I have seen Qanon just posted a screenshot of George M. Nasif claiming the video it's real. What do you think?
Is frazzledrip real?
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Q is an ARG/LARP to misdirect retarded boomers onto red herrings to keep them either ignorant or apathetic to what's really going on
Well Epstein was arrested, the Clinton's were close to him, and I believe they worship evil. So many coincidences, too many, but that video would be insane
Retarded shill bullshit
Time for pasta and pic
no breakthrough
>Alefantis Murder Tank LOCATED
It's a freezer lol
nothing found at all
NOBODY was EVER arrested thanks to pizzaniggers
everyone still alive and kicking
Alex Jones is now DEPLATFORMED!
Thanks for the bump boy
>t. disinfo shill
i'd refute your reply but everyone already knows you're lying
This is why the media has been talking about deepfakes for over a year now. Trying to sow that seed of doubt because they knew what was on weiner’s laptop.
Those videos sound so bizarre and outlandish I shouldn't even be able to entertain the idea that they could be real. But in this clown world the bizarre has become the norm so if they are I really wouldn't be surprised at this point.
he previously claimed that the videos were of both huma and hilary getting blood transfusions and of them removing the faces of a teenage boy and a teenage girl. Now he's claiming something a bit different. And he's claimed that he's seen the videos, including when he gave the original description. He owns an infowars knock off called infowind. Idk. It seems unlikely to me, even if its true hilary and huma are never going down for it and we will never know the truth
Maybe Epstein will spill the beans.. i would be surprised if that video leak but not so much.. we live in a crazy world
Considering I have seen a gore video called mr potato Head
Yes I 100% believe these sociopaths are capable of doing that to a little girl
They have tossed aside their humanity for something else.
That's why anyone with empathy just can't fathom this happening, those stories of veteran city cops breaking down are true. Keep in mind cities are the murder hotspots of the world so those guys have seen some shit already.
It’s real and they will claim it is a deepfake
Who is that fat chick who sings about about phones?
Might be wrong bread soz
This is so fake it's incredibly obvious. You virgins are scared because Drumpf is going away for a lonnnnnng time with his best buddy Epstein.
Can't wait to see you faggots cry when they put him in cuffs.
What is that potato video about?
Trump already banned Epstein from mar-a-lago, Trump is the real deal
This wasn’t the first time Epstein was arrested, though. It just happened to at an interesting time when everyone is paying attention.
when the habbening happens drop all larping and make fun of your lolcows from the LARP farms
Yes I know, but this time will he be able to get out? I don't think so
Even is this wasn't a larp and the security agencies were given full evidence of these crimes, nothing would happen.
Qanon is supposed to be a part of the intelligence that rebelled and want to expose the satanic ring. So if it's real they will release the evidence at some point..
Some guy went missing, then a video appeared on the dark web of someone dismembering his head and setting aside the parts in a potato Head toy fashion
Ears, eyes tongue. Hope the poor bastard was dead before they started that shit
Let me tell you something. Screenshots of frames from the frazzledrip video were posted here on April 16, 2018.
Those pictures got remotely wiped out of existence, even from inside compressed archives.
the Epstein case has been bubbling under the surface for 10 years though...
Did it look "credible"?
Last night there was a thread with alleged screenshots from one of the videos, maybe frazzle. It was gore alright, and it was disgusting but I'm not sure it was the real deal. Like I said in that thread I hope it's fake, but the fact that so many people believe the Clinton's and other Satanists are capable and likely to have done it is what's so concerning. There are a lot of people right now who a year ago would have called this 100% false but with the police in NY dying who may have seen the tape + the blatant evil symbolism catching the eye of normies now there is too many people who believe this to be true for it to be dismissed, real or not. I really do not want to see the video, but I'm lurking hoping its proven illegitimate or legitimate one way or another so the rumor can either go away or these people get executed.
