Nothing original here, just want a fresh supply of holocaust redpills I can give to my mates, and for all of you to share about. Cheers, goys.
Holocaust redpill thread
Other urls found in this thread:
inb4 frogposter
Simon Wiesenthal Lied—and Admitted It, Says Top Israeli Holocaust Historian
Relatable. Bitch put on a 911 doc and I just spectated the brainwashing.
Is it explosive?
And they own all you white people. Praise be to Soros!
>just the same old rehashed, debunked, or unsourced bullshit.
Imagine my shock
Imagine my shock when you're unable to debunk any of it as well.
Post Speer's answer
Provide the source of any of the quotes. Not "herfaderf day sed it heer.". Link to any original publication.
Even better - and I've been asking this for literally YEARS - there's some bullshit pic floating around here. It's allegedly a page from the jewish congress or some bullshit. There's of course a happy merchant on it. But on the bottom it says " this is a real document. It is available at the national archives." Then it provides a link. But the link isn't to the national archives. It's to some bullshit site on a server in some troll's basement.
Provide the link to that document at the national archives. I'll wait. I won't hold my breath.
I'm not responsible for what other anons post on here, I was referring to my own images that debunk it.
Go ahead and show me where I haven't provided a source.
He’s using a memeflag. Literally the biggest faggot on this board.
It's all so tiresome
Pic related
Now this is really absolute nonsense.
The minimal concentration causing explosion is 56,000 parts per million. A concentration of 300 parts per million kills humans within a few minutes. As a reference, one can look at "The Merck Index" and the "CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics," or consult any manual dealing with toxicity and flammability of chemicals. There would have been no real danger of explosion even if there were a bonfire burning in the gas chamber while the execution was taking place.
In fact, the Nazis' own product literature on Zyklon-B, Nuremberg document NI-9912, points this out:
Danger of explosion: 75 grams of HCN in 1 cubic meter of air. Normal application approx. 8-10 grams per cubic meter, therefore not explosive.
Most survivors never witnessed the gas chambers, which obviously were not out there in the open but were either inside the crematoria or just outside of the camp perimeter (the Bunkers)
Actually HCN doesn't have to boil to evaporate relatively quickly,
and the with hundreds, if not thousands humans in the chamber the temperature there would have quickly reached 30+°C all on its own, as confirmed even by the denier Mattogno (Auschwiz: The Case for Sanity, 2010, vol. 1, p. 117):
"The experience obtained in Germany in connection with the disinfestation of military barracks performed on a large scale in 1940 and 1941 at temperatures between minus 4 and plus 8°C showed in fact that “in all cases, the essential phase of the gas release is complete after one or, at the most, two hours” (Peters/Rasch, p. 136). No doubt, a temperature of 27°C or higher would have sped up the evaporation of the hydrogen cyanide, but would this have necessitated the installation of a heating device? As I have shown elsewhere (1994b, p. 65), the body of an adult standing on his feet generates 1.72 kcal per minute (Flury/Zernik, p. 29); 1,800 bodies would thus generate 3,096 kcal per minute. The latent heat of evaporation of hydrogen cyanide is -6.67 kcal per mol; as its molecular weight is 27.03, the heat required for the evaporation of 6 kg of hydrogen cyanide would be (6,000×6.67)÷27.03 = 1,480 kcal, less than half of the heat generated by 1,800 bodies within 1 minute."
Of course, if needed, the gas chambers could always be preheated with braziers.
>unsourced and unsourceable
In what way?
>No link to any primary source
A simple Google search is suffice, but hold on while I find it.
>utter nonsense
How so?
The following correspondence between an SS officer and the firm which manufactured the crematoriums shows that the underground cellars in Kremas II and III were to be preheated. Needless to say, this proves that they were not designed to serve as morgues; it does not make much sense to heat a morgue. It does make sense to heat a homicidal gas chamber, to facilitate the evaporation of the Zyklon-B.
