Soldier returns home to find that his son is now a girl

I'm really getting fucking sick of (((their))) propaganda

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nice fb click ID.
I can now find who you are and send you HRT pills in the mail.

>Be me
>Staff Sergeant for the United States.
>Killed 27 Iranians
>Have massive PTSD
>Best friend had a sniper's bullet go through their brain
>Covered in his blood for hours as the battle goes on
>Get back to base
>Informed an IED took out my other friend
>Coming home finally
>Fought gloriously for Israel
>Open my sons bed room
>pink, pink everywhere.
>Hug my daughter
>We cry
>She gives me a present box
>Its her severed shriveled penis

I'm finally home :)

Attached: (320x180, 7K)

>good goy

Of Course the director looks like this.

Attached: MV5BZjQ2YmYyMjgtYzQ4Ny00ZTM0LWE0MzAtOGNlMzEzMGIyZWRiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzAwMTM1MTU@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,79 (797x1000, 70K)


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absolutely based

When you divorcing whore wife has gaslighted your cool son into becoming a abomination,
trying to resemble the female gender.
But you don't rage, because you have accepted total defeat and that you have no rights.

>Coming home finally
>Fought gloriously for Israel
>Open my sons bed room
>pink, pink everywhere
>1 pm, no one's home for a few hours
>sit down in my favorite recliner and have a beer
>watch home movies from before I was deployed
>my boy, my sweet boy
>return upstairs
>tape the picture of my son to my chest
>jump out of my dead son's window with a noose around my neck

How jewy can a scene get.


>1 Post by this ID

>Starring: Allie - Sophie Giannamore Michael - Michael Torpey >Writer/Director - Brandon Kelley Producer - Jon Gestal Director of >Photography - Greta Zozula Production Designer - Michael Mizrahi >Costume Designer - Liz Kelley Casting - Mia Cusumano Color - Josh >Spector Graphic Design - Emily Maxwell More cast and crew:
Every sick faggot involved in this farce
Also, I don't think the "boy" was even portrayed by a kid in drag. Pure fucking bullshit on every level.


you can't, but (((they))) can.

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Welcome to Nude Kingdom (On The Discord App)\invite\X6WgABQ

We've got everything you want. Premium Snaps, Porn accounts, Spotify Cards, Netflix Gift Cards, and whatever the fuck you could imagine. All for free and they're all obtained legally. lOH

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There are known to be 24 genders recognized by doctors. Human gender is on a spectrum. The assigned birth gender is based on a vestigial and undeveloped external body part alone in a quick (if it happens at all) inspection. Doctors have claimed boys are girls DESPITE a penis clearly visible when the baby is brought home. And vice versa.

Now would you look at that... They forgot to disable comments on the "community" section of their channel. It sure would be a shame if people left them some "heartwarming" messages over their portrayal of mutilating an under age boy's gentianella.

Nobody gives a flying fuck what some bought and paid for pedder ass kike says about a child. Kill them all.

That's because you're a bigot that hates gay and transgender people

You say that like its a bad thing

This is redpilled more than anything. It shows that an absent father leads to sexual dysphoria and homosexuality.

Bullets aren't bigots either, and they'll be embracing you as much as you want. Then your carcass will rot in the dirt where it belongs.

Drawings like this should be illegal. My little sister is about that age, you pervert.

thats's interesting. Would you happen to have any photographs of your little sister?

Kill yourself.

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Ah now the Mods are letting CP remain on a thread. Classy. Honestly given how much Gook Moot has washed his hands of this place I hope he gets slammed onto the hood of a Japanese police cruiser and does three years in a super max in Gook land for allowing the retarded faggots that have fucked up every goddamn board free range to continue their bullshit.

how is that CP? its a drawing.
Proof she's underage. And then go kill yourself boomercuck
how about you let some nigger rape your granddaughter, you'd love that don't you?
Fucking worthless kike boomers
can't wait to see you get abused by a nigger in your old age.


>K'ing YS when one has so many sweet girls to appreciate

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>Soldier returns home to find that his son is now mentally ill

>How is CP, CP?
>Proof she's underage. And then go kill yourself boomercuck
It's a child you fucking pedder ass nigger.
>how about you let some nigger rape your granddaughter, you'd love that don't you?
I'd love putting a fucking round through your brain pan.
>Fucking worthless kike boomers
>can't wait to see you get abused by a nigger in your old age.
Can't wait to see you dangling from a rope.

What do you have against adult women?

