Only countries where holocaust denial is legal may post in this thread
(Red = illegal)
Wooden Doors
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Based France
Its illegal in france you jew
You can deny the holocaust in the USA strictly speaking. Of course you can only do that as a nobody citizen, it's illegal as a government employee.
What about patrick little and david duke
It's not actually illegal in greece. There's legislation that's specific to "INCITING VIOLENCE AGAINST JEWS."
There have been zero trials and zero convictions even for politicians that are openly anti-semitic.
You forgot Canada
Holocaust denial is retarded you can literally go see the places and corpses and even talk to people.
My Grandpa (I am Polish) was force enlisted into the Soviet Army at 17 and was part of the camps being freed.
I would not be surprised if it suddenly becomes illegal in all of EU countries. I don't think there is a place more kiked than europe. It can be felt here and this country use to be the prime example what it means to be proud and based. People should make something happen that needs actual denying and not just fact checking
War tends to produce corpses. Also war tends to make it hard to keep prisoners well fed. Soviet army soldiers sees the reality through thick propaganda and hate for the other side. None of your points prove anything
There are more jews in usa than israel tho
This, I don't know how many veterans stories of the Holocaust you have to ignore in order to believe the muslims position of the Holocaust not happining.
tfw you were zog's nr.1 tool and yet you can deny the holobunga
I don't get the wooden doors joke, when I was in the army we had to do the gas chamber (twice) and the doors to the building were left open and the gas was still more than intense enough to make you vomit.
>Denying the holocaust
Only reason to deny the holocaust is if you haven't done enough research into it.
Also you get to read some interesting stuff, like death camp escapes, revolts and uprisings. Brutal stuff and usually they failed, but not always.
Sobibor revolt was probably the most successful one.
>when I was in the army we had to do the gas chamber
was it......was it brap related?
In the Netherlands denying the holocaust specificly is legal, but it can be prosecuted on the grounds of 'group insult'
>denying the Holocaust
Imagine believing uneducated donkey fuckers that behead people while chanting "take beer" over thousands of soviet and American soldiers..oh and the people who were actually there.
Do they jews control my country?
If someone could expel cs from their anus they would be a weapon to surpass metal gear..
It's not about whether it's right or wrong. It's about whether the government should have the power to actually prohibit speech.
I can say 2+2 = 5. And I won't get raided by a SWAT team. So why should denying the Holocaust be illegal?
>Sobibor revolt
Keep believing communist propaganda. That won't back fire.
I would say yes. Sadly they do. Palestinians should be the ones in power, but this world is not always fair
So the communists bribed the 200 survivors to all tell lies? Even the ones that escaped and immigrated to USA and Israel?
how was the zyklon b administered finnish faggot
>I heard a veteran say he saw a camp which means that 6,000,000 jews were gassed and then cremated with the aim of genociding their entire race
I hope anytime one of you euromongs questions the intelligence of an American, you look at this retard.
>corpses exist and somebody said X happened which means that 6,000,000 jews were definitely gassed and then cremated with the aim of genociding their entire race
Communism IS jewish
In Sobibor? They used exhaust from an tank engine to suffocate the Jews.
>So the communists bribed the 200 survivors to all tell lies
they lied about being masturbated to death by machines and all other impossible schizophrenic fetish shit so why not lie again?
but I'm a holocaust denier in most of these countries and I firmly believe the holocaust happened, speech laws are bullshit and should be illegal
Why would the Soviets need to bribe anyone? "Survivors" get tons of shekels to sell their stories about how they escaped the Holo-coaster.
I just realized the star that jews use is on the Israeli flag
Its illegal? Really?
Go to Moscow and scream "THE HOLOCAUST NEVER HAPPENED" I dare you.
>Some crazies want money and do stolen valor shit and tell wild stories
>This discredits everything else written about the holocaust.
Just read the primary sources from the time the holocaust was happening. They are the most reliable.
Stuff like: Treblinka uprising survivors, Auswich sonderkommando diaries. Read about Yugoslavian extermination camps for Serbians and how disgusted the Germans were at their camps and the condition of its prisoners.
Why not? Russian kikes invented the story.
Give it to me straight, do the jews run Israel?
I just realised that they often wear black hats like rabbis do and have incredibly large noses and support from America too, and names like "Goldberg".
legislation doesnt matter in the UK they'll find a reason to lock you up for it
No Israel is controlled by a shadow government of trans-humans created by the greys.
It doesnt really matter if it happened or not
What matters is free speech and freedom to question controversial matters
that's just a conspiracy theory bro, stop being so anti-semitic
Aaaaaaaaaaaaa does anyone else know about this?
Just wait a little americans. Your Führer already said he wants the death penalty for you dirty antisemites
Though i don't think it should be illegal to talk about, i can understand why it is.
