Why won't he do anything about India H1b scams

It's like he doesn't even care about his base.

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As long as they do it legally

He's even offering them a path to citizenship. Thus, Trump is creating an incentive to entice more H1bs to come over. He is not /ourguy/ "Trump to H-1B visa holders: 'Path to citizenship' could be coming soon"

I wish they did the H1B scam for doctors and lawyers instead of actual skilled professions like engineer.

I hear you user. Drs have their numbers limited by the AMA to keep the supply down. Lawyers create work by getting people to sue right left and center.

If the Dems were smart, they would hammer this point home like Bernie is doing.
Trump has betrayed working people. youtu.be/d2dLmxdkJBI

Congress is about to pass a bill that allows unlimited H1Bs and Trump will sign it. 3.7% unemployment but for some reason we need to keep importing shitskins indefinitely.

NAh, theyre too busy sucking illegal cocks.

true. The Dems do it to get cheap labor for their corporate donors while claiming humanitarianism -- total BS.

Neither party represents working americans

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- 10 million brown people (h1b poos, chinks, spics etc...) entered the US under Trump.

- 1 million white boomers have died since 2016

- Trump has not honored his promises

trump is a billionaire and president

He's also a massive neocon cuck, which makes him a useless faggot.

I am literally better than trump in almost every way except money.

Trump is not winning a second term.

>Expands h1bs, h2bs
>Hillary not in jail
>No declassified FISA
>Bans Bumpstocks
>Couldn't end Chain Migration
>Couldn't end Green Card Lottery,
>Snuck tpp provisions into the new nafta

Bannon WAS the 'maga agenda', when he left it was all downhill.

Bannon got fired from the White House so that JAVANKA could move in. There was a lot of infighting between him and Kushner.
All the old guard from the 2016 campaign were fired for that reason.


Trump is having trouble getting support for his "racist wall," so in order to balance that out, he's going to increase the number of H1B visa wage slaves that companies already abuse and put a tremendous amount of strain on the job market.
And on top of that, he's trying to one-up himself by saying these massive waves of Indians must become citizens too.

Fuck mexicans. In terms of sheer social impact, Indians will completely fuck over america's economy (and universities too,

>Why won't he do anything about India H1b scams
My theory:
If the Indian H1B scams were actually prosecuted it would destroy big-tech. It would be impossible to hide, and essentially necessitate pic-related.

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>Congress is about to pass a bill that allows unlimited H1Bs and Trump will sign it. 3.7% unemployment but for some reason we need to keep importing shitskins indefinitely.
If this happens, there will be bloodshed — maybe not RIGHT NOW, right now… but the die will have been cast: the flood of poos & chinks destroying the upper-middle class, the flood of beaners and other South Americans destroying the lower-middle and lower classes.


– Too balless to actually do pic-related, which gets around the Judicial blocks and pushes things into black-and-white, forcing the rest of government to choose a side… with literal Treason charges for those siding with the invaders.

Attached: Treat Invaders like INVADERS!.png (1189x408, 146K)

there was a backroom deal in the early 90s. After they successfully demolished the USSR, Bush and the globalists went on an aggresive expansion campaign and courted India and the shithole countries to ally with US.
Part of the deal was to allow never ending flood of millions indians to move to the US and the West

H1B was created with the Immigration Act of 1990 that the now dead and burning in hell George H.W. Bush signed into law and it is for that reason alone that it is more devestating than Hart-Cellar ever was

We think cheap labor, outsourcing and H1B is a Lib thing. It was started by George HW Bush. The Immigration Act of 1990 also introduced (((Diversity Lottery)))

1990 :: Bush's Bid for Poojeet/Chink Invasion
> Bush signs the Immigration Act of 1990, which expands the 1965 act to allow for an increase in the overall number of immigrant visas granted.
> While family reunification-based immigration remains a preferential category, priority is also extended to Poojeet/Chink workers.
> The act creates five categories of employment-based (EB) visas as well as the temporary H1B visa for Asiatic locusts, and sets a cap on the number of unskilled workers emigrating into the country
> The law also creates a diversity lottery to distribute visas among those from underrepresented countries.
> After the legislation is passed, the number of annual immigrant visas granted spikes from 500k to 800k

endless mass immigration to suppress wages, and outsource whatever you can to Asia and H1B's. CLINTON BUSH #CLUSH
hence Virginia going blue during the Bush years as massive numbers of federal government workers and immigrants (whether illegals from the south or H1B poos) came in

HW Bush signed the Immigration Act of 1990 which directly caused a spike in immigration and created the H1B visa so fuck him greatly for that

Treasonous bastards

>Treasonous bastards

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IBM is pushing h1b poos everywhere. All the big boys. They are doing the demographic replacement and genocide of Whites to create a Brown middle class
I expect this shit to fail hard soon. As in a global tech happening.

