Nazis killed my great grandparents. Tell me again why i should not join the Antifa and go bashing the fash?
Nazis killed my great grandparents. Tell me again why i should not join the Antifa and go bashing the fash?
Nazis killed my entire family, my grandchildren were killed during the great SHOAHS.
because #notallfascicts
Nazis were just one type of fascists, you wouldn't judge a whole group of people by the actions of a few now would you? That would be pretty insensitive
Nazis killed your grandparents despite never penetrating Russian Territories outside of frozen tundra? Neat. If you want to LARP as the Germany Communist Party that's your prerogative.
the nazis are dead dude, you gotta work on your real issues in
because nazis are not fascists.
Because its the Same extremist medal only a different Side.
How many of your Friends ancestors died in gulags?
And how would they feel about it and I mean russians dying in gulags Not germans or eastern europeans
Nazis killed 1/4 of Belarus population.
Nazis killed my grandfather :(
Friendly fire.
Your grandparents deserved it.
Because communists killed far more people than the fascists.
Go ahead. Go fight for some retarded ideal over something that happened before you were born.
your great grandparents were propably faggots
Antifa are the same people who enslaved your grandparents and parents, you dumb fuck.
You're not built for combat
Because antifa are larping faggots just like all other "subculture" groups
If you are afraid to be alone in bashing peoples heads then you need to be bashed first
soviets did that
If you can unironically ask this question you should join Antifa....its where you belong.
Your great grandparents would have died of old age anyway. Be glad they died in a glorious time, it is more than any of us could ask for.
How? They were just simple peasants trying to make a living. Nazis burned their village to the ground for supposedly being "racially inferior".
Because "the fash" has an ever expanding definition, which suits the needs of those degenerate pathetic leftie "brownshirts".
Not a single honest or intellectually admirable person among them. May they fuck off to their middle class moms' basements and fucking die there.
The nazis gave my grandpa tittie twisters in auschwitz yet Jow Forums STILL denies the holobunga.
>They didn't killed you
>The commies did worse
Weak bait, leaf.
Go back to your 69 gendered safe space of a counrty
should blame stalin for literal zerg tactics with russian lives.
Wrong faggot. Don't blame your subhumanity and savagery on the noble soviets. This why nobody likes you
Because noone cares about Nazi larpers. People need to attack Liberalism which is in power
The nazis gave my great grandparents wedgies and stole their date to the big dance, but Jow Forums still laughs at the shoah.
Nazis made my dog sick and nazis made it so i got a flat tire. Bash teh fash
Soviets werent noble, they didnt believe in class.
I would love to see you on the front lines of WW2 fighting against actual Nazis.
Go to bed, Ivan
Because the Nazis aren't alive anymore, you stupid idiot.
what is barrier troops, population transfer or military deception?
They should have killed your whole bloodline you fucking mongol troglodyte.
>exterminating people is funny
This is why violence among Antifa is justified. I would gladly splash a bottle of acid in the face of someone like you
Yet there are still people advocating for their ideas.
Russkies took my grandparents away to a frozen shithole where they had to work hard labor for the rest of their lives. Tell me again why i should not punch a commie? Oh wait...I do!
>what is barrier troops
What is Hitler's hold or die order at moscow
>population transfer
Naz*s literally killed people for being disabled
>military deception?
Don't be a sore loser
>Tell me again why i should not join the Antifa and go bashing the fash?
because they ARE the fash retard
Because communists killed mine.
>Yet there are still people advocating for their ideas.
Then go ahead and beat up people with whom you disagree. That'll solve problems.
Oh my gosh. I had no idea the Russians would have been sent to Russia.
It actually does solve problems. Why do you think gangs do it?
Russians and Germans should say sorry to each other.
Because the rich are the true enemies of the people, regardless of ethnicity or political ideology. Left and Right is irrelevant, because it's the 1% that owns both. Kill the rich first, then kill the Fascists, or whoever else you want dead.
It's no hope, my friend. I thought Russians were smarter than this. Apparently I was wrong. Sad.
So your ancestors were cunts, then...
>Nazis killed my
Makes sense.
What do i have to apologize for to a race that tried to eradicate mine?
They should have ended your bloodline
Then we would be spared of such a clusterfuck of a thread
Because they are the fascists
Every single person who died in ww1 and ww2 is the fault of g*rman chimps. Everyone who died in ww2 is the fault of Kikeler and his Wall Street backers and capitalist americans
Look you stupid commie fuck, Stalin killed a shit load of farmers, and for reasons we don't understand they ran out of food. So Stalin let millions starve, the Soviets killed 5x more Russians than the Germans.
Kill yourself, Slav subhuman.
Commies weren't fascist. They were subhuman jew golems.
Because the people that killed your grandpa are already dead, and beating up people just because they have the same ideology is retarded
Yet you don't demand the Jewish Bolsheviks ask for forgiveness. Only the National Socialist Inner Circle wanted to remove Slavs, other Germans were apathetic.