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The Bible says cleave onto your wife.
Now that soldier knows why.

this made me fucking cry

god damn it

Comments disabled.

they peak at 18-21 and then decline. This is why the thinking men of the past married them off at 14 or so, they produced healthier and more numerous children as well

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>t. 50 year old kike boomer who'd love to fuck a 12 year old in Thailand but pretends a DRAWING IS WORSE THAN THE DEVIL
sure thing buddy, you went there before you could get caught so continue to pretend your moral high horse exists. Now please go kill yourself for betraying the first amendment. Some commie apparently doesn't like free expression.


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why do these degenerated fling this word around so much?

Not cool

it's a fag discord offering porn passes to porn pros and brazzers and whatnot if you invite 5 people
so basically every channer on there is spamming /b/ and Jow Forums with this cancer

AoC being raised is a complete invention of Womens Suffrage tier roasties.

methinks this user is a little too hostile about someone not liking what appears to a normal adult to be a naked child. Perhaps this is what you like?

Sell your academia bulshit to normies that would buy it.

The founding fathers weren't against degeneracy laws. We had decency requirements for ages. Stop using jewish pilpul of our documents to justify your jewish pedophilic urges.

Welcome to Nude Kingdom (On The Discord App)\invite\X6WgABQ

We've got everything you want. Premium Snaps, Porn accounts, Spotify Cards, Netflix Gift Cards, and whatever the fuck you could imagine. All for free and they're all obtained legally. eDe

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They try to counterbalance their crippling depression, because in reality they hate what they are (see: suicide rates among trannies) and want to convince themselves that they aren't insecure

the founders didn't care. By 1880, AoC was mostly set at 10 or 12

Serve the ZOG, hit the rock.

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Retard. Trying to sell your bs on pol.

Stop raping kids then.

What is th quantitative measure for determining gender?

To hide their shame. Everything is opposite in the upside down

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Turn to the left and cough

And then the parents spent 20 years not ever checking. Closed eyed diaper changes are most polite.

You're an abomination

Lack of male role model is always the cause. Makes sense.

from the lore shes 12

That was so fucking gay


is it weird that this video made me cry??

fuck u op

God bless America! and Israel

Why do people always advertise their shitty discord channels, do you get add revenue or some shit from this?

Virtually everything you typed here is untrue. You are mentally ill.

its really sweet, thanks for posting. Maybe not so appropriate for this board but its a great post

Who taught you how to link?


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Holy fuck. How do you fix him? Pull up in the school, kill all the staff. Strangle your wife, take your son to the forest and grow him out of the faggot phase.
Jesus, it's FUCKED, FUCKED I say.

maybe dont have a kid if you just wanna live vicariously though them and force them to live the life you wanted.
He accepts her for who she is because he actually loves her. Youre an idiot sjw.

>There are known to be 24 genders recognized by doctors

Your a fucking racist, there are 78 genders

lol staff sergeant faggot has a queer thanks to his roastie who is get getting the bbc while he was gone.

go die for israel goyim while we cut of your child's penis and give him drugs so that he will kill himself in a few years.

>soldier returns home
all we can do is pray for the lad that its not really his since most whores cheat on overseas men

shes a teenager

white people truly were a mistake

fuck 'em.
zogbot had it coming.

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someone go and take a pry bar to the faultline already. fucking ENOUGH

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Mickey Mouse was a death cult icon, rats brought the plague

>There are known to be 24 genders recognized by doctors
and thus doctors were deemed irrelevant and unnecessary

Dog bless

Imagine you got your foreskins taken from you, murdered savages in the fucking desert and your wife is cheating on you while you are running into cover from bullets, just to find out, when you finally return from the Israeli proxy war your based and redpilled #maga president send you to, that Dr. Goldstein turned your only son into a girl.
Just imagine that.

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>that like to dislike ratio
we're losing, aren't we?

In this case, double murder suicide actually seems somewhat prudent

>trans kid
>bigot older teacher
>goy soldier is ok with his son being mentally killed
>neck choker

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why would anyone enlist?

good now take out a massive loan and see the new star wars movie

When people have real problems like seeing their friends exploded by a mortar shell right in front of them they dont care about dumb right wing sjw shit like trying to police peoples gender

I got banned once for making a point in a thread arguing about whether or not lolis are child porn by drawing 1 stick figure with boobs in ms paint that said 18 and then a second picture with the exact same stick figure except with a 12 next to it

>blink twice if your inner soul hurts

what a fucking scam, actual girl is playing the son who changed the gender



a broken family breaks a child, mentally and emotionally.

>actor for the child is actually a girl IRL
TOP KEK. How will trannies ever cope with the fact that they look like ugly mutants?

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Yeah I bet a somebody who saw his guys being blown up right in front of his face will not flip his shit when he finds out his wife was riding BBC while his only son got his dick chopped off.

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God is a bigot and I am his disciple

A shekel for a good, brave goy.

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This. Jews were often known as "rats" as well.