I just saw the video clip of the Proud Boys forcing a guy holding a sign that was anti-semitic to leave their free speech rally. This reminded me of the Jordan Peterson Free Speech discussion panel a year or two ago, where he uninvited Faith Goldy because she did an interview with Storm Front Radio. All this Free Speech bullshit is just talk, and doesn't really mean anything to any of these people.
Proud Boys Not For Free Speech?
Other urls found in this thread:
Its not about his free speech, its about knowing for a fact that he was sent to their rally to create bad optics.
Even normies are aware of the bullshit now.
Nazis want free speech so they can take it from everyone else
>he was sent to their rally to create bad optics.
I'm a nobody who just saw the clip on Goy Talk. So I have no more information than that. How do you guys know that he was an "agitator"? I'm not saying it is not possible, but what proof do they have that he was?
Free speech in normal situations have never been truly
>free speech
It has always been subject to peer pressure.
>at a free speech rally
>on a free speech message 'wall'
>on a free speech websites
Those are places/situations where the 'free' have to go above and beyond, lest it becomes a tragicomic farce
Proud Boys have been playing this game for awhile now, they know the signs, and to be fair, its not hard to track various agitators and resistance grifters once you actually take the time to start putting the pieces together.
If not explicitly anti-jewish it will become pro-jewish and subverted into working for their cause. Screen cap this and see what they are doing in a few years. 100% chance they will be fully devoted to the cause of jewish marxists by then.
Those guys are fags
Also I should say, if you unironically want to kill Jews and you want to tell people that you want to kill Jews....thats fine, thats your right, but the minute you try to kill Jews, then I have to kill you......nothing personal.
At first I thought that was a broken bone but then
>Proud Boys
my best friend is one. ama
lol you guys are in for it now
wow i always though the "proud boys are secretly gay" thing was a meme
i stand corrected
Look. You have to understand the level of conditioning that we’ve been through regarding Jews. My recognition of this a couple of years ago blackpilled me bad and I spiraled for a bit afterward. We have to be able to forgive people of their kneejerk defense of Jews. BUT. We also have to break through that conditioning. The heebs must be named. I find it easier to break people down using Palestine. No one actually cares about Palestine but it’s a nice proxy for calling out jews. Idk how to solve this, I just keep trying to change one person at a time. That’s all I’m really capable of.
In a way. The modern interpretation of free speech is not decent, and Founders would not have approved of it. Freedom to speak the truth without consequence is what a true conservative should fight for, not freedom to spread degeneracy and lies.
>BUT. We also have to break through that conditioning
shills holding signs to discredit the movement. thats what happened here and the "boys" saw right though it. nothing more. if youve ever been to a real protest on something tangible and local you will know what kind of shady shit im describing
Right. In the eyes of normies Proud Boys are already literal Nazis, just like Milo and the rest of the Alt Lite. Optics is an absolutely nonsensical idea at this point.
Know some proud boys. None of them know anything about Jews. It's a sensible group. They they literally have no idea about alt right talking points or the filthy kikes.
They don't know that
Proud boys is pretty pozzed anyway, I read their site and they're pretty pro faggotry
Optics have won already. Everyone on the dissident right has submited because they dont want to lose the dopamine rushes they get from posting on social media. Where is the anti optics crowd now? Gone.
Its a goofy libertarian drinking club, I dont understand why Jow Forums gets angry at them so much. They are as advertised.
You can tell by his insistance on standing in the middle of Proud Boys after being asked numerous times to stand elsewhere. Also Jovi Val, an ex proud boy was there supporting the guy. Jovi was removed for being National Socialist and anti-Semitic. Our movement doesnt want associations with those groups not only because of bad optics but because it tacitly goes against what our principles are. The fact that Jovi immediately jumped on it as "Proud Boys are hypocrites and dont support free speech!" leads me and others to believe the dude was definitely sent as a provacateur. Its one thing to stand independently holding those signs, its another to literally stand in the middle of a group who doesnt support that message and try associating with them to hurt their reputation. Fuck that guy. I understand the frustration from both sides but don't instigate shit with us, seriously.
