Would you allow Finns into the white ethno-state?

Would you allow Finns into the white ethno-state?

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only if they know how to shred speed metal like a proper lad.

Seem pretty white to me desu,

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everyone with a six-pack is allowed into the ethnostate.



White is not a single ethnicity you retard

Hungarians, Finns, and Estonians are honarary.

That women can pass as my countrywomen. But few women here have that body type. I mean that fat ass and thighs

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>White is not a single ethnicity
>calls other retard

Hell yes!

White = blonde hair blue eyes Germanic people

Other "white" just happened to live in the same continent as the Germanic tribes and therefore share the history, achievement, culture and some genetic with real white people

Kkong, I'm white let me in!

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We're not interested in your "white" "ethno" "state".

Mongol psychosis!

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Elves like ethnostates don't they?

That feel when close Swedish ancestry without being fenno-swede.

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just leave us alone

kek says the mutt

This. Do what you want, but do it somehwere else.

All europeans east of Germany may enter but they have to live on their own reservations.

Retarded question from a memeflag JIDF shill. The question makes no sense. Finland is a white ethnostate. Would I let Finns into Finland? They already live in Finland, I have no control over them. You can't let people into a country when they're already there.
These jewish shills ask retarded questions to spin the narrative. They present normal ideas like white people living in their countries as crazy ideas about shit like ''letting Finns into the ethno state,'' which makes no sense whatsoever. No white ethnostate would accept immigration from other countries in large numbers, then it is not an ethnostate anymore.

the irony

Yes. Look how perfectly white Finns are.

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> east

All Europeans north of Germany is more accurate. Most Europe countries have the phenomenon that northern part of their country is whiter than the southern part. The most famous example are France and Italy, especially Italy. Some Italian guys told me that southern Italians are even worse than Africa refugees.

would you let mongolians in?

>Some Italian guys told me that southern Italians are even worse than Africa refugees

Can confirm that's what northern wogs say about southern wogs.
After telling an wog that I'm going to Napoli for a few days: "Pah! Why you go there? Anything below Roma...iiiis Africka."

We just want to be left alone and there's a very good reason for that.

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nope asians just like russians

Sade Rajakallio