Where can I hang out with redpilled people in real life? Pubs? Clubs? Which ones?
Where can I hang out with redpilled people in real life? Pubs? Clubs? Which ones?
t. DGSI shill
At GI chapters you can get a beer with redpilled people. The government is actively trying to close them, so this might be short lived.
just talk to people
all normal males are racist as fuck
Show hand, Abdallah
N-nowhere officer.
Nursing homes & Monster Truck Rallies
>t. Totally not FBI
Quite ironic coming from a French Maghgrebi nigger.
Railway tunnels.
In France? Get your yellow jacket on, you should meet some redpilled lunatics then. Avoid uniformed persons though. They may not like you.
You stupid fuckers. Do you sincerely think the glows don't already know where the non-cucks hang out?
Well, how do ((( (You) ))) know, froggy??
So you're admitting to being less intelligent than glowniggers?
Welcome to Nude Kingdom (On The Discord App)
We've got everything you want. Premium Snaps, Porn accounts, Spotify Cards, Netflix Gift Cards, and whatever the fuck you could imagine. All for free and they're all obtained legally. NQW
I thought you were a shill, but your actually just very young.
The commonest of common Sense, brainlet. You're actively stopping non-cucks from realising how many we are, with your cowardly and fucking useless "spy kids" larping.
Nice case of psychological projection.
Literally this. Everyone i talk to is redpilled on some kind of level, you just have to open them up
Looks like you shitted the thread, and I'm sure it's not the first nor the last. Next time, ask yourself "is my insight so rare that I should drown the actual discussion? Am I actually contributing to an exchange? Is this person so naive that they risk incriminating themselves and it's my moral duty to stop them? Or should I just shut the fuck up?"
At your local Alt-Right Gold Clubâ„¢ of course!
The one in Paris is at 1 Avenue du Colonel Henri Rol-Tanguy. Password is "Nigger". There might be a pretty long line to get in. Just talk outside to your fellow far-righters while you wait!
Anywhere in the Deep South outside of the major cities
you're welcome.
Thanks for the advice, kiddo.
Welcome to Nude Kingdom (On The Discord App)
We've got everything you want. Premium Snaps, Porn accounts, Spotify Cards, Netflix Gift Cards, and whatever the fuck you could imagine. All for free and they're all obtained legally. vCQ
"Wanna join my free giftcard giveaway? Enter the server, post a pic of your face and turn geolocation on."
Gun range.
australia is his geo location, here a pic of him
is there any Blue Lives Matter meetups where you are? I go to mine every month where its held at McDonalds.
Most blokes I know are red pilled. But there's a difference between being redpilled, knowing the problems our people/nation are facing and actually making any effort to rectify it.