building.

Kek has spoken

That’s one of those stories isn’t it. It’s one of those that puts you over the edge and forces you to places like Jow Forums. It wasn’t just the evil of the murder. It was that nobody did anything to help and the justice system crapped out.

I didn't say anything about the little kid's knowledge about the world, but in this case he was right and his self-important daddy was wrong.

You obviously have experience with living around niggers.

shit like this makes you want to just deport all niggers

>think you can enter locked building unauthorized
>someone calls you on it
>chimp out
>cuss in front of kids
>get physically aggressive
>try to socially shame people for wanting security

lmao, fuck this nigger. this is "respectable" by their standards. just hang em all

your a fucking retard if you think you should let random people into a gated community.

Fuck off, maybe if you'd venture out out your igloo and meet some actual negros in the wild you wouldn't sound so ignorant about the issue. I was commenting on the the gentlemans reaction you daft fucking sealfucker, not the outcome of the situation. The reaction was correct and justified.

>you have to identify yourself to any passive-aggressive bozo you encounter.

If a building has security doors that only allow you in if you have the code or key or whatever, then you are not supposed to let strangers in. All the black guy had to do was identify himself or someone else who was authorized to go in, but instead he wanted to slip in while the white guy was coming out (or in, not sure).

It's an awkward situation, but the white guy would have been in deep shit if he let a criminal in.

niggers are so bad they make youtube executives seem sympathetic


>your a fucking retard

Cool tantrum and edgy language, kid. One day you'll grow up if you're lucky.


Answer this smart fuck: if you are entering or leaving a secure facility, and one or more people try to slip in while you have the door open, do you let them in or do you ask them to wait and use their own key or pass or whatever?

When I grow up, I want to be a nigger cum-slurper and worship niggers unconditionally just like you, daddy!

This just be one of those tan Finns we keep hearing about.

Get raped by a polarbear you fucking inbred slant-eyed snowgook.

Tell him you can't let strangers go in, close the door, and he can't go in. Surely such a building also has a security guard to deal with a situation if any arises. Based on the clip, it doesn't sound like he was forcing himself in.

>two non whites acting like retards
Who cares.

At my old gym the consequence of letting someone in without key card is loss of membership and a fine. retards let in their friends/randoms or people who were to stupid to swipe and open in all the time, many of them got their membership cancelled. This is the same kind retards who think this nigger is innocent, its simple rules that save lives and stop niggers from stealing shit, the kike did the right thing, nigger just got uppity because of low IQ negroidian lobelet retardation.

Getting emotional about this is very silly.

I don't worship any man. Let's hope you grow up one day.


Yes, I already know you're a literal child.

>even supreme gentlemen son is on the black guys site

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Based on the clip it looks like the nigger was already in the door when the guy asked him who he was or to use the box to call his friend. You know, the person we don't actually see in the video.

I'm 46. How old are you?

By your logic, if you're younger than me than you should be the one listening to your elders. In this case, I'll tell you to stop being a faggot and grow out of it.

There's only two reasons you'd think the guy who lives there was in the wrong, you're a nigger yourself, or you've never met one.

>literal child
Is that all you can come up with? Your retorts are as pitiful and naive as your worldview, you pathetic yellow-skinned beta meatbag.

Cukor didn't say anything about it though. Surely it would be the first thing he'd tell the police, that an unknown man is trying to force his way into a building he has no business to be in.

Nowhere did I say you should blindly obey someone just based on age. In any case, posting at the age of 46 would be a major embarrassment to you if you had any self-awareness or sobriety.

If everyone carried their
>concealed handgun
>pocket EMP
This wouldnt ever happen

>nigger bodyblocks high traffic area and calls anybody complaining racist and records them so he can sue for gibs

>Cukor didn't say anything about it though. Surely it would be the first thing he'd tell the police, that an unknown man is trying to force his way into a building he has no business to be in.
His first words to the police were literally "there's a trespasser at my building who won't identify themselves and tried to tailgate past me inside."

Yeah, I noticed that too. It looks like he’s already inside when the video starts.

Also, how come we never see “Kathy” this mysterious disabled “friend”?

Not buying it. Cukor did nothing wrong. Looks like another episode of faux outrage porn for the news.

And the nigger walked towards his "friend" who we never hear rather than staying where he claimed he belongs and greeting them.

>major embarrassment
Or the product of 46 years of wisdom and experience, which will undoubtedly help me survive better in my environment. I encourage you to take a trip to the US, on a state like Boston or Chicago. Then get back to me on how much you enjoyed your vacation.

>see someone break the law
>call the police

>Surely it would be the first thing he'd tell the police, that an unknown man is trying to force his way into a building he has no business to be in.

That is literally the first thing he says.