No. We wont. Numerous members are getting involved in politics and take a very staunch stance against America's support for Israel.
That's like the definition of controlled opposition. They don't know enough to be a threat to the (((people))) they're opposing, yet the main populace sees them as equivalent to the groups that actually do oppose said (((people))).
Don't expect free speech from american conservative faggots. Modern Conservitards would have been considered liberals in the 50's.
and in the 60's and 70's
This logic is absolutely fucking retarded. If we are still regarded so wodely as Nazis and White Supremacists why does it seem like we are garnering more support from moderates and conservatives alike? Proud Boys involvement in standing against Antifa has given some hope and helped them realize the lies of media and batshit leftists. You can say optics are pointless and that we will always be regarded as Nazis, but the moment we stand there and let some faggot ruin our reputation with extremist bullshit is the moment we lose any ground we have covered. Playing into your enemies perceptions of you does no one any good, especially if it means abandoning your principles.
You don't know Proud Boys then lol
This. We are libertarian for the most part and we support civic nationalism. Jow Forums hates us because we arent outright Nazis and we garner more support and do more to stop Antifa than their asses sitting anonymously on imageboards and posting. Brenton Tarrant did nothing for the right or people of Jow Forums except provide a visible happening. Realistically, his actions did more harm than good.
Willing to be money that the person holding the anti-Semitic sign at their rally was Jewish and antifa
Okay then, please read further on the marxists methods, other wise it's only a matter of time and I would hate to see what could be a potentially good group fall into being subverted. If you do not understand your enemy better than they the semi concious army of useful idiots understand themselves then you will surely fall to the very same traps that got them. They follow a combination of Trotskyism and Maoism, economics mean nothing to them, it's not their primary objective, cultural subversion above everything else.
what city are you in?
Nobodys scared of you cuck boy
Proud Boys and any other weird group that gets media attention is controlled opposition.
Fighting some androgynous college kid isnt brave either. In fact, its very fucking stupid. It feels like everyone not on the dissident right is still in 2017.
Yea, getting doxxed and fired for no reason is really helpful, thank you for your service.
Who gets to decide what's a lie or degenerate? Idoit
Trust me. You have nothing to worry about as far as subversion goes. Our guys are pretty set in their principles and views, and again, arent afraid to be openly critical of Israel or the involvement of Israel and Jewish Citizens in our government. People like to tote us around here as paid Jewish shills but I can assure you...that isn't the case. There certainly are people who try to subvert our cause and honestly, most of them involved in subversion have been alt-right or literal NatSoc types. We dont fuck with those types mainly because they come off as feds and none of us want to be on a watchlist, even though we probably already are. I just want to say, one of the brothers from my chapter was stalked by Antifa at night with his buddy. There were 4 antifa versus him and his friend. They had pipes and knives and stabbed him in the shoulder, got him in the ribs, and nearly killed his friend. He sent three of them to the hospital and one is now shitting in a colostomy bag. The fourth dude ran for his life. My buddy has that scar to remind him what communism and antifa represent and I assure you he wants to remove them to make sure this kind of shit doesnt happen to someone else because they're a conservative. Proud Boys are about the cause, for sure. A lot of them. Of course there are the ones who dont take it seriously or try to profit from it but they get lambasted and embarrassed pretty quickly.
I go to rallies all the time and have never been doxxed. I dont even really attempt to hide my identity.
Use the same moral framework that the Founders used. Morality doesnt change, values dont change, they are objective and timeless. How about anything that is anti Christian, is not decent enough.
These civcuck nationalists are stupid enough to think if they behave like good shabbos goys everything will work out in the end. If they actually bothered to read he Talmud they would realise Jews have no intention of keeping whites around once they take over the government. The whole purpose of mass immigration is to dispossess whites so Jews and Arabs can take over. Standing with a bunch of placards calling for free speech achieves absolutely nothing. YOU ARE THE ONES BEING COLONISED, DUMBASSES
Ou, and both my supervisor and my manager know I am a Proud Boy. At first they joked I was a white supremacist, but the more our group as a whole has put ourselves out there and defended normies snd fought against Antifa trying to ruin every conservative event, people have began to change their views on us. Big Tech and Media will always see us as Nazis but they dont represent the populace.
