/sspx/ Catholic General

The Pope could be Lucifer himself and some Catholics would still say the SSPX is the enemy. Let's rehabilitate this gross misconception. SSPX is the only way forward for Catholics. Anything less than SSPX is for cucks.

>ACKTUALLY... Catholicism for cucks. Muh neither Jew nor gentile. Muh love your neighbor. Muh welcome the foreigner. Whites should disavow their Catholicism and begome le based pagans 1488!
>The Angelus: According to you, in its search for the common good in the face of immigration, the public authority must take into consideration the nation’s capacity to assimilate immigrants, respect for the collective property of the citizens, and the equilibrium between the populations to avoid balkanization.
>Fr. Celier: Yes, but I think that it is necessary to go even further, onto ground upon which most politicians dare not venture too often, yet which has its importance. A nation is not an aggregate of anonymous individuals, standardized and interchangeable with other men of any other nation. A nation possesses an ethnic and cultural identity which is its good, its property, and which it has the right (and even the duty) to protect and maintain. France, for example, is a white nation–or rather, let’s say, to be politically correct, "Caucasian." In France there are citizens of African and Asiatic origin, and they are quite legitimate. But France is not a black nation, nor yellow, no more than Senegal is a white country, or Japan a black country: even though in Senegal as in Japan, there are white, yellow, and black citizens. It is normal for France to want to preserve its ethnic identity. To do that, it possesses an incontestable right to privilege Caucasian immigration, principally European, and to restrict black or yellow immigration.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Cool you found one racist Father. What is your fucking problem, anyway?
>"The Novus Ordo Missae was introduced in April 1969 by Pope Paul VI. From the start, this new rite was intended to have an ecumenical nature as declared by its chief architect, Fr. Annibale Bugnini in 1965:
>We must strip from our Catholic prayers and from the Catholic liturgy everything which can be the shadow of a stumbling block for our separated brethren—that is, for the Protestants.
>'The Novus Ordo Missae, even when said with piety and respect for the liturgical rules ...is impregnated with the spirit of Protestantism. It bears within it a poison harmful to the faith.' (An Open Letter to Confused Catholics, p. 29)
>The Council itself both encouraged liberal trends (and its encouragement became post-conciliar Vatican policy) and departed from traditional Catholic teaching, but it has no authority for either
>For, the Holy Ghost was not promised to the successors of Peter that by His revelation they might disclose new doctrine, but that by His help they might guard sacredly the revelation transmitted through the apostles and the deposit of faith, and might faithfully set it forth. (Vatican I, Dz 1836).

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>a) Yeah, I agree, but at least the Novus Ordo Missae fulfills my holy obligation. I will leave all this reactionary activism to SSPX.
>[O]nly three things are required for validity (presupposing a validly ordained priest), proper matter, form, and intention.
>However, the celebrant must intend to do what the Church does. The Novus Ordo Missae will no longer in and of itself guarantee that the celebrant has this intention. That will depend on his personal faith (generally unknown to those assisting).
>Therefore, these Masses can be of doubtful validity.
>The words of consecration, especially of the wine, have been tampered with. Has the "substance of the sacrament" been respected? While we should assume that despite this change the consecration is still valid, nevertheless this does add to the doubt.
>If the Novus Ordo Missae is not truly Catholic, then it cannot oblige for one’s Sunday obligation. Many Catholics who do assist at it are unaware of its all pervasive degree of serious innovation and are exempt from guilt. However, any Catholic who is aware of its harm, does not have the right to participate. He could only then assist at it by a mere physical presence without positively taking part in it, and then and for major family reasons (weddings, funerals, etc).

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>b) Heretic. The Pope says Vatican II is OK, so it's OK. Papal infallibility, etc.
>There seem to be two errors common in these turbulent times. The first temptation is to presume to judge the Holy Father of being a formal heretic, a situation which would, according to them, cause the apparent pope to be an anti-pope, possessing no true jurisdiction. Although this has been put forward as a theoretical possibility by some theologians historically,[1] such a theory cannot explain what happens to such doctrines as the visibility of the Church, or Christ’s promise to be with His Church until the end of time. Such a simplistic notion is actually based on the same premise as the opposite temptation: that the pope is actually protected by an extended infallibility which cannot account for any error.
>We are not to co-operate blindly in the destruction of the Church by tolerating the implementation of a new religion or by not doing what we can to defend the Catholic Faith.

