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Other urls found in this thread: %1$s


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If you're still there at this point you deserve anything that happens to you.

no, stay in california and die like the dogs you are

CTDOGPS insider has the Documents.

You're a fraud!

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And (you) are a shill.
Go ask Hauksson at CalTech what is happening.

It's already too late faggots

What does he say is happening?

how about you tell us since you are here and you started this thread

This. God didn't destroy Sodom because of the land it sat on, but to destroy the Sodomites.

Is this the new 'HABBENING' photo?
I approve

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Let all leftists die there

what part specifically? you know this shithole is huge right?

absolute truth

What's going to happen? If the situation is that dire, why would you not share information with the California anons that would actually motivate them to flee the state? Nobody is going to get in their car and drive 3+ hrs because of a vague thread on 4chinz.

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Dont worry guys. Cali is safer than ever, just watch your step! No worries.

ant colonies are out of the ground this morning. i believe you



He says the big one is coming for any of you who can't internet

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boom roasted

Double and triple checking land movement sensors.
I hope they are all broken.

And also they are closing airspace today for national security reasons. According to the meta they'll be some tests taking place. W76-2?

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You might wanna talk to Susan at JPL as well.

It wont save them.
We have Slab Seperation, and it is accelerating.

whut airspace?

>monitor magma flow and earthquake activity real time
>disaster response
Some things that stuck out to me. Shit is definitely going to get interesting.

KNTD up to 3000

>inb4 Lavalantulas starring John Cusack was right

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I want to get out. Where can I go that I won't be instantly run out of town for being from California

Nowhere. I'm a CA refugee myself and I try to hide that fact from everybody I meet as long as I can. Still though, move asap.

I thought about Oregon or Nevada but they're just becoming extensions of CA. Maybe Montana?

Splash Order. %1$s
>It also lies close to a geothermally active region that heats and locally thins the crust.

When it happens, the rest of America, and the rest of the world, will laugh in unison.

>Hauksson at CalTech
he's right. please everyone leave California. take your slave labor with you.

So what is going on? The big one coming today or tomorrow? What does it mean? Is the ocean plate going to subduct under the continental plate? Is it that bad?

Just pretend you’re from Idaho or Kansas

forecast is for this afternoon. people should vacate their homes immediately. I will stay and keep an eye on them.

The Pacific is about to literally go under your house

Slightly too nonwhite..

In what universe is Idaho non white?

I concur, I’m a seismologist with a well known university. These earthquake swarms are the prelude to a powerful earthquake. Computer modeling based on seismometer readings indicate a massive earthquake in the making.

6.7 isn’t a big one

Meanwhile God keeps killing you with tornadoes and hurricanes.

A flyover fuck-boy slipped on his diarrhea and caused a 9.3
We done, son.

Not Idaho. Myself.


Get out of california.
>leftists face when their life was saved by Jow Forums

Gake and Fay. Give me proof or give me a blowjob.

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what documents? are we talking earthquakes or.....

Err, I mean no, please, move to California right now. Especially if you are a liberal, a member of antifa, a socialist, think Sanders has good ideas, love cities, hate flyover country, gay/lesbian, pedophilic, have a non-STEM degree, wear black rimmed glasses or use hair gel, wear skinny jeans, own a pair of yoga pants, uggs, or a northface jacket, any Nike products, or believe there are concentration camps at the border and think we should give illegals licenses or pay for their health care.

What's wrong with black rimmed glasses?

Thread theme:

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whiter than you tyrone

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All you Cali fags need to fuck off. You've made your bed, now lie in it.

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Not everyone has the money to simply get up and leave. Have to work and pay bills.

Absolutely nothing.
It's the frame-lens ratio that's fucked up about today's popular glasses.
The lens is way too fucking big, it covers your whole face and it distorts the optical quality too.
To compensate for the trend in huge lenses the designers started making the frames huge too, resulting in the stereotypical leftist sōy gaze.
It perfectly suits them because they love owning their disabilities and boasting about them, making it part of their identity.
Meanwhile gentlemen and Chads alike either go for understated (or even rimless) glasses with a small lens, or contacts.
You could even get an artificial lens implanted into each eye so you don't need glasses at all, but that's expensive, about €3000 each.
Saves about 30 years of bi-annual lens prescriptions though.

Always good advice.

is commiefornia falling into the sea? pls be happening, I'll start the skykang thread

no bump and enjoy that reddit spacing

Is this Chef Goldie from Deathwish, or Fly?

Life will find a way.
So will Death.

>forecast is for this afternoon. people should vacate their homes immediately. I will stay and keep an eye on them.
yeah, trust a nigger to watch your stuff.