Why aren't white nationalists intimidating anymore? Everybody is laughing at them on social media now

Why aren't white nationalists intimidating anymore? Everybody is laughing at them on social media now

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F for Daniel Jackson

Jews did 9/11 and Jews stage bullshit like this.

Do not desecrate the image of our lord and savior with twitter shitposts.

who's the dipshit, talking to a dead person despite knowing he's dead.

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When were they intimidating

Nasim Aghdam x brian clyde

Well you didnt fight them in ww2 but island nations with a population of 30 fought

If they weren't intimidating the government wouldn't be pouring buckets of cash into trying to destroy them.

>white nationalists

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I think you natsoc are fags

But that doesnt change the fact about things as trivial as paintings that are still kept locked underground in a vault by the US army because they think its too "powerful" to white nationalist

If OP was right I wouldnt have to listen to all the reee from the left about white pipo

Reminder to search for synagogues in your area to find nearby enemy locations

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you are just feeling the highs and lows of jewish mass hysteria on social media.

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>white supremacists are a laughable bumbling joke and should be ridiculed
>white supremacists are a direct, real threat and constant danger

You can't have it both ways.

When we put your people in death camps, or are you admitting it never happened forskin chewer?

do they not realize that you can't read twitter if you are dead? who are these people talking to exactly?

Because the only ones that still larping in public are undercover jews.

this scares the jew

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Thats a leftist

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Are they?

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