So Proud Boys are hated by jews, blacks, whites, leftists, nazis, communists, white nationalists etc...we must be doing something right if all these opposing forces would rather work together to try and bring us down.
You know you are on the right path when you come across enemies
Everyone hates libertarians and "tough guys".
these queers and antifa are both fucking degenerates, but at least antifa is an all-white fascist movement.
funny how every time communism devolves into the fuhrer principle and whites end up on top.
fuck these civic """ nationalism""" Israel First proudboy queers though.
MIGA my fellow MIGApede
Did you get a proud boy tattoo like based black guy Dante Nero? When you were going through your initiation test did the other proud boys slap ou with their cocks until you recited 5 breakfast cereals? Have you met Gavin? Did he shove anything else up his asshole when he was in your presence?
How many based black guys are there in your local chapter? Do you have gay interracial orgies?
Hey, I like fascism as much as the next faggot here, but that's absolutely not true. Freedom to speak the truth doesn't men shit when someone is deciding what is truth, according to the founding fathers. Imagine if the left defined true speech.
>If we are still regarded so wodely as Nazis and White Supremacists why does it seem like we are garnering more support from moderates and conservatives alike?
Because nazism makes more sense than you think
We had decency laws against speech in this country up until the 1960s. Those decency laws were based on Christian values. Christianity has an objective, universalist, moral system that thas been used to interpret laws since its founding. Its quite easy to imagine how the Founder envisioned freedom of speech. The Catholic Church has a similar system with the Magisterium in Biblical interpration of occuring issues.
The only thing you’re doing “right” is embarrassing yourselves in public. Life isn’t a cartoon where you show up with a free speech flag with captain America and save the day from the evil baddies
Your organisation serves no useful purpose whatsoever
We are living in an Israeli colony now. Accept it. You aren’t going to change it by dressing up like a superhero
It’s.... fucking.... over
Cope harder traitor, your handlers will abandon you and you know it.
Patriots proudly waving the flag serve a purpose just by existing
Dude I’ve spent years studying this stuff. You can’t exterminate the entire German population in two world wars, then turn around and pretend you have a clue what “freedom” means and think just by putting on a superhero cape you can reshape history. It doesn’t work like that. Thinking you are making a difference by engaging in such activity, whether you have good intentions or not, makes the sacrifice of those men a comedy farce. You aren’t achieving anything. Take a cue from Winston in 1984 and realise your empty platitudes won’t stop the irrevocable tide of history.
Lol what a faggot!
Big if true
Your demoralization shilling wont work on me faggot.
Howdy partners! Y'all are enjoying ur bacon burgers and shrimp snacks? Yehaaw!
No, you're a coping snow nigger.
I don’t care whether it works or not. Just know you are living in an Israeli/Arab colony now and no amount of LARPing in superhero costumes is going to change that. The ship sailed in 1945. We are already, to all intents and purposes, living in an open air gulag, completely at the mercy of the Jews who control the media and federal reserve. Playing dress-up only makes the real sacrifice of actual soldiers who died for actual freedom look like a comedy prank. Please read a book and educate yourself. Once you’ve done that I guarantee you’ll no longer hold any false ideas in your head about revolution or “making America great again”. It’s fucking OVER. Call it demoralisation all you want, that’s the cold hard truth.
Sure they do friend.
Enjoy your blackpill friendo. You have given up. Like a fucking pussy.
>America becomes a shithole like Africa filled with niggers and spics
>at least I have the flag
I wonder what that broken bone symbol is supposed to represent?
Shamone hee hee
wew bro, you said the word 'kill' 4 times in one sentence. i sure as heck won't be messing with you...
