Why can't you all be a little more civil when you post here?
Why can't you all show a little empathy?
Fuck you faggot. Kys
Too many anglos and mutts on the board for it to be civil.
fucking hell. haven't seen that image in ages. thanks for posting.
iTT: OP sucks a bag of dicks and swallows hot steamy loads
The left uses civility as a false pretext to police language. Faggot.
they behave like the so called niggers they hate so much
they act like stupid edgy teenagers
they are... the angry incels
kill yourself, nigger
It's not an excuse.
Get fucked homo
1. Because they are Nonwhites or Leftists, so they literally, physiologically cannot.
*theme song plays*
When there's trouble you know who to call
From their basements they can read it allllll.
They got the bad pedos on the run
They won't stop till they fuck some buns
But since the world is losing all controolllll
angry incels GOOO
Angry Incels.
Shut up nigger faggot
Omega level fag
It' s free speech. We can do whatever the fuck we want, cockfag.
Why can't you grow thicker skin?
Its because of all the low effort faggot posts like this one desu.
Because then you won't know that I mean business.
Suck it
Because being stupid should be painful and you post stupid things.