Letter from SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Jahrling to Topf & Sons, March 6 1943 [Pressac, p. 221]
Subject: KL Auschwitz Krematorien II and III
In accordance with your suggestion, the service agrees that cellar 1 should be preheated with the air coming from the rooms of the 3 forced draught installations. The supply and installation of the ductwork and blowers necessary to this end are to be effected as soon as possible. As you point out in your above-mentioned letter, execution should commence this week. We would ask you to send in triplicate detailed quote for supply and installation.
At the same time, we would ask you to send an additional quotation for the modification of the air-extraction installation in the undressing room.
The remainder of your meme's arguments pertaining to length of time needed for the sonderkommando to safely remove the bodies is throughly debunked here
>The minimal concentration causing explosion is 56,000 parts per million. A concentration of 300 parts per million kills humans within a few minutes.
[citation needed]
>Normal application approx. 8-10 grams per cubic meter, therefore not explosive.
This the normal concentration for delousing (as admitted in the Nuremburg trials), why do you lie?
Elie Wiesel talks about being worked to death and the death marches in his book Mans Search for Meaning.
nice new memeflag tactic French kike user
>[citation needed]
I told you where to refer to for this, learn to read
This literally repeats verbatim what I just posted. Are you high?
>This literally repeats verbatim what I just posted. Are you high?
Is delousing equal to killing for you? Are humans as easy to kill as lice?
Sure thing user!
Holocaust documents
Revisionist myths about WWII
Goebbels' diary entries about the Holocaust
Further claims trying to "expose the holohoax"
Various denier memes debunked
Site dedicated to refuting deniers
Popular denier memes debunked
Debunking the David Cole Auschwitz video
Published evidence of extermination at Auschwitz
Various denial youtube videos debunked
The Korherr report
Einzatsgruppen situational reports
photographs of victims
Bonus: all the times Eisenhower mentioned the holocaust
Heres Eisenhower and Patton inspection Camp Ohrdruf
Locals brought in to witness what happened at Dachau
Bodies of inmates left inside the railroad carts at Dachau
Liberated inmates from Camp Ebensee
Footage from Mauthausen after being liberated
Bergen-Belsen after being liberated
I can provide you with an equally impressive list of "facts" proving that Allah is the one true god and Islam the only true religion
>must be true huh
No you can't
oh yes I can
You've got photographs of Allah?
oh yes I can
>Are humans as easy to kill as lice?
They're actually easier to kill as I've already detailed in my first post but that holds little relevance when speaking about hundreds up to thousands inside a gas chamber. This too is detailed in the link I posted
>There is not a clear consensus on how much Zyklon B was actually used in the gas chambers, but most sources seem to put that number in the same order of magnitude as was used for delousing. For example, Mark Van Alstine estimates based upon information in Pressac that concentrations were on the order of 3-4 g/m3. [21] Pressac himself suggests a concentration of 12-20 g/m3. [22]
With all that being said, there's still no risk of explosion, nothing in the records to support this theory. You lose
You actually may have convinced me it happened, user. Is there some pastebin you are getting this all from? I want to look into it myself.
>spoonfeed me the same sort of ludicrously biased, misleading, intellectually dishonest "info"graphics that swayed me in the first place because I'm too lazy to do the bare minimum of research which is exactly why I believe dumb conspiracy theory shit in the first place
French kike user, what do you think should be done with people who despite being presented with mountains of irrefutable evidence still refuse to accept that the holohoax happened?
You can have a look here The imgur guy "siraaronrichards" has made exhaustive posts (all thoroughly sourced) refuting denial
the holocaust religionists are no different from evangelists, their holy books are "the truth, the way and the light" and nothing can convince them otherwise. They are zealots who believe that only evidence that contradicts them could be falsified and that it is simply impossible that a massive industry with a budget of millions that has been actively promoting a specific narrative for 75 years could or would create false accounts and fabricated evidence.
>it must be true, look at this picture/document/testimony
>all unbelievers must be killed/reeducated/imprisoned/silenced
It's a fucking cult
Normies need to do some research into WW1 and Weimar Germany (i.e. jew Germany, Germany between the wars).
