There are a lot of Hungarian Jews. There's a town 30 miles west of me called Kiryas Joel, which hosts the largest Hungarian population in America, it's also the poorest town in my entire country.
>According to 2008 census figures, the village has the highest poverty rate in the nation. More than two-thirds of residents live below the federal poverty line and 40% receive food stamps.[5] It is also the place in the United States with the highest percentage of people who reported Hungarian extraction, as 18.9% of the population reported Hungarian descent in 2000.[6]
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Only the nigger parts of Detroit are gross, Huntington Woods district of Detroit and many others are wonderful places to live. It's like this in most major cities across the planet. Let's not pretend it's beautiful in Aleea Livezilor, București; friend.
Samuel Allen
let's not pretend that anything in b*CUResti (Allah forgive me for uttering this word) is beautiful
Connor Mitchell
I mean you're correct, we do larp as descendants of people from Rome, even you said we come from the Latin speaking populations from S of Danube
The wiki article says only Gypsies have it, thus proving they are Indians And as I've already said, pizda, Turkey has more than 5 million Gypsies, the map you've posted is wrong, >is found commonly among the Romani people, who originated in South Asia and migrated into the Middle East and Europe, around the
Jaxson Kelly
>Why do Hungarians have slanted eyes? it's actually romanians having it like that, not hungarians.
Romanians are faggots they have turkic mongolic and gypsy genes from turks and kipchak cumans lmao.
Britain is white. You can't say anything you disgusting Greek.
Nathaniel Nguyen
The haplogroup H comprises only romania and serbia, not hungary.
Jaxon Robinson
greeks are also turkish in denial.
Adam Morris
I don't see a significant difference. Steal for a living. Too many kids. Avoidance of government mandates/laws. Schooling is "optional". Spend all their money on jewelry and flashy clothing.
>Steal for a living. Too many kids. Avoidance of government mandates/laws. Schooling is "optional". Spend all their money on jewelry and flashy clothing. you described perfectly a ROMANIan, congrats you now can identify them.
>You discredited yourself, how so gypsy? can't you read an official map? the level of intellect of the regular gypsy rom, lmao
>Became Hungary has more Gypsies % than us
where the fuck did you learn english? who taught you english? your copper-stealing mother?
Alexander Collins
Retarded much? You can easily find all the influences we had, no one denies them and no one gives a fuck, Look at pic, doesn't she look Neanderthal? Kek, she's aromanian has more I2 Haplogroup than anyone in the Balkans She looks swarthy, yes, problem?
What about addressing the point, Hungary has more Gypsies than us, or you claim otherwise?
Jeremiah Thomas
tell me gypsy, where are her strong browridges? >404 browridges not found
where's her long convex jewish nose?
>404 nose not found, or nose too small
she doesn't look neanderthal, and probably her dad has also haplogroup H, hell, her name is Halep, which is even a town in turkey, you BTFO'd yourself there, gypsie.
Angel Wood
>Hungary has more Gypsies than us check the facts again retarded swarthy gypsy mutt from moldova, you are the ones having the greatest concentration of non-white genes, all combined from turkish,gypsy,asian and others. You are the non-europeans here, not hungarians, first look at how shitty you are, then speak about others, filthy mutt!
again, speak english, retard.
Daniel Nguyen
Pathetic fag Aromanians have I2 haplogroup, >was classified Retards there can't make the distinction between an turk and a S Korean, kys
Elijah Morris
I've already said she's aromanian You don't known how they are? Her name being a town in Turkey is more proof that Anatolia belongs to vlachs and not Helens
>you BTFO'd yourself there, gypsie. Pathetic parrot repeating what humans say
Jaxson Nguyen
Romania has waaay more. Certain parts of Wallachia are densely populated. I've talked to a government official from Bucharest, he told me that the estameted number is most likely around 4 million, can even be higher. There's no point of fighting in-between us on this matter, it's a national problem for every south east European country.
Robert Brown
>Aromanians have I2 haplogroup, only 30% of them, the rest are turkish gypsies , also not only the Y-dna matters gypsy, but also the mt-dna which halep's one could be 100% turkish, hence her turkish name.