The Dutrox case has several different details that mimic the potential behavior of HRC and other elites we know. They talk about forcing kids into sexual acts and eating body parts of kids who were dismembered live with electric cutting knives so I wouldn't doubt HRC wore a childs face on her own to attempt to transmute vitality or some other evil black magic shit
It was a picture of a picture and intentionally obscured. It wasn't until the files vanished into thin air that I became convinced they were real.
pic_related were posted at the same time, but didn't get deleted off the web or my computer/phone.
The Clintons have killed hundreds including kids. So I wouldn't doubt it for a second.
Who is George Nasif?
Why do we care?
Very true user and very gruesome. What a dark time in human history we are in. Hopefully these revelations are the sign of a new and hopefully less evil future
Was dutreux those two little kids with the satinist dad?
I watched the entire group of videos. No way those kids made that shit up.
the sad truth is that across human history its likely never been better for the common man. even when assuming that there might be a large pedophilia ring at the very highest echelons of the worlds most powerful.
Nobody is dying of typhus. nobody is out there sucking dick for food. Roman merchants used to buy german children from their parents for just a pound of dog meat.
People have them.
>Nobody is dying of typhus. nobody is out there sucking dick for food.
Ever heard of California?
>claiming the video it's real
it's on the darkweb, you can find it if you look hard enough. only reason it hasn't broke is because journos are too pussy to go on the dark web.
You're absolutely correct, so perhaps I was mistaken or hyperbolic by saying it's the worst time. Maybe it seems that way because we have more evidence and examples of these things happening than our ancestors who only heard the rumors and brushed them off, too worried about their job and their simple pleasures...and this is all we can do to stop it. At least we're trying, it's not like us anons can physically do something without winding up tortured and dead ourselves. But I agree, we do have it good overall as a society - in summary i just think its and that underneath the prosperity theres these kinds of dealings going on and we're only able to really talk about it and tell others that it's real. Keep up the good work and keep fighting the good fight
No. The SDNY is pushing for no bail and a max 45 year sentence, pretty much life is what they want to sentence him with. Supposedly he made a plea deal to name others for a 5 year max sentence. Its gonna get interesting.
You mean those two little children who were video taped saying "daddy hurts children" or something? It was on YouTube
>I shouldn't even be able to entertain the idea that they could be real.
you ever read that description of the gay snuffs flims Thompson made? guys biting each others dicks off?
thats why the public must be involved, because the public will get what the public wants, my fear is that this outrage will be used to create another holocaust event
so that move has to be diverted towards true justice
If he gets a plea deal then it's going to be a misdirect. Who will he name and what evidence would they have to corroborate his allegations with? If he gets a deal then it's because he didn't turn.
Fuck off james
I have only seen it mentioned that he filmed some, what were some of the descriptions?
>its likely never been better for the common man
tell that to millions of slaves in South America
We can only hope user
some bullshit about most disgusting thing ever, they kill each other while performing gay sex blah blah blah bite the dick and nuts off and spit them out crying then get shot in head from off camera
Nope, complete larpy bullshit. Q boomers actually believe shitty shoops kek
Lol imagine being so retarded that you believe this
Post any crappy outta focus pic, claim its OMG HILLARY EATING KIDS and pizzamongoloids will scarf that shit up hurr durr
this won't stop until the board is cleared, thats the only way this will work, because all of these fuckers thought their oaths were meaningless words and that the symbols they use could only empower them and never endanger them, they were very wrong
those Comey's have to go, Schumer and Pelosi should step down now and leave for Argentina
this doesn't stop until the board is cleared
the one with Huma in costume was very clear though
Found it, my bad. It's a girl who was one of their toys essentially. Its gross.
Here is bill Clinton fucking a kid while huma eats his ass go spam it
the kikes will not allow the dominoes to fall
they will arrange for him to name only non kike names and they will protect the deep state
sorry bro I didn't have a warrant ready so that one can't be used in court
Can someone give us a rundown of what's happening in this tiny grainy picture?
this is why you have to pray for the death of the entire comey family while you jerk off, it works when a couple million people do it
take one for the team and get spanking!
reaction shots of supposed delivery of subpoenas
Newfaguettes, take heed: this is what a shill post looks like.
>delivery of subpoenas
Need more info. Subpoenas for what?