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>Who the fuck are you anyway?
>As of 22 April 2018,[45] the Society has 637 priests present in 37 countries and active in 35 more, 772 Mass centers, 167 priories, 123 religious brothers, 200 religious sisters, 79 oblates, 204 seminarians in six seminaries, 56 pre-seminarians in three pre-seminaries, more than 100 schools, 7 nursing homes, 4 Carmelite convents, 19 Missionary Sisters of Kenya, and 2 university-level institutes.

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>Aren't you sedes?
>Due to the unorthodox actions and statements of several recent popes, some have been led to believe that these popes have separated themselves from the Church by heresy, ipso facto vacating the seat of the papacy (sedes vacans, literally, empty seat). However, the fact is that formal (obstinate, or willful) heresy, the only heresy bearing with it the effect of excommunication, cannot be claimed, much less proven in the case of the pope, as there is no higher ecclesiastical authority which may censure or reprimand him.

>Aren't you schismatic?
>The Society of St. Pius X has always recognized and adhered to the authority of the pope, and, as noted by prominent Roman authorities (e.g., Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos), the SSPX is not schismatic.

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>I go to an FSSP parish. And it's closer. Why shouldn't I just keep going there?
>The Fraternity of St. Peter is founded upon more than questionable principles, for the following reasons:
>1. It accepts that the Conciliar Church has the power: to take away the Mass of All Time (for the Novus Ordo Missae is not another form of this), to grant it to those only who accept the same Conciliar Church’s novel orientations (in life, belief, structures), to declare non-Catholic those who deny this by word or deed (An interpretation of "Everyone should be aware that formal adherence to the schism [of Archbishop Lefebvre] is a grave offense against God and carries the penalty of excommunication." Ecclesia Dei Afflicata), and, to profess itself in a certain way in communion with anyone calling himself “Christian”, and yet to declare itself out of communion with Catholics whose sole crime is wanting to remain Catholic (Vatican II, e.g., Lumen Gentium, §15; Unitatis Redintegratio §3).
>2. In practice, the priests of the Fraternity must have recourse to a Novus Ordo bishop willing to permit the traditional rites and willing to ordain their candidates. They reject the Novus Ordo Missae only because it is not their “spirituality” and claim the traditional Roman Mass only in virtue of their “charism” acknowledged to them by the pope. Note, for example, the Fraternity’s whole-hearted acceptance of the (New) Catechism of the Catholic Church (question 14), acceptance of Novus Ordo professors in their seminaries, and blanket acceptance of Vatican II’s orthodoxy (question 6).
>This being so, attending their Mass demonstrates acceptance of: the compromise on which they are based, the direction taken by the Conciliar Church and the consequent destruction of the Catholic Faith and practices, and in particular, the lawfulness and doctrinal soundness of the Novus Ordo Missae and Vatican II.

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>SSPX is unsurprisingly not listed in the Ecclesia Dei Latin mass directory. How do I find a mass near me?

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Based thred good one op

who tf is shilling the lefebvre freemason larp

Even SSPX tolerates miscengination and non-Europeans. I will take no part in any form of religion that allows non-Europeans to participate. Christians need to be put on crucifixes until they stop racemixing.

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go sedevecante. u still think francis is the pope.

the church used to teach every race has its place and the individual kingdoms were independent units with survival of the fittest. fuk off with ur sspx shit faggot

>I get my religious commentary from Murdoch Murdoch
>Can't even spell miscegenation
>American education
Why do you expect your religion to express your 1488 principles? If it's true, it's true. You wouldn't deny mathematics because the majority of mathematicians don't agree with your political beliefs, you would?

First, I don't watch jew tube. Secondly, nation states aren't built on borders. They're built on race. They're destroyed by miscegenation. Thirdly, religion that does not support the state has no purpose. Catholicism serves the jewish interests of intermixing and driving the European races into ruination. Religion needs to be something jews can't bastardize if it is to survive, and racial segregation is how you go about keeping them away.

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it actually does if you follow the faith properly
it doesnt condemn or support it

its like free speech

also fuck niggers

i dont mind africans but i will still say niggers can fucc off because its based

i like catholics even though i will never likely become one

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Yes, I know the social teachings. That's why I put what I put in the OP.
Even anti-Catholics like admit that this is the reality of true Catholic doctrine.
If you are a true Catholic, and not a modern Catholic, then you believe the Deposit of Faith (in secular terms, Evolian Tradition) is unchanging throughout time, and that it is the duty of the Church to pass it down to successive generations.
So although the Church doesn't currently teach it, the teachings have clearly not been lost, so Christ's promises tell us that it will occupy the Holy See again someday.