It's systemic and deiliberate demographic replacement of Whites

demographic replacement to create a Brown upperclass and genocide Whites

Thousands of American doctors usually with several hundred thousand dollars in student loans cannot get a residency every year because poos take the slots. Not getting a residency means you can't practice as a doctor, which means your 300k student loans never get paid.


Doctors Getting Fucked Over By Poo Outsourcing
This explains more re doctor and residency situation:

Bush pushed for millions of spics and poojeet h1bs

USSR unironically helped keep the turd world locusts away from the West. Because of USSR, US had a containment policy towards India throughout from to 60s to 80s.

before Bush, US policy towards India from ~60s to late 90s was containment policy.

US had a containment policy towards India throughout from to 60s to 90s. Bush normalized Indian relations 90s-2001s and market was finally open for India.

>Bush normalized Indian relations 2001s and market was finally open for India

by promising them millions of h1b visas in return for alliance with US hegemony (which they backstab anywayz)

US is the bitch in geopolitics. even poos rape USA

This / checked.
But it's more; the suppression of wages helps prevent storage of wealth... this in conjunction with the poo-inflated tech-job requirements means longer periods of unemployment --meaning living off savings-- which further destroys the ability to store wealth.

This storage of wealth is necessary for having a family, or taking "torches and pitchforks" to D.C. — and this whole thing undermines it all.

we need to talk about the immigration act of 1990 more.

Indians are the worst. I quit my job and moved to Puerto Rico to get away from them. They stink and are everywhere in America

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are you borquano? what you doing in machete land?

goyim need to understand that capitalism is not about freedom -- its all about backroom deals

the reason you have offshoring to asia and china stealing all our industries/jobs/tech?
>backroom deals between china, rockefeller, nixon, bush, clinton...

the reason you have millions of h1b poojeets stealing White jobs?
>backroom deals between india, ((corporations)), and government

the reason you have millions of spics invading the US?
>backroom deals between mexican oligarchs/cartels, bush/reagan, clinton...

the reason you have car-centric urban sprawl hellscapes and lack of public transportation?
>backroom deals between car/oil oligarchs and government

the reason you have cardboard cookie cutter shacks?
>backroom deals between housing oligarchs and government

the whole H1B pyramid scam was devised by globalists as part of their race replacement scheme, it has nothing to do with worker shortage, skills shortage, or other smoke screen excuses

it is a corporate migrant smuggling scheme, as implemented with the migrant refugee scheme

Reminder that the "skilled labor shortage" is a sham.


> no qualified American candidates.

in a nation of 300+ mill, there is no such thing as not being able to find a qualified American. it is pure deception.

H1B is simply a human trafficking scheme that is part of race replacement agenda

H1b is part of the demographic replacement program.

H1b is evil. H1a is evil. Migration is war. Enough is enough - the free market itself is evil. Never, ever, sell your nation out for profit. The romney-tier cash cuckservatives ought to be exiled to the shitholes from which they import third worlders.

I have no idea what borquano is. I'll take beaners over Indians any day. At least they realize they aren't smart

boriqua is puerto spic. PR is worse than detroit and there are no jobs.

It was all a result of a US powergrab after CIA destroyed the USSR

globalizing the world was like 85% of bill clinton's foreign and economic policy. it was called Enlargement (of liberal capitalism).

At the height of the US unipolar moment, Clinton was dismantling US economy and middle class, while the strategists at the CIA were drawing up plans to shape the world into a globalist hellscape. The undeclared goal was regime change in all countries with unapproved political systems, which would allow for the proliferation of us-made “democracy” to the 4 corners of the earth

Once the Cold War ended, however, geopolitical and ideological issues faded in significance, overshadowed by the rapidly expanding global market as formerly socialist countries joined the Western free trade system. All of a sudden, the most valuable intellectual training and practical experience became economics, which was seen as the secret sauce that could make and unmake nations

aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, the Secretary for Defense at that time, Donald Rumsfeld, created the Office of Force Transformation and nominated Admiral Arthur Cebrowski as its Director. Its mission was to train the US army for its new role in the era of financial globalisation. It was designed to change military culture in order to destroy the State structures of the regions which were not connected to the global economy. The first chapter of this plan consisted of dislocating the Middle East. The second stage was intended to perform the same task in the Caribbean. The plan was designed to destroy some twenty coastal and insular States