People always try to use holocaust denial for their political agendas.
And since most people are too lazy to do proper research into things they just believe what easy-to-read infographs tell them. Hell i used to be a holocaust denier myself.
I just deny the 6 gorillion meme tho, not the "no jews were killed"
ofcourse a lot of them were killed, that's what you get when you attack another race.
>be germany 1933-1939
>jews declare war on germany 1933
>jews not killed
>WWII jews attack germany
>germany attacks them back
>after war jews imply "6 million" jews is more important than 100 million europeans and push the meme on everyone
I fucking wish the 6 gorillion meme was real
idiot Deniers rant on and on an on about the doors that are currently in the openings leading onto the area once used as a gas chamber experimentally in what was crematorium 1 at Auschwitz.
this building was built by the Polish army as an ammunition store. the Germans turned it into a small crematorium and morgue (with a cavity wall to insulate the morgue from the ovens). it was then used a few times to experiment with gas. They put a gas tight door on the morgue and knocked holes in the roof to drop in the gas pellets.
this was not very successful. the morgue had no ventilation system, and took a long time to vent, and the little crematorium took a couple of days to burn all the bodies - it got messy.
so they moved the gassings to the small farmhouses in the forest, and used pyres to burn the bodies, until they built the four huge purpose built gas chamber and crematoria at Birkenau.
when that was built the little crema was no longer needed, and the SS wanted an air raid shelter as the factory site next door was now being bombed occasionally. so they ripped out the cavity wall, and the crematorium ovens, put in a new solid wall all the way down the middle of the building to support the roof, knocked down the chimney for the ovens, and put in new entrances and new doors. these include a new doorway leading into the back of the space that was once a morgue (gaschamber) which has a metal gas tight door on it, but then has a short corridor (blast diverting) leading to a flimsy office type door, which opens into the room that was formerly a gas chamber. This room was actually divided into three rooms with partition walls across.
when the soviets wanted to make a museum after the war the big gas chambers had been demolished (blown up with explosives by the SS, the only buildings on the camp to be demolished - cover up attempt) they decided to restore the Crema 1 - as it was still standing. they left the office door in place.
Wtf Jow Forums told me jews control everything
There were no gas chambers.
The whole "Judea declares war therefore they were combatants" meme is stupid, and I say this as a holocaust revisionist.
the deniers claim the office door is the gas chamebr door. it isn't. it wasn't.
the soviets also knocked out one too many partition walls - they opened the space up too much, knocking through into the washroom. the door to teh washroom (which never lead to the gas chamebr) is also flimsy. aain teh deniers claim this is supposed to be a gas chamebr door (and totally unsuited for the purpose.
the deniers msotly fail to mention the other opening into the room - a large hole int eh wall. this is also no original (the original wall was demolished) but it is nearly int eh right place - it is where the original, gas tight, solid door to teh morgue would have been - the only door in at that time.
that may have had a wooden door of course - a solid aoak door in two layers, with felt or rubber sealing strips around the frame to make it gas tight.
deniers don't talk about that though, because they are ignorant or liars.
How many ovens?
Smokestacks look a little small...
How many bodies!?
Where are they buried?
Typhus outbreak eh?
Delousing agent kills the carrier lice
wait that's the poison!?
Masturbatuion machines and rollercoaster mine carts into furnaces!?
Human skin lamps, belly fat soap and hair pillows?
>declaring war isn not an act of war
Are you brain dead?
>jews not killed
What about Kristallnacht 1938?
>WWII jews attack germany
When and where? I thought it was Germany that started WW2 by attacking Poland with the help of soviet union.
because it is telling lies about nazi war crimes, which in your country they were not happy to let people do. just because you are too young to know better does not make it right to advocate, or exonerate, war crimes.
ofcourse they weren't combatants, it was because they had no country, no military of their own, which is why the civilian was the attacker, to weaken germany from within, which is exactly what they did in WWI, and Hitler wanted to prevent that
>having an office in a gas chamber
>russians tampered and remodelled the structure
>the soviets also knocked out one too many partition walls
>Dubs: the holocaust happened
Evens: pffft ahahahahah wooden doors nigger!
Odds: well perhaps about 300k died from cholera
>some bodies
>some bullshit from old kikes 'it was real in my mind'
They were POW camps with a typhus lice problem
Fuck jews
>they lied about being masturbated to death by machines
ah come off it. You of all people should know that the masturbation machines story was a shitpost by an aussie shitposter.
a fake novel written by a catholic Australian who had never been to Europe, printed by a vanity press, withdrawn shortly after publication because the historians canned it as utter shit.
the children supposedly escaped auschwitz twice (got caught adn sent back to be wanked to death, escaped again) and the second time were rescued by wolves who fed them and looked after them until the war ended.
utter utter utter bollocks.
if you are going to cite that as a reason to deny the holocaust then you deserve a good hiding and a kick up the arse from the biggest roo you can find.
actually... it was a petrol truck engine. the people who maintained the engines say they were from trucks, not tanks, and petrol driven.
also not from submarines. and definitely not from a russian tank.
tank engines sub engines or russian engines would have been impractical - too hard to maintain.