Well done OP.

based thredd OP

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Thanks for the images OP.
I reversed searched and found a mine of images of trad stuff to practise my oil portraiture with. Ace.
Pic related is an oil version on gold, copy of a Rossetti watercolour I've done.

Pic was huge, here is smaller one.

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I heard that some traditions and believes in the catholic church are unbiblical.
Im have not joined a church yet, so Im looking for the right one.

Can any of you guys give your input ?

Yes, because the SSPX introduces a totally foreign concept into the Church. To believe in the the Latin church is not to believe in a pope, but to believe in the papacy. If it's both possible for a completely evil man to be pope and fir this to disrupt the succession of the chair of peter, then you cannot say "first among equals" means any more than the bishop of constantinople thought it meant. If the Roman Church is the true possessor of the chair of peter, if the papacy grants the keys to the kingdom, we can trust that hell will never prevail against it. No matter how harmed we are, no matter how deceived, no matter how much we are corrupted, we will not fail. To say the pope is not the pope is a spiritual absurdity. A priest whos breaks who has sin in his heart still has the power of the sacraments. After all, it is never the man who is the true possessor, but rather the spirit, and if an evil man asks the spirit to do a good thing, the spirit will do it, not because he was asked but because it is still good, regardless of who asked. Vatican II has not had the result many hoped for, but this is not how the story ends. For a Bishop to ordain another Bishop against the will of the Pope is to challenge the very foundation of the chair of peter. It can be nothing but schismatic.

nice job user

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No, it the church always has it. If it can be lost, there is no reason to believe it was never lost before. You are speaking like an eastern orthodox and not realizing. There is no reason to support the Latin church at all if you believe the deposit of faith could ever leave it.

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The Catholic Church is the only true Church because it has all the 4 requirements. Holy, Roman, Catholic and Apostolic. The Orthodox Church has only 2 of those requirements.
All the other churches are the synagogue of Satan.
My suggest is that you read Aquinas and then go to the nearest Catholic Church and see if the priests preaches the same thing that Aquinas does or he's a liberal heretic. Then look for another Church where they teach traditional catholic doctrine. A good advice would be to look for Catholic churches that only celebrate the Trident mass in Latin.

Don't ask pol. Whatever the claim, see what the argument is for saying it's unbiblical, and the research what the biblical support for the Catholic position is. What you will usually find is that the Catholic position draws on a wider selection of scripture with a more contextual analysis.

SSPX is not in schismatic. All their ordinations are approved by the Holy See and they can even perform marriages. Besides, there is a Canonic Law that allows Bishops to ordain priests in case of crisis or urgency.
It can be argued that the fact that the Pope, the cardinals and most of the bishops are freemasons, teach false doctrine and perform an invalid mass is a state of urgency because many souls are lost, so SSPX has legitimate canonical reasons to ordain Bishops.

I bet they engaged in backbreaking labor all their lives. 50% of their children died, and the man died soon after in battle for the honor and wealth of the landed gentry.
Don't worry, the local banker would plow his hot wife and send his kids to the countryside (at least until they all died of typhoid)

What a fun time to be alive

The hell is SSPX?


Yes they are. It is why they were excommunicated. They were explicitly told not to do what they did, and yet did it anyway. All priests swear obedience to the Pope, and they are only ever compelled to disobey if the Pope explicitly asks them to do something against dogma. The consecration of a particular Bishop is not a matter of faith and morals, it is not dogmatic, but only magisterial. By disobeying the Pope in this manner, the SSPX challenge the foundation of the faith. If a bishop can disobey the pope in this matter, if a bishop can simply decide that the pope is no longer the pope, than the Papacy means nothing. Go join the Greeks if you truly believe the Papacy can be lost.

SSPX is not Sedevacantist. Benedict XVI legalized all the consacrations that the SSPX did, so they are not excommunicated. Its just a society that wants to preach the real doctrine while the Church teaches the false gospel because the Holy See has been taken over by freemasonry and jews. The Novus Ordo mass is against traditional doctrine and all the liberal and modernist teaching that the priest preaches are against church doctrine. The SSPX has legitimate canonical reason to act the way they do.

because of this, I'm really close to not attending Roman liturgy anymore. But the closest SSPX church is about too hours away. Would I be obligated to make that trip every Sunday?

the pope can't force anyone to sin. the novus ordo is, at best, neutral and at worst sinful. if it was meant as a way to tear down the authentic faith, then it IS sinful and should be disobeyed

1488 is a materialistic ideology. No true religion is materialistic.

2 hours away is too much. Try to find a Church near you that performs the traditional mass.