Basically jews sabotaged Germany during WW1, among many other things, and continued their anti-indigenous-German subversion through the 20's and early 30's until Hitler took power. Jews were repeatedly asked to leave the country all through the 30's, most famously under the Haavara agreement.
After WW2 was under way, the jews that had refused to leave were put into camps, just like the Japanese-Americans the US put into camps. They were seen (rightfully) as a security risk.
They were treated well by POW standards, better than the US treated the Japanese, see Typhus was a major problem in the early 20th century, see The camps were riddled with typhus (a disease spread by lice, hence ALL the camps having Zyklon B on site, it's a pesticide) and eventually as the war turned against Germany (24/7 bombings by the allies, invasions on 3 fronts, food and material supplies cut-off etc.) you saw a lot of disease and starvation in the camps... just like you saw in the German civilian population and what you would have saw in the US camps had the US come under such duress.
"The holocaust" and all of its myths (gas chambers, electric floors, lampshades etc.) were created post-war for political purposes and to punish Germany. Jews died, but not systematically, and not anywhere near the numbers claimed.
See these threads for more holohoax truth:
>I am Aaron Richards, hobby history buff, science student, political centrist, atheist, European, youtuber and Jow Forumsack. A combination of being called a Jew due to my username and encountering theories on said browsing mediums combined with my own love for history led me to the rabbit hole of holocaust research. Refuting 40 years of antisemitism can be a laborious, but rewarding and fun task, as you will find out in my Holocaust Documents album. Historians might be far more accurate than I am in my blog, but they need to step up their game and offer interactive debunking websites or it'll be up to poor sods like me to offer illustrated rebuttals to internet conspiracy theories for the general public.
? You're debunking by admitting the thesis of the skeptics? Bold move.
>the holocaust religionists
i.e. jews
You fucking incels spend all your days laughing at racism, bigotry, misogyni and shit like that, while it's insensitive, i don't mind because it's humour and nobody takes you losers seriously anyways. But when you fucks start making fun of the holocaust I CANNOT and WILL NOT remain silent. The Holocaust was a TRAGEDY. Don't laugh at tragedies.
The holocaust, however it happened according to verified, accepted, certified and recommended historical books containing accepted, certified and verified historical facts concerning the holocaust, was a tragedy.
I have read some of the verified, accepted, certified and recommended books about the holocaust and I swear to you, to god and to anyone reading this, that they not only are true but cannot have happened any other way than the way they were described in the verified, accepted, certified, recommended books containing descriptions of them. Thank God the french government provides us with a list of verified, accepted, certified and recommended books about the holocaust containing verified, accepted, certified facts about the holocaust and the tragedy that took place during world war II perpetrated by the nazi government of the time in the way that is described by the verified, accepted, certified, recommended books about those events. You should DEFINITELY read some of the verified, accepted, certified, recommended books about the holocaust to further understand and realize the gravity of the events that took place the way they took place as described in the verified, accepted, certified, recommended books containing verified, accepted, certified descriptions of the events.
>PS, This is the reason it's illegal to disagree with the facts contained in verified, accepted, certified, recommended books.
Your image basically supports the idea that no gassings occurred, but that a combination of starvation, sickness, burden of labor, and retreating from the frontline killed most of the concentration camp population
In really looking forward to all the typhus victims in Cali that will look exactly like Holocaust victims
Yeah it's almost as if in a war where millions of Germans died, enemy prisoners were not the top priority and didn't have the highest rate of survival (although still surprisingly high).
Never forget the 6 million
Do not mention the 5 million we made that up to get more sympathy
t jews
Every single death/extermination camp happened by pure coincidence to all be captured by the Soviets and not the western Allies. The soviets weren't also particularly interested in opening up said camps for investigation
6 million holocaust survivors can't be wrong
>Every single death/extermination camp happened by pure coincidence to all be captured by the Soviets and not the western Allies.