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>hey Kathy I love you
What the hell? I don’t even address my mom that way.

>should be embarrassed
>Tibetan throat singing forum
Pick one

Because that wasn't Kathy and it wasn't his friend. You also wouldn't introduce them as "my disabled friend". This is a common trick they use, had them attempt it all the time when I worked downtown at night. They'd try to follow you in when you were done with a break.

So he made an accusation about trespassing. Whether the black man actually trespassed according to law is another thing. I can buy the latter part, that he was, according to how Cukor saw it, trying to get in as he came out. However, at the time he was making the call that wasn't really an issue. I'm guessing at some point during the call he realized he made a mistake. The idea the black man fooled him into calling the cops to record it seems believable.

>Passes a locked door without having a key just because it was open
It's trespassing. Had the nigger simply identified who he was waiting for, this cuck would probably have left him alone.

>Whether the black man actually trespassed according to law is another thing

Under UK law, and I assume US law which descends from it, going onto private property without permission either implied or actual is trespassing. I know they might not have private property in the Commune of Finland but people actually give a shit about property rights in the west.

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Exactly. He was waiting for his friend "Kathy" who came from the outside. What the hell was he gonna do inside the building? Just watch. Reporters will interview them all, and find out no friend of his lives in the building. Can't wait till the chimps eat their own shit.

And wow “Kathy” sure moves fast for someone disabled.

>coon proceeds to record himself trespassing and then verbally abusing and threatening a father in front of his kid

Wow he sure got ‘em

Did he pass through the doorway or just stand in the way of the door's closing? Is that trespassing? (It could be for all I know, just wondering.)

Wait a minute. How did this guy or whoever posted the YouTube video know who Cukor was?

>Did he pass through the doorway or just stand in the way of the door's closing? Is that trespassing? (It could be for all I know, just wondering.)

If he went in it was trespassing.
If he tried to go in, it was attempted trespassing.

Yep. They will now replace him. Anons, get ready. The next CEO will go on a full mass deleting operation.

If I stop your car door from closing when you exit, am I stealing your car when I take it? How fucking simple are you? He was asked who he was waiting for
>I ain't gotta tell you shit white
He's lucky he was talking to a YouTube cuck

He "threatened" him only in the sense he intimated he'd be the next raycis whitey in a social media clip shown calling the cops on a black person for no reason. What was the verbal abuse? Cursing near the end?

But if he says he wasn't trying to go in, then what? "Why were you standing there to prevent the door from closing?" "I was just holding the door open for the man coming out and then he accused me of trying to sneak in."

If he set it all up to fool Cukor into calling the cops, which definitely seems possible, he probably would've known not to step inside the building. Then again, these "activists" have done many illogical things in the past they didn't need to do to get their social media victory...

>He's lucky he was talking to a YouTube cuck
Because a big boy like you would've used physical violence and done time for it after it turns out the victim of the assault had done nothing illegal to provoke a violent assault?

>But if he says he wasn't trying to go in

Why would you trust what a nigger says?

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In the oppression olympics blacks are our new masters, they can rob you, kill you but if you call him a nigger you're going to jail
>smug nigger

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>be informed you are breaking the law
>break law anyway
>whhaaa whitey u not allowed to call the cops thats raycis

>1868 Van Ness Ave Apt 702 San Francisco, CA 94109
>estimate value: $1,476,102
>estimate rent: $5,550/mo
'disabled friend' must be pretty rich

No, a big boy like me wouldn't have held the door for a nigger I can't confirm lives in my building. You seem to keep forgetting he's already trespassing and this was in GA, assaulting the coon until he left the foyer would be perfectly justified.

Why was the kid crying? Is he intelligent enough to understand the potential backlash from this? What a clever guy.

>YouTube exec
#4 Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.

Christopher Cukor is an evil racist who deserves to be fired and banned from employment in silicon valley.

Was it CA? Comments on the video say Atlanta

would those digits lie?

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he literally said "you know that's illegal? that's illegal to call cops on african americans"

No, I meant that in a legal sense because you have to prove the trespassing attempt. If there's surveillance video that shows he didn't try to go in put only held the door open as Cukor and the kid came out, well...

>he's already trespassing
It's possible he did, but it doesn't seem clear-cut based on what is known.


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Kek did he really? He sounded smarter than usual, I guess not.

He's inside the locked foyer of a building he doesn't live in because he tailgated a resident, it's clear cut trespassing. This is property security 101. It's not his building, it's not his door to hold.
Furthermore, the only articles on this are from shit like nypost and bet, no one gives a shit.

dude, guys are we trolling blacks in this thread? lol

smart kid i think, he's grown up directly experiencing the policies and realizes how people can frame you so easily, or he will grow up to be a cuk(or) who never stands up to it