I Tried to Investigate Lefebvre & Was Banned’

interesting article

He did not legalize them in that they and all the activities of the society are still considered illicit, though valid (except marriage and absolution beyond an accidental or necessary validity, such as ignorance or deathly sickness). Look, I attend an ICSK church, I am sympathetic. But the SSPX borders so closely to heresy formally, that their disobedience effectively supports it. If there was an imminent danger that spurred Lefebvre, his actions have only increased that danger--now all traditionalists are less trusted.

You only know the novus ordo by its worst interpretations. Even Lefebvre supported a reformed missal at the council.

Only one that's good is Bishop Williamson, and even he doesn't provide the Biblical basis for it.
Stop being a part of Mystery Babylon altogether.

The thought you just expressed is precisely why the SSPX is treated as it is. Their positions, while they have not explicitly stated error, encourages the lay person to commit error. To attend an SSPX service under the notion that is seperate from Rome, to attend as an act of defiance is schismatic. We all know this happens, and there is great doubt that the society takes enough pains to prevent it. The fact that a supporter of the society would not warn you about this bad and schismatic intent is itself concerning. This was the true harm of Lefebvre's actions. By disobeying the Pope, he has defined his society as a place for those who would disobey, no matter how much the priests of the society say otherwise.

Why can't we go back to the good old days where popes had kids out of wedlock and made them cardinals. That was the real shit, and the closest we got to heaven on earth.

Bastards are not much worse than mongrels.

*are not much better

I was raised irreligious but am sympathetic to Catholicism. I've only gone to a church a few times in my life. I'm wondering what the actual day-to-day, week-to-week practice and community would be like at a typical SSPX church. This might seem like a stupid question but I really don't know much and as an atomised modern I'm most interested in the communitarian aspect of religion. I gather you go to church on Sundays, obviously, but what is that like? And what else is there, other events, activities, etc? What are the people like? How do the priests interact with the parishioners?

i wish that were true, but i don't mean to refer to the absolute worst abuses, i.e. clown masses, star wars masses, etc. I started attending a byzantine liturgy and it's like night and day. the novus ordo was stripped of everything that made it holy and worthy praise of God. i don't want to be schismatic, but something is really wrong with the novus ordo and it's only getting worse.

to be honest, im just really discouraged by everything going on in the church. the novus ordo is just one of the easy things to point to. pray for me, user

SSPX is mostly based, as the people that attend their mass.
The only problem I have is that most SSPX attendents, and even priest, will somehow recognize in private that Bergolio may be an anti-pope, while they still submit to its authority. I understand the strategy behind it, the Grey area, but I don't know for sure if it will be a winning strategy.
That, plus they often reject sedevacantism. I'm not one, but I totally understand their point of view and I can't blame them. Rejecting them isn't a good thing, in my opinion.

Cuckthoplics were wrong from day one for trying to bring realpolitic into the religion and they are paying for it to this day
Its insalvagable as the entire foundation of it is wrong, only abandonment of their falsehoods and return to the ecumenical community will save these heretics

La Rochelle siege?

Pope is the antichrist and so is his church started in Babylon in Sumeria. Money was first used to exchange currency for prostitution. The Jews will always wreck nations with communism.

Praise Kek

Frenchfag here.
SSPX is dead. It died with Lefebvre.
Abbé Rioult is where it is.

>implying shismatic state churches arent bending over for putin and every muslim leader and licking their arse

t. autistic evangelical zionist

nigger nigga nigga

>SSPX is the only way forward for Catholics
Wrong, Eastern Catholicism is another way. We’re completely unchanged and uninfluenced by Vatican 2.

>uninfluenced by Vatican 2
Vatican 2 gave a roadmap for EC's to de-latinize. Hardly "uninfluenced" but a good thing overall.

lmao this, sspx is as modernist as it gets, many people believe it's a plant from the vatican anyways

What do you think of FSSP though?

I want to join a church to find likeminded people but I suspect most parishes here are victim of the so called liberation theology, christian marxism, and while there are some SSPX ones nearby I don't really trust them that much.


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Im not sure my da brought me to one of their masses before ages ago
they seem to have a few based priests but other than that i dont know much about them.

also what part of argentina are ya from, i never hear anything about the irish people over there even though i heard from some fella who said they are less pozzed than the amerimutts or other parts of our diaspora.

Search the SSPX website. They do a lot of pilgrimates and such. Their strenght lies in their schools.

Interesting how it shows Christ casting away what seems to be (((post-modern art))).

what is sspx?