They were probably partisans and deserved the most brutal torture before they got shot
Antifa are the pawns of the bourgeoisie, most of them are middle class millennials who have a collection of apple stands.
I hope you'll get your face splashed with acid, larping faggot
>why i should not join a group of furfags, junkies, and trannies
Imagine being this gay,
Hell yeah, antifa are the real racists!
Still better than claiming to be a workers party while being funded by the richest people in the world in exchange for sacrificing the lives of your own people and millions of other innocent europeans.
Many villages were looted and peasants killed by retreating hordes of soviet mongoloids. Later it was used to smear german troops. Many such cases. SAD!
Your grandparents helped the kikes win, I hope they're sucking circumcised cocks in hell
Nazis don't exist anymore.
The ones the left is "fighting" are normal right wingers and sometimes nazi larpers
how many of these threads are you going to make?
Apparently, they didn't kill them soon enough.
Oh you are jewish, that explains everything.
Get over it OP GTFO.
Because the fascists of tomorrow will call themselves antifascists.
T. windsdon churdchill =DDDD
>Soviets din do nuffin, it was the Germans
Troll harder
Communists killed 1 great grandparent and 2 great great grandparents
Denying your crimes against slavic people like a little larping nazi rat you are? Expected
>dey be gub boiz, sovyez dindu nuffin
so you admit that you're no better than the enemy you hate
He's Dutch.
Pick one, Vadim
There is no such thing as a war crime. That is something made up so that small countries are afraid of having ambition.
Your country literally invented the term.
If your ancestors were born in Russia, chances are good that communists (which most Antifa un-ironically are) killed much more than just your great-grandparents.
As for why not to join Antifa? Maybe because they are useless degenerate fascists who do not really give a fuck about "justice" anyway. Antifas primary functions are
a) giving members an excuse to increase their social standing through empty virtue signaling
b) giving members "excuses" to follow a violent lifestyle which they otherwise couldn't do (you would be surprised how many people join antifa solely because it enables them to beat up innocent bystanders (large groups and face masks make it possible - if they did it "the normal" way, police would just get them)
c) giving leftwing hardliners (including backers in official leftwing parties, who are using taxpayer money to let ANTIFA do their dirty work) a tool to silence their opposition through violence. Their braindead ideology makes it easy: since ANTIFA consists primarily out of hobby-assaulters (they don't care who their target is), virtue signalers (they also don't care if their targets are actual nazis, as long as they can use it to strengthen their social standing) and actual hardcore-commi-leftists ("if you are not part of ANTIFA, you are supporting Nazis, and are to be seen as one regardless of your views"), it's quite easy for them to call out targets for intimidation. It's basically legalized terrorism.
d) Antifa parrots modern day Leftwing ideology, which will not only cause great suffering, but (in it's current iteration) completely destroy European, Australian and Northern American civilization as we know it. Paradoxically, Gender and Race are the most important factors for leftists. They are like the ethnic-offensive-nationalists that killed your grandparents, merely the targets are different (the "darker" your ethnicity, the more valuable you are, the the more jewish or muslim you are, the more valuable you are).
Your country, your people, your family is not the same as it was then. What would your grandfather do in your shoes? Which side would he cheer for?
They were probably soviets, so you should turn the gun on yourself first.
I assume you mean they were "gassed" in the hallofcosts?
>implying this isn't some centrist fuckhead LARPing
Tiresome. Tankies hate this type of person.
The people who killed your grandfather are not the same group of people on the dissident right today. By joining Antifa and fighting you would only be doing the dirty work for corrupt elites. You would be on the same side as wall street and every other Globohomo politician. If you want to be a puppet we can't stop you.
Because joining real antifa in your country will get you arrested.
Those nazis are all dead you would be attacking innocent people for no reason other than a difference of political opinion...don’t be a piece of shit
your grandparents were commies
Exactly this. In principle, Antifa and the grassroots rightwing want a lot of the same things. But because Antifa is cling to the agenda they read and share online (which is being produced and spoonfed to them by the elite), they end up counteracting their own interests.
Your great grandparents were in favour of child prostitution, they deserved to die.
Jewish Communist-Bolsheviks killed my great grandparents. Tell me again why I should not join the Proud Boys and go bashing the pinko?
>Gulags were noble.
Nazis didn't operate gulags friend-o
Because all the Nazis are dead and gone.
Just like your great grandparents.
>Thinking communists are "le real fascists"
Fuck off nigger
>Starvation and corruption was noble
At least i will get revenge. I must kill at least 2 fascists.
>political opinion
How about political opinion that supports extermination of my race? I say fuck that political opinion
Antifa is a far-left terrorist group that just recruits more people to the far-right. So have fun with that, Slav monkey.
>Nazis killed my great grandparents
And that’s a good thing.