What are flyover states like?

What are flyover states like?

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Ironically paradise.

the young people are moving out to the coasts and southwest Texas. It's dying.

I want to live in Wyoming so badly.

Nebraska here, it's pretty nice.
>White population 88.3%

Parts of them are nice, parts are extremely monotonous and depressing. The communities are hard to stomach, rotting sixty year old infrastructure and dead town centers. Lack of young people makes it seem even more depressing. The people are often fairly retarded, the culture is a consumerist/Protestant hybrid monstrosity, and drug problems are rampant. Worth it if you honestly don't like people but like the outdoors (I say that as someone who genuinely does not like most of the landscape in the Midwest compared to just about anywhere else in the country) but the work is fairly limited in available fields and the nature of pay differentials makes it harder to leave even if you make enough to survive comfortably out there.

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Fuck off we are full

Empty, boring.

what? Arable land? Your food needs to be grown somewhere. I find that pic beautiful if you ignore flatlands, which is boring

i hate where i live its niggers

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I think they look okay. Out the window.

You'll be grateful that you don't when Yellowstone erupts.

won't happen stupid christcuck

>Staten Island is flyover country
>Also, it's niggers
Do you live in Tompkinsville or St George?

new dorp

italians are niggers by the way

Doesn't that mean you're minority White? I thought the reason you had 'white hispanic', 'Italian' and 'Irish' as part of your White statistics was to prevent that.

nobody knows

Nigger New Dorp's a nice, white neighborhood. Tryin' to pull Jow Forums cred screaming about niggers livin' in new dorp. Fuck outta here. Maybe if you lived in st george or tompkinsville, sure. Spics over in Rossville, I could see. Looney Russians down by midland? Yeah. But New Dorp? Nigger get the fuck out of here.


i wish i didn't live on the east coast to begin with because they have these. I'll never move to arizona or cuckifornia either because they have even bigger ones that have horns and are 10 inches long.

t. roman rapebaby

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Shut up, Jew.
You'll be in an oven, soon.

Idaho is the best state in the country but don’t tell anyone because boise is already near ruined and fuck off we’re full.

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>Wyoming is full

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I like having a lawn, a pool, being able to shoot guns, and the quiet, so for me it's great. I like visiting cities once in a while but living in one ain't for me.

it might look like nothing to you but its my world. it might as well be its own country. I've seen people like you blow through with your scowl. I can go up to the graveyard and see my great great great grandfather's grave where he was buried in his Grand Army of the Republic medals when he fought in the army of the tenesseee for McPherson. I can drive through my little town and see all the people I know and the people I love and its my little country and world and its all that matters to me. if the whole world outside blew up and all the foreign people died and all the rich people died I would not even care because what's going on down in the parking lot outside the grocery store is more important to me than board room deals between to homosexual pedophiles and their little yesmen

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Not Like 30%

Flyover states are absolute wastelands, devoid of outlets for the self-importance and pseudo-cultural masturbation of coastal elitists. The lack of minorities and ethnic food of the month is enough to starve any Californian's soul into submission, abandon all hope of vegan options ye who enter here.

That’s a silverfish ya faggot and they’re harmless

t. flyover shithole

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Please help keep liberals from ruining Idaho friends

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Don't post pictures of nice places then, post methed out trailer park hellholes(even if the pics are from another state, claim its actually Idaho) and portray your state as hell on earth. Don't let the coastal fuckheads looking to escape their enriched hellholes find out your state is actually nice.

This. Do you think diversity would ever be pushed in the Midwest by sjws/npcs ? Cos it’s at least 90% white and from where I’m from, kinda racist.

Peaceful and quiet. Amazing what not have a federal hive in your state can do.

why do they make grids on land like that? Can't murikans drive on curved roads?

it's being pushed in Michigan, Ann Arbor for example is a liberal hellhole.
My 95% white highschool had some gay shit being pushed even back in 2012

Straight lines are more efficient.

Tons of nudes and hot e-boy/girls willing to send nudes in this server. /F8CyctF

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I hear you. I upped and fucked off from NY. I'd had enough.

t. Forrest Gump

when urban sprawl settles in things change naturally anyway

>The mutt calling the Brits rape babies

The irony is too great

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SJWs and NPCs are out to ruin everything everywhere. Just because you haven't been hit yet, doesn't mean they won't try to move in and take over. You have to be constantly vigilant against liberal transplants and do your utmost to fuck with them when you identify them.

I never understood when I watched hollywood movies and sitcomes and they talking about how many blocks they ran like it was a unit of measurement. But then I realized Americans are fucking retarded. No offense.

Wow, Jew Yorkers really are the worst kind of assholes.

Ohio is practically isolated from most of the US it’s so comfortable and relaxing

Full of fat white people instead of fat black people.

Literally hell, please don’t visit. You will regret it. Except for Illinois. Specifically Chicongo

brits are danish/med/french/celt/germanic mutts

whiter than you tyrone.

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Unless you specifically have a need to live in a place like Cali or NYC (access to beach, professional field localized in the area, etc), they’re objectively better places on numerous levels.
Cheaper cost of living.
Higher quality of life.
High home ownership rates.
More white people.
Less violent crime.
Tighter communities.
Friendlier neighbors.
Faster internet.