What do you guys think about the theory that Benedict XVI is still pope, since his "resignation" was invalid? Think he'll reveal the truth before he dies?


shut up mason jew

I'm from the buenos aires metropolitan area, your kin is settled in Buenos Aires as well, but far from the capital. They keep it to themselves, but the ones who know about them I'd say mostly believe are based and helped this country during its youth a lot, so cheers for that.

Either that, or just emphasizes how demons arent made in the image of God

Based thread. During the exorcism of Anneliese Michel (basis for Exorcism of Emily Rose) the demon said this when asked about Abo. Lefebvre:
>"Ha! That one! But they don't believe in him. What a pity."

St. Lefebvre, ora pro nobis.

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That is some LARP!

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As I said before (on a new computer now), I attend a traditional mass. I understand your feeling. But your feeling is in many senses wrong. We find the older rite beautiful yes, but the new rite is no less legitimate, no less holy. It too is full of symbolism. If there is a great flaw, it exists in the intent and motivation behind it--many priests are afraid of people losing interest. Where the novus ordo was meant to encourage greater participation, many priests have in fact gone against the spirit of the council by explaining the mass less and lowering expectations. What was meant to bring people deeper into the faith has instead been used as a veil of ignorance. So far, the broader effect has been the opposite of its purpose, certainly. The difficulty is in finding precisely where the magisterial error is made (for the error is not one of dogma itself). For you, as a lay person, it is wrong to judge the entire validity of the Church and the papacy by magisterial flaws. You may certainly question and wonder at whether the Church is being managed in the best way, but to question the Papacy itself is to question whether the Church is the Church. You cannot be Catholic and say that the seat is empty.

One, do you have a source for that? Two, that was before he made a schismatic act. Three, demons can and usually do lie during exorcisms, particular in regard to information about other people than the one who is possessed.

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SSPV and CMRI are where you will find real Catholicism. SSPX still acknowledges the Freemason Francis as the Pope.

Shut the fuck up. The Novus Ordo Missae was written by a Freemason and has a TALMUDIC prayer in the offertory.

The novus ordo is an offense to God, just shut up


>tolerates miscegination and non-European.
You are a fool. The Church doesn't encourgae miscegenation. And Catholicism is for every race and nation of the world.

These are Muslim girls in what looks like anything but a church.

It looks like Muslims in a synagogue.

bergoglio is an illegal pope who serves the faggot lavender mafia. watching and ready

1. Read the transcripts or look for a book about it.
2. He didn't commit a schismatic act, at worst you could call it disobedience.
3. Demons are compelled to tell the truth during exorcisms by the authority of Christ. They may refuse to answer or resist, but they don't lie.

For some of us that is the closest. My archdiocese has only one parish that celebrates the Latin Mass and only once a month.

One of these it's not like the others

Is that a mouse droid behind her?

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1. I wasn't asking out of doubt, but because I don't know where to find it.
2. John Paul II declared it a shismatic act, and that has yet to be reversed. The efforts made by Benedict and Francis have ended the excommunication of those ordained by Lefebvre, but the whole order is still considered illicit, although valid.
3. Demons are only compelled to tell the truth in response to a command from God. If a priest gives in to the fear or temptation of a demon, he might speak the name of Christ, but without faithfully invoking Christ's authority. So the manner in which the demon was asked about Lefebvre is quite important. It is strongly discouraged not to talk to demons at any time, even during an exorcism, about affairs beyond the possession. It is easy, through these questions, to deceive people and sow dissension and mistrust. For example, with this case, having not read it, the demon could have lied about his knowledge of Lefebvre, so any statement he made would be untrue, not because Levebvre was good or not good, but because the demon did not have authority to speak of it. Simply the act of a demon speaking truth has a tendency to cloud truth. It is best to ignore what they say as much as possible.

This might surprise you, but the Latin Rite is designed after the rituals of the Temple of Israel.

>blue police phone booth
Doctor Who. Google it.

I don't believe anyone with any actual knowledge of novus ordo would attack it in such a simple and imprudent manner. We will not find clarity in unkindness.

About this SSPX, if I'm a Roman Catholic, does it need a conversion for me to join?
It's k-9, the Doctors robot dog...


Actual knowledge? The vast majority of Catholics have no choice but to attend that travesty of a mass. Trust me, I have "actual knowledge," and I pray for the day when the novus ordo is suppressed and the Latin rite is reinstated. What kind of Catholic defends the novus ordo, implicitly supporting the profanation of the Eucharist?

>I will take no part in any form of religion that allows non-Europeans to participate.
Then a religion to your liking doesn't exist. Including atheism.

>Secondly, nation states aren't built on borders. They're built on race.
Not even Japan is racially 100% pure.