I know a proud boy who got fired for starting a fight with an antifa punk rawk looking dude and getting his ass kicked on film, which went semi viral in my city. It just kinda makes me feel sad for the guy that he ruined his life in defense of (essentially) boomer conservatism. You'd think if your willing to become a pariah and be labeled a nazi you'd at least hold one or two semi-edgy opinions
Jovi Val is some sort of paid agitator. Nobody is really sure where his money comes from, but there are some pretty strong guesses. He has always been an embarrassment and a failure. He put himself out there as a big MAGA guy (despite not even fucking for Trump), and constantly made a fool of himself. For some awful reason the Proud Boys welcomed him in, where his embarrassing behavior continued. He got kicked out. Now he's making very sure there are pictures of himself all over the Internet wearing a swastika necklace, holding a swastika flag, etc, and his schtick is to turn up at any pro-Trump or free speech rally waving goddam Nazi flags or Confederate flags and berating the people there for not honoring his "free speech." His real game is to make super fucking goddamn sure that a reporter snaps that money photo of a "Trump supporter" with a Nazi flag. He is a piece of trash and should at this point be beaten to a bloody pulp anytime he shows up to a conservative event. Just beat the everliving fuck out of him. They found the balls to eject him this time, but that isn't going to be enough. They need to beat the everliving fuck out of him. He is ONLY THERE to make pro-Trump supporters look bad.
This pretty much. Half or more of the population likes it and wants to make things even worse if possible, they're lost and there's no getting through to them. The silver lining is that it's completely unsustainable in the long term. I'm just doing my best to prepare, and trying to turn my anger and sadness into laughter at the absurdity of it all
Yeah I’ve given up. Not completely though. I just think my time is better spent moving to a completely secluded area and living off the grid to avoid the Jewish dragnet which already pervades our everyday lives. They will show us no mercy
Well that was dumb of your friend to personally go out looking for a fight with a supposed antifa. Also for not being open with his employers about his involvement. If anyone called my employer and said I am a Nazi and to fire me they would laugh them off the line.
Well with your logic you wont be safe either. No matter what the "jew menace" will follow. Good luck to you sor, I gope you find purpose and happiness soon and regurgitate that disgusting black pill.
>The silver lining is that it's completely unsustainable in the long term.
I guarantee jews are already making plans to colonise America. It’s only unsustainable for those whites who are forced to live in areas surrounded by spics and niggers, who are being weaponised as a divide and conquer strategy. Jews don’t want just a piece of the pie, they want the whole pie. Greater Israel will expand to the far reaches of the globe.
>No matter what the "jew menace" will follow.
Yeah hopefully I can find a secluded island somewhere where they won’t bother to track me down, as it will be too much effort, if such a place exists. That’s the plan, anyway.
I barely know the guy so I never talked to him about it but from what I understand you're pretty much honor bound to wear a Freddy-whateverthefuck shirt when you aren't at work and can't back down from a fight.
These faggots should know better but it's pretty fucked up how Gavin Mccinness, and by extension all the edgy alt right "leaders" like Spencer have set the people dumb enough to believe in them up for disaster seemingly without remorse. The proud boys especially demand that their members treat it like an actual street gang which, when filled with a bunch of nice suburban kids, means it's just a stupid larp.
>U support free-speech! Y U no allow hijack ur message?
SJWs.truly are autistic.
>People can be property if we say so
That line of thinking might backfire..
And as soon as they try that with the chinks they'll be ground into stew to feed their African diamond miners. They have no empathy and vastly superior numbers.
What the fuck is a Poly Atheist?
It believes in multiple no gods?
Proud boys are correct when they care about optics.
Supporting free speech doesn't mean that you have to support literally all speech in your rally, it means that you support all speech in public places, you rally isn't one. If Gavin owned a park or a conference hall or any other public place, he should support free speech there, but it is reasonable to control the optics of your own events.
Free speech is a meme anyway, leftists and some right-wingers, the ones who lie, don't deserve it.
i care
Two separate unconnected terms.
Poly is short for polygamous.
Polygamous atheist.
The government, but they must do it using the scientific method, in the same way as the court would prosecute food manufacturer who puts a false label on his product.
