This is george Lincoln rockwell's great grandson

Say something nice about him

Attached: hideaki-takefusa-1.jpg (400x600, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:örgólfur_Hideaki_Takefusa

Whiter than the average mutt.

My aplogies. Just his grandson. Even worse than i hought

He looks based as fuck

didn't know mark dacascos was his kin.

Does he know his grandfather is a hero? I wish I had a cool grandpa. He was just a farmer. He did hate nogs though, so at least there’s that.

Is he squinting?

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Do you not realize he is a hapa

Jap dad literally pumped and dumped the white mom. so much for based honorary asian men amirite?

also hi eurasiantiger, you should give up on shitposting and just get a dog gf

Chad happa showcasing the best of both races.
Don't be such a jelly donut, mutt.

All your grandkids are gonna be mutts

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Femanon here,
would totally do.


Post tits with timestamp.
Guaranteed to derail the thread and get a hundred (yous)

Stop baiting people (((you)))

if this is you.

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based hapa

Makes perfect sense. Eurasianism has always been the endgame of nazism.

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t. asian male

fuck me. I'm jap hapa better looking than op pic. this post frustrates me.

Girl in center has some lovely feets

me so chinky
small peepee


Why does it frustrate you?


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white whores dont deserve asian men


sometimes you just want to fuck someone else that wants to fuck without having to say anything. real life doesn't ever work that way though. the awkwardness that usually comes along with courtship and small talk sort of tuins the mood.

>THAT'S Björgólfur Hideaki Takefusa
>THAT'S Björgólfur Hideaki Takefusa
>THAT'S Björgólfur Hideaki Takefusa


>HE IS NOT ROCKWELL GRANDSONörgólfur_Hideaki_Takefusaörgólfur_Hideaki_Takefusaörgólfur_Hideaki_Takefusa

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Die degenerate.

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*ruins the mood

go commit neck, footfag

Yes, he is. His second wife was icelandic.
Feet is the patrican's choic.
It's an intellectual fetish

Attached: 3-boobs-ass-ass-c-feet-ass-the-patricians-choice-44431351.png (500x608, 87K)

You should already know that casual sex is emotionally damaging for females. Attachment is inevitable unless she’s already damaged

eurasians look like shit next to the full blooded white girl

I know that all too well and have been in a few bad relationships because of this. I've also had to end things because individuals who were insistent they weren't looking for something serious actually were. I don't like hurting people but sometimes I wish things weren't so complicated.

>Takefusa's mother is Evelyn Bentína Björgólfsdóttir, daughter of Margrét Þóra Hallgrímsson and American Nazi Party founder George Lincoln Rockwell
>His father is Kenichi Takefusa, noted in Iceland for teaching karate and founding the company JapÍs, which imported Japanese musical instruments and later became a record label; Kenichi left his family and returned to Japan when his son Björgólfur was four years old.
The fact that Georges second ex-wife remarried and her next husband adopted all her kids from her previous two marriages doesn't change anything.


Why a chink genes so strong? They’re literally stronger than nig genes. At least mulattos look like diluted versions of nigs.

>just a farmer
So in other words he worked his ass off so you could be an ungrateful faggot. You're right, he should have saved you the trouble and just hung himself rather than procreating.

There are a LOT of ugly ass full-blooded blonde girls. Just take a walk outside.

He’s talking about that girl in particular though. And he’s right.

Gib ugly blonde gf pls

RIP Rockwell

>So in other words he worked his ass off so you could be an ungrateful faggot.
wooo, dog. That's a spicy burn

Yet those ugly ass blonde girls would have had a million times more value than some cookie cutter black haired slit shit eyed alien in any point in history before the last 60 years. That should tell you something.

He did have over ten kids so it’s not surprising that one of his grandkids ended up like this.

>EurasianTiger is behind all the hilariously pathetic memes about getting cucked by Chad stereotypes and killing himself

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Nah more like 8

Fuck hapas are creepy lookin

remember this, yellowfeverfags

ahahahahaha get that mischling a job at the (((daily stormer))) so he can interact with federal informants who suck at their jobs!

Will get 0 pussy above 5/10 no matter how Jow Forums he gets. Will probably marry a nigger or a post-wall barren whore. RIP bloodline.


why don't hapas lose the insectoid morality of asia and all seem sort of sociopaths and neurotics?

>Send your family to Iceland, the whitest place on the planet to keep them safe
>daughter ricemixes anyways

it's so fucking tiresome, GLR didn't deserve this

Hahahaha skinheads are so fucking pathetic, this will be all your grandsons too, well the very few of you who aren't too incel to reproduce

Rincoln Lockwell


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