It's all so tiresome
If you really want to make them squirm, pilpul the number. I believe that based on the evidence millions of eastern europeans dissapeared in ways which could be warcrimes, I just cant say 6 million of them for sure were jews. The problem with the holocaust is that a lot of deaths are extrajudicial in manner taking place supposedly in towns and the countryside. Its hard to tell if it was neglect in many cases, but some we know were executions. Of course, if the Germans shoot a civilian, does it really matter what their excuse was?
Arron is here already shilling. No need to crudely repost his blog.
>Your image basically supports the idea that no gassings occurred
It must take some serious mental gymnastics to reach that conclusion especially seeing has how none of the Operation Reinhardt camps are on that list let alone Auschwitz i.e. the places with dedicated gas chambers where the bulk of gassings took place.
I hope you realize that that picture is only going to serve to sway new """revisionists""" more than anything else. It goes extremely and directly against the version of the Holocaust that is taught and propagandized about, you know, the version we are here trying to disprove in the first place.
Your image freely admits what revisionists claim actually happened. It debunks nothing.
So you're saying that you're not trying to disprove the holocaust, but you are at the same time?
LOL, try reading it.
He's been using a memeflag lately but you can tell exactly who it is still
He's right here arguing about it. Look at the thread.
>So you're saying that you're not trying to disprove the holocaust, but you are at the same time?
Exactly. There were a bunch of labors camps that were poorly equipped, had rampant disease and extremely poor living conditions, lack of food (as with all of Germany at the time), and so on. Perfectly normal and reasonable for literally any war ever in the history of mankind, not an exception, not something exceptionally horrible, not something exceptionally evil, but literally just how it is in war times.
the point really is
>if a jobs worth doing, it's worth doing properly
next time, no doubts, no survivors
>There were a bunch of labors camps that were poorly equipped
In the camps inside the "Altreich", death was mainly due to starvation and disease. When inmates are given insufficient food and forced to work hard labor, there is often little practical distinction between the two. At Auschwitz, which was both an extermination and a work camp, prisoners were "selected" every so often, with the weakest being gassed. That way, fewer had the opportunity to die of exhaustion, and they met their end in the gas chambers instead.
When the Allies reached the Nazi death camps in Germany, they found the SS personnel well-fed and well-dressed, and the local population was often not undergoing serious hardship, relatively speaking. (On the other hand, the German population in the big cities did suffer a lot.) This is clearly attested to in the film footage of the liberation of the camps, where one can see the people in the nearby towns and villages, which the American soldiers brought over to the camps so they can witness what happened. None of them are starved.
There is also a famous photograph of some plump SS women being captured at Bergen-Belsen. Tens of thousands of prisoners starved at Belsen. If you've seen a film of emaciated corpses being bulldozed into mass graves, it was probably taken at Belsen. The contrast to the well-fed SS women is quite remarkable. (pic related)
Also, hardly any of the Allied prisoners starved to death; there were people that the Nazis wanted to keep alive, and there were people they preferred dead. A great number of Soviet POW's died, over three million, for this reason.
>literally just Judenschwein kvetching that they didn't get 5 course meals daily and a hot bath and king size bed in their fucking prison cells as prisoners in a country LOSING THE BIGGEST WAR IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND and dying by the millions
Like stfu.
The following is a report on the amount of food found inside Belsen which was determined to have been withheld from the jewish prisoners
Major A. L. BERNEY, sworn, examined by Colonel BACKHOUSE.
I am with 817 Military Government Detachment. On 15th April I was sent by Headquarters 8 Corps to Colonel Taylor of the Occupying Forces of the Belsen Camp. Colonel Taylor and Brigadier Glyn Hughes were in charge. On the next day I was told to find the nearest food store, which I did at the north of the Panzer Troop School about three kilometres from the camp. I found the Hauptmann in charge of the store who informed me that he was responsible for sending some food from his store to the camp . potatoes and turnips. He did not give me any reason as to why that was the only stuff supplied. I obtained a list of food in the store from him, and remember there were 600 tons of potatoes, 120 tons of tinned meat, 30 tons of sugar, upwards of 20 tons of powdered milk; cocoa, grain, wheat and other foodstuffs.