The USA have taken out the old Soviet client states under Bush, Clinton, and Obama. Yugoslavia/Serbia, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Libya. Russia set down the foot in Syria

The same people who are overthrowing governments ARE the ones who fucked USA working class and SOLD it to CHINA/INDIA

Won't flooding the market with low-IQ end up totalling America's tech industry? I've had the misfortune of working with these people and it's all the same - one gets into power, hires fellow Pajeets with no skill, company goes into a nosedive.There were two Boeing crashes recently that was caused by them outsourcing the coding work to Poos economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/transportation/airlines-/-aviation/boeings-737-max-software-outsourced-to-rs-620-an-hour-indian-engineers/articleshow/69999513.cms

I know they want to replace lower class whites with spics and upper and middle class whites with Indians and Chinese but they won't be able to build or maintain the tech industry and will end up utterly destroying it from the inside.

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Yes. But no taxes and can live the rest of my life there with only 100k.

The biggest trade deficit with China was in 2018

US industries are already destroyed, but they still exist because of being subsidized by govt

our corporations are modeled after haiti, and since haiti has not collapsed and continues to exist thanks to generous subsidies, so will our turd world-ified corporations

which part you at? do you work in IT there?

OP, you're one of the few people in management positions that are acknowledging this problem.

Im a citizen but left california for my gook motherland after getting fucked over by pajeets. God, all our fucking schools were overrun by the poos. Not a single one of my white friends has stayed in the area. Only a few of the hardest gooks have.

I've been a doctor here for half a decade, but have aspirations to follow one of my colleagues back to the US because I just cant forget the amazing time I had in the 90s and early 2000s.

Problem is, about 90% of all positions positions for transitioning foreign doctors is taken by Pajeets and Pakis. And of course, guess who the chief residents and pajeet program directors take in?

I may be a gook but I'm still a US citizen. America has all but fucked itself by abusing the slave labor visa system. Their work should speak for itself, but apparently americans are happy enough with the bottom-of-the-barrel results.

I voted for Trump by mail and I'm god damn glad he won, but I don't know if he wants to overhaul the visa system at this point.

Mexicans? Syrians? Refugees?
None of these matter at all when your upper echelons are being flooded with disgusting fucking pajeets. Thugs may steal your wallet, but the pajeets will make sure you never have a job in america again.

there was a thread on twitter about investing in companies and how “indianification” of a company is a sign to avoid investing in it because it means the company is going to go downhill. once the higher ups hire indian middle management it starts a chain reaction where those people only hire friends and family and fellow Indians and push out everyone else until the entire bottom half of the company is Indians as they work their way up to take over the upper ranks too. it’s like a disease spreading taking over the host once you hire one indian you’ll soon have an entire company of them

h1b corruption

Pajeets are a good example of corporate decay.

It's a sign that the white baby boomers at the top have decided there won't be any more innovation or natural growth, so they just sell the fuck out as much as possible to maximize margins before they take their golden parachute and get out. It's happening to most American companies across the board. It's over.

((they))) realized so long as haiti can exist on tax payer subsidies, then so can a poo-ified corporate world

I can see how that would make you want to flee.

That's right cocksucker go back to crying on twitter.

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Based and poopilled

>I am literally better than trump in almost every way except money.

you're a fucking incel lmfao

>C O P E
Remember that they constantly claim a doctor shortage, yet they ace out thousands of whites and asians every year who are eminently qualified to be doctors, both with affirmative action as well as with foreign H1B and OPT and J-1 who take limited residency slots. They're guaranteeing thousands of debt-laden whites and asians with no way to make a living due to very specialized training that doesn't translate well to other jobs, let alone any way to pay off the debt. This is our own government doing this to us. Fucking us over very deliberately.

Video: youtube.com/watch?v=_qDyF3OkKYg

>If the Indian H1B scams were actually prosecuted it would destroy big-tech. It would be impossible to hide, and essentially necessitate pic-related.
Thing is that ~3/4 of poos that we bring over on H1-B visas arent even going into the tech positions we think theyre going into. Theyre getting packed 4 to a room to work in fast food chains and gas stations for sub minimum wage pay as "software engineers" whose most technical duty is handling a point of sale system. The last quarter is blatant greed by big tech complaining they cant find a qualified candidate (defined as 15+ years experience in a 4 year old programming language, starting salary 45k no benefits must move to SanFran) so they need an H1B worker. Have you seen an H1-B resume? Theyre perfect, theyre beautiful, theyve been software engineers for 15 of the 20 years theyve been alive, 2 masters degrees, all of them do skydiving for some reason AND theyll accept a starting salary of 30k!