Pretty sure it's technically illegal but not enforced in auatfailure
by trying to weaken germany from within, although indeed, it was the globalist elitist jews who sacrificed their own people for the sake of gaining access to palestine.
>germany started WW2 by attacking poland
jewish infested poland was raping germans that lived in the occupied area. it was 2 countries raping central europe, yes, but it became another world war when england and france declared war on germany, getting everyone else involved aswell
>kristallnacht 1938
we're talking about a full on "kill all jews" which did not take those turns until WWII
Rollercoasters in auschwitz go directly into anne franks grilled anus :DDDD
Then why did the cholera, typhus and other diseases only target the prisoners of the camps?
This is why the 'they all died of diseases LOL' story is bullshit. Diseases don't know the differences between camp inmates and guards.
Also the 'starvation through Allied bombing' story is bullshit too. Germany learned it's lesson from ww1 turnip winter. There was plenty of food stores for everyone. Also the Allied targeted factories and industrial centers, they didin't bomb random roads leading to camps in the middle of nowhere.
Don't worry, i'm sure Trump will fix this glaring issue in the US.
America does not exist.
(your turn )
>Masturbatuion machines and rollercoaster mine carts into furnaces!
well done for showing your bad faith, lack of education, poor arguing skills, and irrelevant nonsesne and lies.
now we can safely just ignore you as a cretin, and not worth talking to.
unless you really want to get educated. do you?
Go back to ze gas chamber shlomo
who declared war? who is judea? not a country. not a legal entity.
and did they decalre war? no. This is a headline in an antisemitic newspaper known for hyperbole adn lies. You might as well claim that anythng the nNational Enquirer says is true.
show me one "army of judea" attack on Germany in 1933.
you are talking shit. as usual. pol memes with no understanding.
Excerpt from a book written on the subject by a jew that claims he was there
Talk to me when they dig up the mass graves that ground penetrating scanners saw nothing in
There were 90 jew killed in the kristallnacht, and 10000 were arrested and deported to concentration camps.
Also can you provide sources for the jewish poles raping germans? And can you tell me who the globalist elite jew were? Everyone is always talking about the moon jews that are behind everything but no one can tell who they actually are, where are they based and how are they actually affecting the world?
so teh hundreds of thousands who fought for Germany in WW1... like Anne Frank's father who was a lieutenant int eh Kaiser's army?
why do you pout goebbels propaganda eighty years on after it has been proven shit?
If anything, it's the international jewish community. But yes, the whole "Judea declares war" meme is stupid, which is why I avoid using it.
this is basic history of the building.
Ammunition store, crem adn morgue, morge used a couple of times for gassings (nto very successful) (fun fact the first people gassed at Auschwitz were Soviet POWs, in Block 11 cellar. They then had to carry the bodies to the crematorium, and had the bright idea of just using the morgue as a gas chamebr instead...) Extra fun fact - the first people gassed int eh morgue at crema 1 were.... Soviet POWs. it is probable that no jews were ver gassed there.
so the morgue went back to being the morgue after a couple of uses, adn the gassings moved elsewhere. fast forward two years - air raids make building an air raid shelter a good idea - the morgue is already partially underground... and no longer needed because of Birkenau.
if you did any research ont eh subject you would be able to fact check this in a few minutes. Don't trust me, but don't remain ignorant.
the jews consider BDS an act of war, economic isolation is the modern siege
do tell us more about the Typhus epidemic at Treblinka. When did it start, adn did they control it?
So were they just demolishing random walls for fun or something? Were they like, "this gas chamber would be much nicer if we opened it up a little."?
>sacrificed their own people for the sake of gaining access to palestine.
balfour declaration...
you are talking shit.
This is what I never got, If Jews are so powerful why didn't they get Israel in 1918, would have saved them alot of work and lives down the road.
First off. Nobody is gonna take you seriously with that memeflag. Second if you wish to discuss a topic then stay on the topic. Spamming and flooding wont convince anyone.
>Excerpt from a book written on the subject by a jew that claims he was there
you mean written by a catholic who was never there?
do some research, idiot.
you may now post admitting that the masturbation machines story is bullshit, adn not by a jew, and promising never to bring it up again, and to correct others when they do. failure to do so will reveal to everyone that you are in bad faith,