I don't. Whole goddamn state smells like petroleum and sulfur.

Shut up. Do you actually want the plebeians to move here?

Thinking about moving to Boston for a tech job, that part of the northeast still holds doesn't seem to be as bad in comparison to NYC or California.

So is Montana. But fuck off we're also full.

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dont act like peoe dont do this in other parts the country. Manny DeGuzman also can visit his grandfathers graves.

They are horrible--never ever go to them; ever. Stay in your comfy cities

Comparing Boston to California or New York is like comparing gonorrhea to AIDs. Yes you'd still rather have the former than the latter but it still sucks. Boston is full of shitskins and New England in general is full of clueless white liberals who want to be more pozzed and are working overtime to destroy the white character of their communities.

This, stay in your fucking cities you faggots

New york fag here. Im moving to middle of bumfuck nowhere and bringing the crew. You need some diversity to buimd cities

Is Colorado still considered a flyover state?

Yes but it as appeal to pothead transplants, legalizing weed was the worst thing your state ever did.

Amendment 64 was a mistake. And I say that as a cannabis grower. It brought in the worst types of trash from around the country. But the tech sector did as well. A lot of techies don't even smoke weed, they're just liberal faggots who drink IPAs.

Just take a road trip sometime faggot.

just catch it in a tissue and flush it down the toilet

they're really fast and i'm afraid to touch them

I know your being sarcastic, but this is a pic of my backyard I live in Wisconsin

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Literally nothing but boomers and suicides
It’s boring

What? The US is 60.4% White, not Hispanic or Latino, and Jews are at 1.2%. Arabs 0.5%. So 58.7%.

Outside of CA, TX, FL, and NY the US as a whole is 71.1% non Hispanic white. That still also includes Puerto Rico, 9 Territories, D.C, and 9 million illegal adults from just Mexico alone. I believe the Great Plains, and the Ozarks are both over 85%. Exurban America is 84% white and climbing. Only 31% of urbanites are white. 70.4% of inner ring suburbanites. 80% of ruralites overall

Comfy, northern Idaho still seems safe. Although a lot of niggers out on the lake recently.

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Wrong. “Flyover states” are awesome. Super chill.
t. Cityfag

I live in flyover country an it is absolute hell. >boring as fuck
>fat, ugly white people everywhere
>frozen and snow during winter, hot and humid in summer
>strip malls, Wal-Marts and fast food restaurants in every direction
>literally smells like shit from farmers spreading fermented shit and piss on their fields
>no jobs except Wal-Mart and McDonald's, entire economy is funded by welfare, medicare and social security
There's a reason why so much of the population is concentrated on the coasts.

You have nothing to worry about. Cold, dry places tend to not atrract large populations. Same reason why the ethnostate is not in siberia or mongolia. Idaho can't support a NY or california population

very nice

is that all your land? are you rich?wtf

This was my experience as well. I know Jow Forums will sugar coat the fuck out of it but this is thd truth. Everyone i used to know from highschool either moved, works at wal-mart or is on drugs


Really comfy, albeit a bit boring at times.

Some properties on my lake sold for 150 grand, mine cost 250 living in the midwest is comfy af and I should know because I use to live in Phoenix.

No dating pool if you don't date fat girls

Ugly indian tourists

lmao, 150k, thats what a 30 m2 studio costs to buy

Terrible, please dont move here. Stay on the coast with all the cool and beautiful people.
Had a bear drag my cooler into the woods outside of Foxpark, ama.

No. Stop. There is no point. Most of the state is practically empty wasteland fields, and the few towns there are full of retarded boomers that hate people.

If you actually want to go to Wyoming, just see Yellowstone and that’s it. There’s nothing else to experience there except unending boredom and depression.

did you get your cooler back ?
was it a yeti

I live innacity, let's compare
>>fat, ugly asian and black people everywhere
>>mild throughout the year, honestly kinda nice.
>>huge buildings and tent cities between them everywhere
>>no jobs except for corporate whoring, trying to fend off a never ending wave of H-1Bs. None pay what you need to live even remotely comfortably regardless.

Hot humid poor and shitty.

Why would you purposefully make a shit road?

>did you get your cooler back ?
Yes. Lazy black bear only had about 50 yards of pull in him, apparently.
>was it a yeti
No I'm a poorfag but the idea of a $400 dollar cooler is laughable anyway, I think it's a Coleman.

We think the same about you buddy, don't worry.

very "cool" user

>very "cool" user

Utter depressing hell if you have an iq over 90.

It sucks. There’s a reason young people leave for the coasts and Texas.

They aren't fly over states. Those states are real America and the two coasts are no go zones.

Yes, the meth heads, obese dumbass rednecks, trailer trash, geographical isolation from civilization, opioid epidemic, and limited job opportunities are very real.

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The property actually took 6 months to sell and it's not bad at all I went to its estate sale and it had like 3 bedrooms a garage, basement , 1/2 acre backyard with dock for a boat. White man come home before the niggers find out.

>Jew York

Yeah I'll get back to you on that one.

I lived in the city and in the midwest the problems you just said are 10 times more in the city.