Checkmate bigots

Checkmate bigots

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>Sometimes it’s not the idea which is wrong, it’s the timing
You talking bout the holocaust?


Motorized scooters were developed by a guy, who was gay and white.

Still wrong. Let's wait more.

It just shows that over a century our transportation tech didnt move forward much
A shame really

That what I say when I have sex with underaged girls


>history is repeating itself
>full-on weimar mode
>guess what's next!?

It was stupid in 1916 and it’s stupid in 2019

>just timing
and batteries

>100 years of jewish supremacism dominating industry, politics, media
>zero progress
>rampant inequality
>rampant degeneracy
>rampant poverty, wasteful economics, usury, dishonesty in commerce
>race relations at absolute worst
>world literally circling the drain

if it weren't for whites we would already be back at the bronze age, with a few jewish billionaires riding mopeds thinking they're hot shit.

Birst bost best bost

germany shits up europe even more?


I literally don't get it.

6 million keks

Perer thiel is right, tech has stagnated and its the governments fault

So gay

A motorized scootie is probably the simplest imaginable motorized vehicle. Not very revolutionary.


>we were supposed to have hoverboards and flying cars by 2015
feels bad man

Sure hope so. "Europe" is what we must bear at nukepoint for the sake of this great slave trade you all fought for as good communists. If it burns by German design I shall happily do my part.

Nice advertising.

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offt, winning



just tape a few drones together and boom

Motorized scooters were a shitty idea back then, and motorized scooters are still a shitty idea now.

This is part of (((THE PLAN))). The scooters are all a part of the Delayed Childhood and Delayed Adolescence portion.

Anime, video games, movies, comics, sci-fi/fantasy, young adult novels, kids' television---it's all part of The Plan.

The Globalist Plan to keep you in a state of childhood and adolescence, to keep you dumbed down and weak.

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Motorscooters go in and out by decade.
Pretty dresses are timeless.

I bet the 1916 one was faster


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>The Globalist Plan to keep you in a state of childhood and adolescence, to keep you dumbed down and weak.
Or maybe just the result of allowing a Laissez-faire free market. Corporations profit more off selling a childish lifestyle, it appeals to most consumers, an adult lifestyle is boring and harder to profit off of.

Join the International Anti-Scooter League

Make them all be forced to park in racks out of the main flow of traffic and out of the way

BTW the only reason that there is a problem with them as a design is that they are basically too tall for the average rider, and the steering will not allow for a fluid turning/leaning combination for the riders

The upright syndrome is the fault that leads to them crashing without being in a ready position to lean into the turn.

Obviously a very rushed design that had no time spent in experimenting with the fluidity of the movement through a range of sizes and shapes of people.

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I had one of these back in 1998. It was powerd on gasoline tho.

I built one myself by taking the engine from a chain saw and putting it on a scooter. This was back in 98.

I still don't get the meme..


La kekatura de las Americas

ah good morning boys

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right, gay and white

>Not allow for fluid lean/turn

Absolutely bullshit. Cyclists, skaters, people with balance have no problems using them. The people crashing them are skinnyfat drunk bitches riding two to a scooter.


/pol peaked at this post.

bretty damn gud lad.

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no, it's a fucking shit idea

if you don't drive everywhere you are a faggot

no shit

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even your shitty Ladas were Italian technology

you have nothing, mongoloids

>allowing a laissezfaire market
Fucking christ i spit my coffee out dude

Haaaaa this guy

Ohhhh My

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Nice. It's too early for this shit, though.

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>I built one myself
>Motorized scooters were developed by a guy, who was gay and white.

Somethings never change.

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based and redpilled



People literally afraid of burning a calorie.

isn't the age of consent in your country already something like 8 Pierre?

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public transportation, scooters, and cycling are super gay

I mean, there's only so many ways you can build a mousetrap. Once you get a simple design that works, a 0.5% improvement isn't necessarily worth the cost.

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Damn dude.

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>Checkmate bigots
What women on scooters, or motorized skateboards?
Or are you attempting to say the woman invented it?
I am still trying to figure out which is more pathetic blacks, and their revisionist we made everything history, or femmunists, and theirs. It is really to close to me.

but their both shit ideas use your legs and get fit

>Motorized scooters were developed by a guy, who was gay and white.
>I built one myself by taking the engine from a chain saw and putting it on a scooter. This was back in 98.
A Swede just proves white penis suckers did more than black, or women.

basiert und rotgepillt

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Fucking kek'd.

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>That what I say when I have sex with underaged girls
I am Jeffery Epstein, and approve of this message.

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based fpbp

need a photo of this white woman in 1916 with an electric scooter and a modern day photo of that African nigger who made a big wheel scooter and they made a statue of him

calm down hans I don't think this is gonna work

Don't you love it when the first post is also the best?

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>germany shits up europe even more?
fucking retard!

still a stupid idea

they are the dumbest things i have ever seen.... almost.

anyone thinking these things are profitable or sticking around is a dumb fuck zoomer

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I was promised flying cars

We do have flying cars, but they're regulated by the FAA and you'll still need a pilots license to fly them. Plus you'd only be able to land at airports.

Unbelievably based

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Just technological transportation evolution

>1916 has better range
We're going backwards, lads!

God bless user

wasnt made of plastic gook shit either.


Women were and still are a terrible idea