They won’t let me out of the army
Hate my life - it’s not getting any better
Gonna kill myself soon post creative ways to go out
If I end my contract early for any reason I will never get a good paying job
They won’t let me out of the army
Hate my life - it’s not getting any better
Gonna kill myself soon post creative ways to go out
If I end my contract early for any reason I will never get a good paying job
Dont like it? Get out of the military. Network and change the world to your liking. Ask yourself what the point of life is. You take your life, the enemy wins.
Fun fact
> i got out early 2 1/2 years.
> couldnt find job for 4 years.
> gonna make 1.5 million this year in commission.
Life moves on.
I like this
What do you do?
When all else fails,
Start humping the gas tank.
The only reason you feel like shit is because the army is a bunch of brainwashed shits. There is a reason every E8 is black or hispanic. Because anyone with half a brain gets out.
This so fucking much!
Roofing sales.
At least get to 3 years if you can. That way you qualify for full benefits.
I did the same thing except i'm gonna make 30k.
DO NOT KILL YOURSELF WITHOUT TAKING OTHERS WITH YOU! if you take your life the enemy wins; go to your local mosque and do what need to be done. i have faith in you user
To be fair i got stupid lucky with a giant commercial sail.
Wait it out. I did 5 years flys by.
Or suck start a shotgun.
Just ride the fucking wave nigger. If i could go back and not get out, i would. I'd have stayed a little longer. The same is true for life. Dont bitch out just yet. Dont give up. It always gets worse.
But struggle builds character.
Haha dude what? Just fail your APFT twice. Mandatory initiation of ch13
False. Thats what the enemy wants.
A twig is much stronger when bundled together. Network and work everyday to change the world.
Kek I know some one who was awol for 4.5 years before they finally picked him up
Just stick around and don't get a DD.
Well power to you brother. Keep it up. Also suck a dick, but mostly keep it up.
And you still get 9/11 for college.
You can go anywhere in the world with it.
You can study in china for 4 years.
user recommends becoming faggot yet again
Why was he still in the U.S.?
They dont look for you. He probably got a speeding ticket and it came up in the system, his unit sent a couple chasers, etc etc 30 daya jail just to make it official. Leaving the country is difficult.
Try and transfer to another vocation in the military. Maybe one you’ll like and you can make a career of when you get out.
I always tell people to move to Paraguay. Want to come to my thread?
Yea don't kill yourself, life is about survival, you are fighting for your survival and our survival over there, finish your contract, then come home and get another job.
My MOS is understrength because nobody wants to fucking do it
I feel so fucked over. I didn’t HAVE to enlist. I volunteered and unknowingly made a bet that I would be able to stand it for three years or fuck my whole life up
If I finish my contract, (((they))) win
This is exactly how he got picked up actually
I guess killing yourself is the only way to stop the make believe threat of the jews.
Yo. U leesteneeng? APFT failure. Do it 2 times in a row. Commanders always wanna do a record every 6 months, even tho it's only required once per year. You can even request a record. Failing it twice is a mandatory initiation of separation under AR 635-200, ch 13-2e, unsatisfactory performance. Unless you've been a shitbag, you're practically guaranteed an honorable discharge. The worst you're gonna get is a general if you have been a shitbag, cause recommending OTH means you're entitled to a board, and the board is likely gonna go with honorable. Srs. And ffs talk to your defense attorney at TDS.