Home Depot is cancelled


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Jefe! I work hard for you! Not much money! Hey jefe!


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antifa libtards are boycotting it so obviously it’s going to go bankrupt

Is this real? kek

Home Depot lol, baby's first project. Adults go to local hardware and Lowes.

Co-founder said he's going to donate a sizable portion of his wealth to the Trump reelection campaign. I imagine his kids will find a way to have him "die naturally in his sleep" this year.

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It's owned by a black guy.


This is real and owned by a black guy in Tampa FL area

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Kek I see this guy all over Florida

Good less faggots walking around the store while i'm trying to buy man shit.

All the contractors I know get shit from the depot. Lowes is a glorified gardening and appliances center in comparsion to raw materials.

I hate you faggots

>They don't own homes
>they aren't employed in any sort of trade
>they pay someone to do anything and everything they need done.
How are modern cosmopolitan man-children who don't spend money there going to hurt the business with a boycott?

Good I don't like you either

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>fags and soccer moms
>spic contractors

I'll take the spic contractors

Everyone I know with a Home Depot card are republicans.
The Jews next to me go there for a bag of mulch and a bush.

Just wanted to ask that same question
Also imagine being this fucking mad at nothing

Liberals are such faggots

yea im sure skil saw blade sales will plummet from the lack of soi boy purchases

Classic liberal “ITS OKAY WHEN WE DO IT” double think

Wasn't there a recent article about how millennials and zoomers don't DIY or craft, and how that's a good thing?
How will them stopping shopping there hurt Home Despot at all if they never went there in the first place?

Oh No, faggots who have never even held a screwdriver are boycotting a hardware store. Drumpf is done for this time guys!

no one in antifa knows how to diy

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Why are these people so over the top with everything? There comes a point where this looks more absurd or like satire the deeper they go. It's like people who drive minicampers and plaster every square inch of it with bible quotes.

The only exception I know of being in young people cities, like the Williston, Vermont location, where there are a bunch of gayass millenial couples buying shit to fix up their starter homes on the weekends. Still only a drop in the bucket of their total market though.

Guess I'll be going to Home Depot for my supplies now to help offset the basedboycott.

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>local hardware
Not many of those exist anymore...

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What is that? Like 1% of their customer base? Liberals don't do construction, demolition, home remodeling etc. lmao

>florida man

Lowes is garbage real niggas go to menards.

Runnings and FF sell guns and ammo though

Lowes? Really nigga? lmao

Lowes is where you go if Home Deport doesn't have something.

GC here,
Lowe's has better quality product;
Of course, both stores have some shit products, only experience will guide you on that.
You really do get what you pay for.

>Home Deport
Fucking kek

Not surprised this is in FL. Live down here and its an utter shitshow.

Love it or leave it user

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Home Depot is based... years ago the owner was building a beach house... there was a mystery hole in the yard. Owner say fill it with cement, fuck it. 45 truckloads of cement latter it was plugged. All the way down to the aquifer

I’ll tell you it’s the heat. The heat fries everyone’s brains here, and as most people aren’t higher functioning to begin with, shit gets worse when you take the creatures in Florida and scramble their brains with the sun.

pretty much this. lowes staff is full of trannies and cranky dykes too.

Leave then or embrace it Florida is peak performance whether you like it or not

Oh I will as soon as I get the chance.

The local Lowe's has knowledgeable, friendly store associates.

The Home Depot is a bunch of lazy niggers who openly don't want to be there and pretend the customers aren't even there when asked a question.

lol I printed that sign

wow super based that guy sounds like a fart smeller for sure

europoors can keep their benzes, we got the nigger depot car. PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN

>one of the store's founders
does he even work there? is he on the board or something?
>home depot customers

I have thought the same for a very long time

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>Liberals don't do construction, demolition, home remodeling

This. They hire the beans to do their dirty work.
BRB, going to Home Depot!
Oh vet discount?! Thank you very much.
Fuck a demonrat in the ass.

On the other hand, you save big money, you save BIG money, when you shop Menards.

So many questions

Guess the illegals will have to start hanging out in Taco Bell parking lots

trump is owned by jews

>trump is owned by jews

they're all owned by the jews - our banking and media overlords

Home Depot is more consumer-orientated with more reliance on appliance sales, etc. than Lowes, and this probably will have more impact than if that guy was the founder of Lowes.


yeah it's in tampa

This. Absolutely do not buy power tools grime Home Cheapo. The tools are cheaply made to be sold for less. Even Dewalt makes inferior tools to sell to HD.

These people never even shopped at Home Depot in the first place.

