/FSG/ Former Socialist General

I think there's a lot of us, and now that there's a concerted effort from the left to attack this board of free speech and peace maybe sharing the story of how you ended up alt-right/conservative might help deradicalise antifa losers and chapo soi bois into productive members of society.

For me I changed politically learning about the horrors of socialist satellite states, socialist imperialisim, and the lifes of socialists.

I changed socially when I realized the people around me were all fucking useless and got off on demoralizing me into the same or worse piece of shit they were.

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It’s funny.
I remember my high school socialist days. I think i was kinda sucked into it by friends but i fancied myself a socialist scholar.
I read the communist manifesto and frankly, I don’t think I understood most of it, and what i did understand seemed a bit retarded.
I was enthralled with the idea of worker ownership of the means of production and not really much else about socialism.
Then i got a job at a factory, and all those silly ideas instantly disappeared.
I was a libertarian-lite for a while there, until i moved on to better and greater things.

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Nice try porky. We almost got you the last time. We'll exterminate every single one of you this time around.

I guess it wouldn't be a workers paradise if I didn't go from two jobs to getting shot behind the chemical sheds.

Let’s assume you’re a real communist.
Why do you support an ideology that is purposely designed to tear apart and destroy nations so the scraps can be consumed by the international finance jewry?


if you see any shill threads don't forget to spam this link because it's vitally important to the deradicalisation process that we have as many commie shills getting BTFO at once as possible.

>is purposely designed to tear apart and destroy nations
That's capitalism bro. Open borders and reducing people's living standards for extra profit is clapped for by capitalists

Also true, but we’re not discussing capitalism

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Cost of every attack is a viable alternative. Socialism never brought pride month and interracial analism

friendly reminder jew boy that paper is owned by a Chinese state company proxy!

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marx's critiques of capitalism are valid, his actual economic theories are hot garbage and were predicated on the steam engine being the paragon of technology: we kept innovating while marxist economics created slavery, gulags, poverty, starvation, conflict.

How would a socialist country leverage AI or information technology? probably by sending its office and clerical workers out to break rocks.

it's an ideology of stagnation and rot.

Post former socialists.

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I was suckered by propaganda in a school atlas, of all things. Norway highest tax highest standard not living. Imagine all the cool things you could do if you had all that tax money. I kind of grew out of it but when I started looking into what caused the 08 financial crisis I learned about economics and there's no going back to socialism after that.

the patron saint of /FSG/

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sim city socialism is pretty common, people have to remember it's way easier to pump the brakes on high taxes in sims, but it never happens IRL.

>sharing the story of how you ended up alt-right/conservative
wanna know how i know this is a honeypot thread?

because it's openly and honestly designed to bait, occupy, and convert left wing shills?

What's even the point of asking such heavily biassed, loaded and rethorical question?

Communism has elevated two backwater empires on the brink of collapse to superpowers, better than they ever were in centuries.

The Crisis of capitalism is ravaging the world in abscence of Strong Labour resistance, percisely as Marx had predicted

>backwater empire
are you for real, nigger?


I'm going to assume you mean china and russia because none of the other socialist nations are super powers.

Russia hasn't been communist since the 90's when yeltsin privatised gazprom and all the other state services. the old guard mostly hangs around as a miasma of corruption that prevents investment and foreign ownership so it's more of a crony capitalist oligarchy than anything, this change was the only thing that stopped violent collapse.

I'm sure you're aware of zizek's criticism of chinese socialism, in that in order to compete on the global market they have been forced to become the most ruthless capitalists on the planet and it has not always been to the benefit of their people. their material desires are being fulfilled but it's in a climate of absolute totalitarian control of speech, conduct, and culture.

Retards. First meme flaggot shows the true colors of every commie losers.
Nigger flag hasn't ever read a history book.

This is why communists should be shot, no questions asked.

U mad?

Commies are losers so yes. I'm mad.

don't be an idiot, there's no point getting mad, there's basically two types of socialists we're dealing with:

>esoteric jahanists
these people can't be fixed in any way but they can illuminate the worthlessness of socialism with their idiotic rhetoric

>thoughtful but misinformed
there's been a concerted effort to push sargon as a representative, and they will be more receptive when they find out we were his original trolls.

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Jews created capitalism and socialism.

National Dirigisme is the righteous path.

>better than they ever were in centuries.
Ask yourself for whom they're better.
It seems to me the answer doesn't lie with "the workers"

>I changed socially when I realized the people around me were all fucking useless and got off on demoralizing me into the same or worse piece of shit they were.

This was a huge wake up call for me too.

Left wing politics are basically crab mentality. They claim to want equality, but what they really want is to drag everyone down into the dirt with them.

read "the open conspiracy" by H. G. Wells, a Fabian socialist. He wrote it in the 1930s, essentially describing their plans to build clownworld and you will be shocked on how accurate it is.

I think everyone starts out as some type of socialist and/or humanitarian. The people who stay and/or reside in that area are childish and never learned anything.

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Not if my AR has anything to say about it bootlicker

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my dad's a navy seal at nintendo, shut the fuck up.

Good for you user. IF you work hard and make something of yourself, THEN you will have the satisfactory feeling of wellness and worth. And financial success too. Plus, you will materially understand how evil and parasitic the socialist class is, wanting to take away what you earned. You should be able to decide how and when your resources are allocated. And there is no law that says successful people can't help the needy or underprivileged. It's a win win.

My first realization was that when I was a leftist, I was an orthodox leftist. I focused on Class and economic issues, while the modern "socialists" and "leftists" were about race and gender issues and that was a massive turn off and quickly became disaffected.
I slowly faded away from my egalitarianism when I left school and interacted with the real world (and just how fucking useless some people really were).
My personal philosopher became aware of certain realities (Machiaveli's Il Principe opened by eyes quite a bit) regarding the nature of power and of evolution. Both Capitalism and Egalitarianism remove any and all incentives to better ourselves. When I came to the realization that the highest goal a person can set for their individual, personal lives is Self Improvement, I become totally disillusioned with what might be described as "Leftism", but I still hated capitalism as the engines of degeneracy and social decay it was. So I found a third position.

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I started out as an authoritarian and have merely had minor sways but always return to this basic form of authoritarianism

I find myself slowly moving towards a form of socialism with ethno-nationalist characteristics.

I stayed libertarian but I approach issues like trans kids and public fucking at lgbt events from the perspective of the kids who's freedom is dependent on not being exposed to sexually explicit material and experiences that are going to fuck them up and make them more susceptible to sexual abuse.

not sure about capitalism but idea of socialism is created by french guy not jew marx

Very talmudic