Japan is dead

Japan is dead.

Which nation should I move to?

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Fight, you coward.

China. You already look like a fucking chink.

This. Make Nippon great again.

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Your country is in the early stages of cuckening. It isn't too late for you.

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you tried

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it's not about a country. it's about you. the only problem is that you're just a useless stupid uneducated neet.

go to south asia anyway.


>Japan is dead, I need to leave now
Fucking pussy. You don't deserve Japan.

>Kawaii is justice.jpg

someone post it

no, user, stay and fight for Japan


How did it die?

Everyone I know who went there said it’s great

I would say singapore, but then again... FUCK OFF WE'RE FULL HAHAHA

lmao i know ppl that have killed themselves after moving there

>I live in this ethnostate full of civilised people with best best tech in the world it's terrible!!!
abloo bloo

Move to Puerto Rico and have hapa daughters here. Please, I beg of you.

>shit japan thread with nothing to do about news or current events
ohhhhh I see what's going on here
At least I try english teacher fUCKKKKK

Make Japan Great Again

fuck off retard,Japan is fine


>best tech in the world
best masturbation robots maybe

fpbp. The jew fears the samurai, but not the spineless weeb.

Singapore, MI?

and the rest of you idiots in this slide thread don't realize he's not even a real jap. You fuckers just throw yourselves at him like little schoolgirls when you see a japan flag don't you?

post tits


Even if hope in your people is all but lost you still die trying, friend.

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