Good. I could never get a job there despite qualifying and applying many times. They always told me no. I guess I didn't conform to their heavy cult of diversity. Fuck em.


it's true. heat increases road rage and assaults among other things. it gets hot and people lose their shit. the white man prefers the cold.

Home Depot stock has been outperforming the market for years.

What part of Florida. Be specific because south Florida is complete filth

This is true they are 211 a share right now and go up every year

>local hardwares
t. Handyman who thinks he's better than a DIY faggot, pic related is you. You realize there's an entire department at HD for contractors that only handles $10k+ orders right? It's actually cheaper than going directly to distributors because of home depot buying in bulk, which is exactly what supply houses do, except HD will buy in massive bulk nationwide and they give you free to site delivery whenever you want vs the distributor charging you.

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No shit, like these soft-hands soii boys are even going to enter the parking lot of the average Home Depot.

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I live very near Ocala forest travel all over the state however for work and agree the south is pretty bad but has some redeeming qualities still the everglades and the outdoors is top notch here

The economy is kinda getting healthy again, instead of doing cheap remodels and flipping they are doing expensive remodels and keeping long term.

T. Guy in the trades.

It's so not healthy, speculative housing development is a huge bubble.

These are the faggots that need to hang a picture and go and buy $50 28oz framing hammers that have all the magnets and "balancing" gimmicks that they can't even swing in the first place.

KYS, faggot. Home Depot is unassailable.

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>work for home depot pro
>constant orders for stupid amounts of toilets, PVC pipe, conduit, doors
What the fuck are you niggers doing with all this shit? 1,000 10ft lengths of 3/4 inch conduit doesn't even make sense.

No wonder. Come on down to south Florida and by south I mean within a 10 mile radius of Miami.

>t. home depot shill

I only shopped Menards until Lowes started carrying Craftsman. I might start going to Home Depot if some of my money goes to Trump.

Idk about you but I sure as shit can't think straight when I'm halfway between heat stroke and physical exhaustion.

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My spanish isnt good enough to order a sandwich I would be in for a bad time in Miami the only time I go that way really is when I work or vacation in the keys

It's not ApartmentDepot! Nyuck nyuck nyuck. srs tho they spend ~$15/yr

This user isn't talking about "luxury" developments that just sit unsold because they're overpriced trash. He's talking about long term flips in up and coming areas which is based on houses already sold there. The value you're chasing isn't speculative, it's based on the area already actively having growing value. You buy a home, renovate high and sell high over a longer holding time. Or you buy and renovate everything but the finishings and just make it livable and rent it for a few years to pay the taxes and lower your cap gains on the flip. Once you've held it long enough you take the leftover income from renting and upgrade all the finishings to high end and sell it for maximum profit.

If shit hits the fan ever Florida cracker swamp boys and gators will be all that's left down here boomers and nigs will die in droves if the power ever stays out if you have ever rode out a decent hurricane down here you have seen a preview

People who can't swing a hammer and rent are boycotting a home improvement store. Really makes you think.

I saw it in front of the Tampa courthouse once. Got away with reckless driving from a dui if anyone is wondering

Nig Murders too. Sitting out on the porch all day in the 100 degree heat makes a ape go crazy,

What they've done to this man is absolutely disgraceful and every time I hear about it again it get re-enraged. His contribution to civilization, specifically the science of genetic research, is probably more significant that anyone alive in the field. And yet he comments on LITERAL CONFIRMED DATAS in the same field and is ostricized after it is determined to be "problematic." This is why I fucking hate science anymore. I used to love watch Bill Nye as a kid, was the head of the class in geology and biology simply because I loved to learn. But today? Fuck these "scientists." They've begun to form a cult. I see the white lab-coat as religious regalia for the new Church of Science anymore.

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Are they shitty 4 panel hollow doors? If so those sound like town home development orders.

I had some home improvement projects I have been putting off, guess I will have to go pick up supplies at homedepot now. I am calling that it will be chickfila 2.0 type of backfire now.

objectively inferior to home despot

why the fuck would trump even need that money? he is a billionaire


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That's how I've played it. Depot for hardware and materials, Lowe's for appliances and curtains. Thankfully, I've moved somewhere with a lot of local hardware stores and Mills. Even though HD had the "better" lumber, it was still shit

Billions aren't enough.

They're so much smaller and try to do the exact same thing as home depot so the same products are usually 10% more. They're trying to squeeze into a market they can't compete in.

Kobalt is shit son.

Walmart-kun, your posts always make me sad.

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Exactly this haha

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