H-1B is the wall that needs to be built. It undermines the middle class, who gives two shits about a bunch of fucking migrant fruit pickers?

RICO will never happen autist. It never happens unless you really piss the government off. Stop spreading this autism every thread.

The people that have to live near these third-world double-digit-IQ criminal scumbags do, you gibbering fucktard.

Sorry your web-design job got outsourced to Pajeet, homie, but believe it or not there are bigger problems in this country than you not being able to pay mortgage on the McMansion you bought to keep up with the silicon valley Joneses.

I would have no problem with indians if they showed respect and appreciated being here but they do not. They are arrogant and only care about getting their relatives here too. Classic abuse of hospitality. It can't last forever. At some point people will start noticing when their entire IT department for every office they work on is nothing but Indians and maybe one Chinese guy.

He is

>Why won't he do anything about India H1b scams

He has.

Trump has made H1Bs harder / more confusing to obtain.

Attached: H1B-Visa-Approval-Rate-Trends-2007-to-2017-by-USCIS.png (621x486, 34K)

Hi shareblue. Kill yourself.


So much winning



Make India Great Again

>i want to suck indian cock real hard, if only they would behave themselves better

you sound like a cuck

Even if he stopped it cold which he has not the damage is done. All outcomes lead to some kind of civil war/genocide down the line.

If an Indian person didnt exist with the desire to only get more of him in and hire just people like him I would have no problem. They don't act like this though so yea I agree they gotta go.

The entire global economy is specifically engineered so that Whites go homeless and die on the street from diseases and OD

>send industries/wealth to asia
>economy collapses every 5 years (planned by globalists)
>massive layoffs every 5 years
>import millions of shitskins to replace those natives layed off
>impoverished natives get health issues
>get bankrupt by medical bills
>go homeless
>get on chink heroin
white genocide was never as easy as this

meanwhile trafficked poojeets/chinks are now the highest stolen income earners from the whites that perished under the globalist white genocide scheme

I dont think it's planned I think old people just don't give a fuck and are running the countries in whatever way makes it not collapse on their watch. It's just happens that importing unlimited tax payers seems to be the only way out now.

>he actually likes the abo gypsies and wants them to just be nice
you, my friend, are a fuckin retard.

not one indian should set foot on White man's soil!

>I dont think it's planned
lurkmoar, newfag

What I want is impossible though.

I lurk and I disagree. I think our political leaders are incompetent and doing what needs to be done to keep things going which is indirectly hurting whites. It's happening yes I don't think it's planned.

Honestly everyone in the US should just quit their job without tax payer money the government folds



No uses your shitty surveillance app.

Oh, it's planned.
Those that haven't planned it are hopeless "me too!" bandwagoneers who think "Oh, BigCompany X does this, so we should do it too!"-types.

>a kike doesn't care about America or Americans
What a shock

Ok we disagree I guess

>Why does a RINO want more immigration
Yeah that's a tough one

No am 30 years old and retired

>india tariffs spices by 500% for US only and those that export to US

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>On Thursday, Quartz reported the office has shifted again, now slowing the application process with the torpid gears of bureaucracy rather than through any policy changes. The immigration agency has sharply increased the number of challenges, or "requests for evidence," to petitioners. The requests are a standard part of the vetting process, but lawyers representing applicants say the agency is now sending them baseless requests at a higher frequency then they previously have, according to Quartz.

cant tell if op is retarded or libertarian discord.

>I think our political leaders are incompetent and doing what needs to be done
poor leader they're victims too

No it's all their fault. None of them wants to be the guy who says shit is wrong and we have to fix it

>retired on 100k
not bad

which city you bought your house?

>check your privilege is not planned
>anti-White biased media is not planned
>anti-White demographic replacement is not planned
>millions of h1b poos imported and replacing White people is not planned

get a load of this cuck


All of that is a result of the internet blowing up making it easier to spread ideas

kartveli mengrelians bringing the bantz

or maybe its coordinated and planned

(((SPLC))) admits white genocide:



Well hello there, user. Did I strike a nerve? I'm sorry that me and my frie.. I mean (((colleagues))) have to scrape every penny that so our businesses can survive. Otherwise, how I and my lovely wife can afford 666 Park Avenue in the heart of Manhattan?