>an turk and a S Korean, kys
because you would believe if a mongol looking blond russian tells you he's german, it means you are an anthrolet and cannot differentiate european phenotypes, kek, you would even consider a turk from bashkortostan romanian that blind are you because of your non-white genes.
Try harder half indian subhuman, not impressed, also post your pics. You are the retard nihil sine deo 2.0
Pizda crede ca face ceva aci >yur da gipi You said you had 10 at history, you don't know basic stuff? Gypsies came to Romania through Hungary, don't lie fag
I'll post this pasta, you'll be a parrot again like that last time? >>(Gypsies) first appeared in Hungary in the 14th and 15th >>Gypsy groups were even granted privileges, first under King Sigismund(1387-1437) and King Matthias(1458-1490), right up to the beginning of the 18th century. >>Maria Theresa enacted a decree prohibiting the use of the name "Gypsy" and requiring the terms "new peasant" and "new Hungarian" to be used instead. >>She placed restrictions on Gypsy marriages,ordered gypsy children to be taken away from Gypsies, so that they could be raised in hungarian "burgeouis" or "peasant" families. >> Joseph II prohibited use of the Gypsy language in 1783. >Gypsy population end up assimilating in Hungarian society, in 19th century >new wave of Gypsy immigration in the second half of the 19th century
>Her name being a town in Turkey is more proof that Anatolia belongs to vlachs and not Helens that's a turkic name you retarded gypsy mutt
aromanian have more middle easterner admixture than even bulgarian gypsies lmao.
Charles Perry
>Gypsies came to Romania through Hungary, don't lie fag no it was the other way around, retarded half indian subhuman mutt.
Josiah Green
Romanians are brown shit-eating retards who are run by a German who wants to import a million pakistanis, and the Romanian population is declining towards extinction
Hungarians want Romanians to fuck off back to Pakistan, and want to quadruple their population by increasing birthrates
No one on Jow Forums (except Romanoids) will stand with Romania because Romania is globalist cuck central
Jaxon Baker
romanians are gypsies, they have at least 1% south asian or tatar, every romanian has at least one gypsy hiding in the gene pool, don\t get fooled!
Jackson Reed
You have no proof of that and I have plenty, you're retained if you think you do something here
uralid , not 100% white. Even your "white romanians"" look weird and asian with slanted eyes kek. Who ruined your genome?
Dylan Rogers
speak english subhuman, you aren't white, show brown skin ;) kek.
Nathan Clark
OP is just some gypsie faggot trying to bullshit true HUNG-ARYANS considered pure by Hitler. He's butthurt at our superiority.
Jack Howard
Aiden Jenkins
Wallachia is almost desert Most Gypsies are in Transylvania because of you, only Gypsies that spread to other regions were because the communists moved them >he has not basics of history of the Balkans but claims he says true things Sad, Like being mixed with Slavs and Germans ever helped Hungarian against us Kek
You know mr bean is actually a lot more aryan than your whole family combined, you aren't white, show brown skin (;
Anthony Parker
Are you so retarded that you think calling us cumas is an insult? What a delusional fag kek So you really don't know history at all
That woman I posted is American probably Anglo, German
>As I was informed, there are certain people within the Cuman bishopric named Vlachs, who although calling themselves Christians, gather various rites and customs in one religion and do things that are alien to this name. For disregarding the Roman Church, they receive all the sacraments not from our venerable brother, the Cuman bishop, who is the diocesan of that territory, but from some pseudo-bishops of the Greek rite.
>That woman I posted is American probably Anglo, German >german
germans were called hunns back then, they weren't considered white by some, you are the faggot who doesn't know history at all.
Ofc it s not an insult 4 u, cumans are your turkish brothers, i see you are proud of having turkic ancestors 600 yrs ago, even your wallachian founder is one of them. kek
Noah Cooper
Atkinson is 100% english, what's the problem potato nigger?
>Now he claims it doesn't matter how you looking This in the pic is a gypsy and some Slav blood, he looks more human and European than that Anglo Your spewing only pseudoscience here fag