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It could be done through the HMRC tomorrow, the ability and means to accomplish the project already exist and I’m pretty sure the HMRC already has data on race. If not then a new tax form online could be set up very easily.
Angel Harris
Jancels, when will they learn? Brit/pol/ is like hydra, delete one, two more shall rise
Obviously whites would be hit the hardest so I would probably guess around a 75% tax increase, while chinks and Asians get a 20% decrease, pakis get a 60% decrease and niggers get a 100% decrease, but these are just figures and it is possible for a means of payment to unemployed ethnics in large cities taken from tax revenue of whites
Fuck me, what did he do? the bar must be set pretty high for that.
Charles Gutierrez
>This is Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon posting from my local Greggs in Bedfordshire, Im begging the United States government to please rescue me from the vile pathetic cowards in this country. I need US citizenship now to protect me from these turds that want to imprison me. The date is Tuesday the 9th of July 2019 I need US citizenship please rescue me from these vile turds
Can someone quote the most controversial thing Morrisey ever said?
Jeremiah Phillips
He's getting unpersoned for having a bit to much too think about islam
Adrian Cooper
you know if you lazy cunts archive.is stuff we would be giving click shekels to the outrage media cunt force
Isaiah Price
sub-Saharan Africans are the lowest form of live in the planet,so slavery is totally justifiable
Andrew Taylor
pretty funny i want him to move to the US just because it would push his followers further right, seeing him essentially abandon them.
Ryder Flores
Trump should do it. It would be beyond based and legitimise Robinson concerns about grooming gangs. Also the prisons are genuinely totally and utterly fucked right now, Tommy is right to try avoid them.
Grayson Hernandez
That slitting and animals throat and letting it bleed to death on a scale of hundreds of millions of animals is somehow a cruel thing that needs to stop.
so now that Corbyn announced he's fully on board with second referendum and remain, will he finally start to lose support in norf fc or will they carry on voting red no matter what
Sebastian Stewart
Unironically based Muslims. Wish we had more of that spirit.
Noah Edwards
me grandad vurts labur me dad vurts labur i vurt labur simple as
Chase Ortiz
>expecting critical thinking from Poortherners
Kayden Barnes
Cool irony bro but Im pretty sure he never said anything close to this.
Ryan Butler
Doing that removes all oxygen from the brain instantly. The body spasms because the nervous system is suddenly emergency pumping blood full speed to the brain, which means the body self drains quickly. We should unironically be doing this in all of our slaughter houses. Incapacitate the animal first if you like.
Nathan Robinson
WHat could be done tomorrow?
Isaiah Wood
Type in brit no threads come up, make thread, type it in search again, now there is 3 ffs
Wyatt Taylor
UKIP sabotaged by MI5 plants in its NEC, as always. without Batten they're finished
Gavin Stewart
Is that why my local Turkish best chicken tastes better than KFC
Lucas Brooks
Jaxson Gutierrez
is he memeing lmao who does a selfie by Greggs?
Alexander Gutierrez
Or you know, kill them quickly and humanely Mohammed al Jeff.
Yep. We drain meat for weeks and it doesn't even get rid of it all. Traces remain of all the antibiotics and whatever else was in its blood. 50kg of halal meat meat won't leave a drip in the butchers tray 2 days after the animals killed.
If we stun them to kill them then we can stun them on the head with less power to KO them, then do the neck cut. The primitive way isn't even that bad for the animal, it's just visually shocking. Without oxygen the brain is unconscious. Just MMA choking someone will KO them in seconds, and that only reduces the oxygen to the brain, it doesn't stop it.
Colton Hill
We should push this among leftist twitter, I’m sure they’d run with it
Landon Rogers
Fuck yes that's a brilliant idea, and objectivly fair and woke too!
Chase Lewis
>Is Louis Theroux Jewish?? >No, Theroux describes himself as an atheist in his documentary The Ultra Zionists (2011)
Be better just burning them all to death in pits, will save CO2 cokking them.
Luke Nguyen
Tommy can't go to jail for 2 years he'll die there
Matthew Brown
Well then he becomes a matyr
Nathan Watson
Lads, is a period of unemployment on your CV a death sentence?
Have worked for the same company for five years, never had a day off ill etc, but want to quit before finding another job (personal reasons). Have money saved for a few months of rent so no issue there, but I'm worried I won't find anything else if I'm not employed already.
Depends on the work. Personally, I find it very disingenuous of people to secretly line up another job before throwing the towel in. Just tell them you wanted a bit of time to reassess your situation.
Jack Morales
I go to your doorstep and stick a camera in your face and see how you like it lol
Hunter James
Boris would offer them tea.
Austin Baker
It wasn't but it hardly anybody actuallly cared, before Sargon UKIP was polling 2% , after Sargon it was polling 2%
Michael Green
Isaiah Taylor
I almost never the leave the house so you'd just be wasting your time.