MIGAturd Q plan-trusters ruined MAGA. They convinced Trump he could get lazy with his agenda and he'd still have boomer retards support him no matter what.
Schizophrenia or shit boomer infographic, difficult to tell
>Subpoenas for what?
who fucking knows, it's a big what if pile of horseshit nonsense until we get some real info
it was from the funeral of bush some people opened their pamphlet and a note fell out of some I remember jimmy carter was looking confused he didn't get one
you can easily surmise what type of crimes these people are involved with, the Bushes sold slave cotton to the Army for WW1 uniforms, they sold cocaine in the 80s, they still sell cocaine, they're involved in all kinds of murders and treason and loyalty to foreign monarchs for decades, the crimes of these people is huge, genocides committed around the world by them for hundreds of years
>jimmy carter
the best living former US president, he went after corporations and wanted to make spraying chemicals on crops illegal, just imagine how many of you fags would not be gay now if he had made that law a reality
Yeah keep blaring journey faggot.
>this time we got him fer shure
ive seen the videos. kimdotcom had a templeOS box running them at his latest blackhat pool party. beyond sick but at least we know shes going down
Between shit like this, what I've heard about daisy's destruction and the shit that I've seen on old /b/, you bet your ass I think these fucks are capable and willing to do such horrifiying shit.
so frazzledrip is real?
I don't believe you.
I dont really want him to get a deal either and hopefully there is enough evidence on who is involved they don't need his "word".
>so frazzledrip is real?
I am sure something like it is real x a million, just look at how these dumbfucks operate, their basic problem is that they didn't have a declared non partisan boss, so too many cooks spoiled the broth and now the entire system has to go
Aspen Institute came up with a fantastic replacement system for the blackmail system in the 1970s, it was actually cheaper and more effective in controlling votes, so why didn't they use that? because these assholes enjoy what they do
> but that video would be insane
It was.
See how the shills here and in news are short stroking so hard to associate trump with epstein? Both names ALWAYS used in the same sentence. Seething desperation.
>Aspen Institute came up with a fantastic replacement system for the blackmail system in the 1970s
thats what think tanks do, they come up with solutions to scenarios, the proposed scenario was how to control the congress without blackmail
they figured it could be done more effectively with advertising but the report was filed and forgotten about because elites want to fuck their kids and shit
i was asking for some citations or something
thats work, call them up and claim you are a magazine reporter and you are interested in 1970s research on congressional voting statistics
>tfw no one will ever spread the video on the clearnet
They can't, that's why there are so many shills right now. As soon as they spot s legitimate problem they report it to glowniggers who shut it all down to scrub evidence.
and guy, name of institution that dd the study is a citation, the only better thing is the name of the head of research, maybe this one was David Isiah but I read a lot of these
yo SK you perfected foreskin replacement surgery yet? i think you might see an influx
i know i'd be shitting myself scared if i didn't have a foreskin right about now
Thanks for posting, same exact thing happened to me. I posted that link to it that showed up. Saved the pic. Believed but had a little brainwash skepticism. Next day pic gone....when I learned to screen cap EVERYTHING and that pic was the real deal, and someone had power and balls to wipe a file from my device.
fuck off nigger I wish I could cut yours off so you know how it felt
At least your shit didn't crash and unrecoverable. Mine did.
fuck you thailand bug nigger, go talk shit about your fatass king so you can get shot by the squad.
clipcocks burn in hell gargling rancid swine semen in a state of arousal for eternity
all you have to do to avoid this is accept the name of Jesus.
yes because I was a baby and had my dick cut against my will I am going to hell literally kill yourself retard
Most of that shit is to crazy to be real. But the blood transfusions is easy to believe, rich people do crazy shit to try and stay young, healthy, and in power.
So you reject the Son?
Well then, you don't believe in the God of the Torah. That makes you a heathen!
Last night Q user posted Tom Steyer was fucked and would declare he was being attacked for being a "political opponent of Trump".... Lo and behold, today Tom Steyer announced his run for President out of nowhere. I'm not a Q fag, but stuff like that is honestly mind blowing