>In the eyes of normies Proud Boys are already literal Nazis, just like Milo and the rest of the Alt Lite.
Talk to some people irl instead of twitter.
Lefties think everything is Nazi.
The targets for the optics are boomercons and casual republicans.
The type who think that demsrtherealracists don't take nazi accusations seriously because they get thrown around so often.
>Not a proud boy
>Some other aligned group
>Fear of getting doxxed
Bitch please. I sign up for the rallies as armed security just for the lulz of out of state leftists that are unknowingly violating local laws. Name and employer on my gear.
Why is he an adult male identifying as a boy and probably dressing like a middle schooler?
He really is a piece of trash, and I'm not kidding when I say the next time he turns up at a rally, people need to beat the everliving fuck out of him. He needs to be picking his teeth up off the concrete. Whoever has been paying him has been playing the long game of starting out as MAGA (despite not having even voted for Trump) and a slow decline into the "inevitable" neo-Nazism that are the "true colors" of any MAGA, free speech, or conservative person. He quite literally shows up at any event, anywhere, to hijack headlines and make a complete horse's ass out of himself. If Antifa were TRULY there to "punch Nazis" Jovi would be dead by now. Antifa has always played softball with him, throwing an egg here and there. He is a plant.
Every normie I've ever heard mention the proud boys thinks they're pretty much atomwaffen. On its surface, le edgy street brawling defenders of socially liberal fiscally conservative fence sitting is pretty fucking stupid, if I wasn't online enough to understand that there are retards who unironically believe this I'd instinctively assume that they were more extreme than they were letting on because, why would you put your neck on the line for such a limp wristed false view of conservatism that says society got the mix just right back in 2005 and any progress we've made since then has been a bridge to far? It doesn't make any sense.
I have hard time understanding what's even the point of having rallies tho. Rally is something a leftist or a female will do.
All I am saying is that it's good to care about optics, it doesn't mean that I support their ideology. I don't even know what is it really.
Rallies are my big beef with The Proud Boys. They have to know by now that hosting these events only pulls negative headlines and is extremely demoralizing. Most people I know only feel safe attending a high-security Trump rally. People getting beaten up in Washington on July 4th spooked a lot of people. That wasn't any sort of sanctioned event or rally. That was a goddamn holiday.
It's cute to know that thing thinks more than one other deviant wants to fuck it.
>Every normie I've ever heard mention the proud boys thinks they're pretty much atomwaffen
Lefties think Trump is literally Hitler.
Saying "normie" doesn't mean anything. Which normies? Where?
>conservatism that says society got the mix just right back in 2005
Overton window user.
If leftists started screeching about how they should teach 8 year olds about gay sex 30 years ago they wouldn't have made the inroads they did.
Well, for one he was asked to leave. That's a primary indicator their organization doesn't endorse the message
2)J ews
3) Its a common tactic for antifa types
4) Jews
5) It's not free speech, hate speech isn't protected
6) Jews
7) They didn't know the guy or invite him, meaning message endorsement again
8) Jews
he's about to have his first kid. itll all change. thats what proud boys is as far as i can tell. a mini pol trying to get broz to breed
The founding fathers are directly responsible for our government and laws being as shit as they are. The vague and brief language of the constitution was ripe for someone to (((creatively interpret))) their intent, and the people who capitalized on this did so decades before most of us were born and were completely against us so in almost any situation you can think of the law is 1000% against us. Most of our laws don't really make much sense until you view them as being written to promote unbridled progressivism until the entire system collapses under its own weight. Can't even do anything about it within the system as it currently exists because muh precedent
That dude's homeless right?
It's a Proud Boys rally, not an autistic incel rally.
They aren't going to let people hold up signs supporting pedophilia, antisemitism, feminism, or any other degenerate bullshit.
>Muh optics
yeah sure thing you good goy faggot apologist
kys you fucking milksop fake American loser
> The founding fathers are directly responsible
Lmao, it were definitely the founding fathers. Not the later generations of wasp elites, they are completely innocent.