Attached: President Kushner.jpg (1600x900, 235K)

Whites are being destroyed I agree but it's a by product not the actual goal.

Stayad wage cuck


reminder this is the faggot that pushes to keep you poor.

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*Stay mad

IT guy here. My salary would be a lot bigger without all the street shitting contractors around. It’s so fucked up

you probably know Spanish, cuz a a non-speaker wont be able to survive there. they all carry machetes.

Nope...hire locals for security for cheap

Deport them to mexico

>or maybe its coordinated and planned

Yeah, by nearly half of the white population themselves. You guys are the architects of your own destruction

>>IT guy here. My salary would be a lot bigger without all the street shitting contractors around. It’s so fucked up
And the job would be easier, as Indians are VERY prone to doing things in a simple, stupid "it 'works'" manner, which usually solves only 70%-80% of the problem and compounds into absolute madness of unmaintainability.

jews are doing this on purpose , they know it.

>It's like he doesn't even care about his base.
he doesnt, he only care about saving his own as from blackmail

My office is about half Indians. In fucking Ohio. God damn it

apparently this leon faggot and chuck schumer are besties.

Why can't Americans compete with pajeets?

Not, it was (((their))) plan

you dont intentionally ignore immigration laws for nothing

you dont abolish laws for nothing

The Western world collapsed with Nixon, Bush(Reagan) and Clinton, who all enacted free trade policies first Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, NAFTA then with China in 1994 and 2000. The WTO was created and China was allowed to join it, as the prevailing idea was that China would quickly liberalize their politics as they would their economy. This did not come to play and instead they kept subverting and abusing the global trade system until American workers were fed up by it.

From about 1986-2016 America lost over 90 million manufacturing and corporate jobs. The fallout and economic ruin from this directly led to Obama's rise in 2008, but when he failed to do anything voters gave up and went for the most reactionary candidate available. This was Trump whose campaign began with him belittling Jeb Bush.

Also: from 1930-1990 wages rose with productivity and the amount of accumulated capital roughly trailed with the amount of investment. This ended as in the 90s part-time labor took off (especially at large companies like Walmart) to skirt labor laws while the cost of entry for most industries skyrocketed as everyone began demanding a $20k college degree that rose to about $60-70k by 2016, not including room&board costs.

You can see everything fall apart in this era. 2008 was when widespread mistrust in the system happened with the financial crisis, Obama's unwillingness to engage on that issue led to Trump immediately thereafter.

bureaucrat gang strikes

the real numbers is mexican immigration, there are MORE spics than blacks in the country.

Because there are a billion of them and only 400 million of us?

why should they have to?

house breakins are very common there. every house has security bars covering the windows and doors.

cheap security can also be on the local gang's payroll.

you probably live in the white, expat part of town

"Fresco’s new bill is backed by many prestigious U.S. business groups, such as FWD.us, which is a lobbying group founded by West Coast investors."


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>Why can't Americans compete with pajeets?
Because we're kneecapped by our own government and impeded by the big companies.

When the government gets to pick winners and losers, why would you expect the best to win?

>record LOW unemployment!
That triggers me so hard. This economy has made jobs for poos/chinks/spics but no more careers for all the unemployed White people we have forced to go to college, wracked up debt, and lied to saying they will be wanted.

As for unemployment, although the latest official unemployment figures claim the rate is 4.1%, the labor participation rate shows that only 62.7% of the potential workforce is currently employed


The unemployment numbers are simply a lie. More places are just becoming revolving doors. Laying people off before they work enough hours to qualify for benefits, but enough to legally say the person is not unemployed for that fiscal year.

It's juat another boomer scam to try & keep people from raising the minimum wage, thus putting more money in everyone's pocket to spend, and actually driving the economy. Not just make another artificial bubble with the money of the few elites.

The unemployment rate was redefined under Obummer to exclude individuals who elected to "remove" themselves from the workforce. The current number only reflects the people without jobs who are still actively looking for employment and excludes those who have checked out and given up entirely (homeless, junkies, welfare leeches, etc.) Its all a ploy to make it look like the economy is recovering as it continues to stagnate under the weight of the neo-liberal agenda and keep the remaining workers in the dark about how much of their money is merely being redistributed to societal burdens

>Decades low unemployment
For immigrants and browns only, White Americans still can't find a successful job. It took my dad three months to be hired by someone. His family has been here since the Mayflower.

i heard the punani market in PR is restricted to foreigners. i mean, the locals dont like foreigners fucking with their local pussy resources

dont you got property taxes and utilities to pay? what about medical insurance?