Did you find whether there was a bakery there or not?
Yes. There is a very large bakery there with a capacity, I was told, of 60,000 loaves a day, which was completely staffed. It appeared to me that there was a very vast quantity of all the necessary materials available for making bread. The bakery is still working now and most of the staff are the same.
From your investigation of the stocks available, was there any reason why Camp No 1 should not have been supplied with food?
I cannot see any conceivable reason.
Did you find any reason why water should not have been provided in that camp? - I can think of none
You're terribly mistaken and have no understanding of the holocaust. You're correct that it wasn't all gassing that killed the Jews. There were other methods like Einetsatz and hard labor. See the image I posted. Hitler's goal was the annihilation of European Jewry.
In his book `Band of Brothers' made into the movie, Stephen Ambrose writes that when the 101st airborne discovered Dachau, they found it was a work camp. Not a death camp.
Conditions weren't that good, but no worse than Andersonville (US civil war) or a South African (Boer war) concentration camp, a term coined by the Brits.
In any Hollywood movie on the second world war and evil Germans, you can believe about ten percent or less of what you see and hear.
Guess who runs Hollywood? I'm still can't believe someone posting the movie `Inglorious Basterds' the other day as a red pill movie.
Big Red One: GI shoots like an automaton into an oven. And on and on. Seventy years of their BS, of 3rd Reich hatred, never stale,
Now they're trying to tell us that detention centers on our southwest border, for people who broke into them, are as bad as (nonexistent) death camps.
This image just states that "Dem nazis's think dat no one died if der wuz no gas chamber, Nazi's BTFO epic style."
Then claims that in the non gas chamber camps Jews where worked then shot. A claim not backed up by anything. These Jews where worked, but never killed. They did die, but from starvation in a war torn Germany.
>A great number of Soviet POW's died, over three million, for this reason.
Yet another lie often reposed by tankies.
Thats not hos thermodynamics work in a concrete room
Cool. Debunk it
>Hitler's goal was the annihilation of European Jewry.
It takes about 0.8 seconds to slice a kike's throat. It costs nothing and is certainly fatal. Want to test it out to verify the efficiency?
We discussed this in the thread. At least wait a full day before pretending you dont remember anything.
That's not how arguments work
Way to go chaim, you proved quite literally nothing. Where the fuck did you get that from, an iirc chatroom from 2002? Ask your autistic JIDF pals to up the res on your garbage
>Hitler's goal was the annihilation of European Jewry
more jewish lies
LOL, thanks for admitting you're completely ignorant about the holocaust. They actually did kill approximately 1 million Jews at point blank with guns. Himmler ordered the Einstatzgruppen to stop doing after the soliders that were doing that suffered psychological trauma from killing people at point blank.
Reminder to ignore everyone posting under a memeflag.
Dumb fucking the_donald boomers
not french not jewish entering the thread in 3,2,1. i can here his pager beeping
tfw the """holocaust""" didnt happen but should have will
it's a very specific kind of feel
>Germans in 1944 were losing the war, so rules became more relaxed and we played more soccer
No you prove it. Prove that german pow camps had a lower survival rate than Auschwitz. Nothing suggests soviet prisoners suffered in such extreme conditions. Many western allied prisoners were held in camps near soviet prisoners and nothing suggests such horrors from any of their accounts. Two things are intresting tho. 1st that number became the norm in the 1960s soviet acconting of war dead that has been questioned by russian historians since 1991 for under counting battle deaths. 2nd it makes the 3 million soviet citizens that served in the german army and were recruited largely from pows impossible.
>you're completely ignorant about the holocaust
Bold words after the last thread.
mate the koran says allah is real, that's all the proof you should need.
>No you prove it
It's all so tiresome
All you could do was use as hominems.
Man, this thread blows. 1 post by OP. Kikes everywhere. Try harder faggots.