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wow.............imagine the goverment having the power to take away your monthly income bc of your political views

Sounds scary, freedome divident replaces insurence and shit, you would be in deep shit without that

How would they know who belongs in the first 2 groups?

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Considering he lumped sex offenders in there, probably with a registry.

what a plot twist... for newfags. i already knew this.

Yang's a 4D chess socialist bent on putting us all on a social credit system, tracked by big tech and social media. Starting to notice something yet? Tulsi isn't as flawless as others would say either. Do actual digging and you'd be surprised how much dirt you can find.

That doesn’t sound like freedom

They would literally probably just get a list from the ADL or something.

yang is a yellow nigger

>oh no. they found out. shut it down

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Hell let the ADL decide.

completly arbitrary

hahaha and the jew behind the curtain reveals himself.

This is why socialism is always shit. Hope you niggers take a lesson from this

>if I dont like you you cant have my imaginary free money scheme

Oh shit pedophiles btfo

>stop being racist for $1,000

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yang is STILL around lmaoz

never. i AM the racism

Based Yang owning the racistcucks, I will dab all my way to cash that grand.

yang gang really burned quickly out huh

nah, if you ever said nigger you are banned from getting that bag
or course you still have to pay incom taxes and VAT that finance the bag for the niggers and kikes

kamala "black mommy" harris it is then

And it's over. You can't give $1000 only to take it away later

>mfw there are unironic yangposters on suicide watch now
for all of you fags who think you wouldn't be on such a list, you visited such evil nazi sites like Jow Forums, you're obviously corrupted :^)

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I'm sorry?

Trump is still the best option, despute joojoo cum

Fuck that dumb chink

This is fake news this is Russian fake news we have to vote in a Democrat no they’re not going to take your guns like all the propaganda says

I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that all of those people are still eligible to be taxed for it though

t. jew behind the curtain

The problem is not that the government can take away gibs based on political views but rather than it is applying the wrong standards.
A political system that one-sidedly favours whites would be in everyone's favour.

Just like the no fly list they just put people they don't like on there

>not allowed to think differently from how we want you to think.

I fucking predicted this shit back when the bag meme started and you niggers bought it without thinking
I was there debunking it. First day.
Think for yourself for once you niggers

>nigger reparations
>supports fining people who report black crimes
>health care for illegal spics
thats just the tip of the iceburg. if its a choice between a man who pretends to like zionists while doing his damnedest to protect american values and actual ethno-socialists who'd put niggers at the top of the totem pole, you know who I'm gonna pick.


in all seriousness who are we to question the government? it was fun joking around but $1000 is $1000. every post I have ever made on this website was satire and as an individual I possess the qualities required to receive the freedom dividend. any attempt to infer anything about my character that may influence my freedom dividend eligibility based on prior use of this website or satirical posts made by me must acknowledge the above as fact within its summary and before proceeding further.

You cant be free to destroy other people freedom you stupid retard

No dollar for you bad goy

seems unconstitutional

>Shill for Yang because muh $1000
>Don't get it because you post on Jow Forums

so be it. truth cannot be bribed

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Literally any system in which government has any power, even if designed to help whites, will turn into nigger kike gibs plant, or worse, turn the whites into semi-niggers

Well obviously white people are all white supremacists

>I-it's not censorship because thet don't stop you from saying what you want

Every yang nigger who made this argument for youtube is on suicide watch

Opinions don't destroy other people's freedom you NIGGER

you are NEVER getting that bag if you were ever on Jow Forums
you are on a list already

Fuck you white boi
Only niggas like me get da bag
Fucking honky white trash cracka
Put some ice cubes on your hot wings for extra spice little whiteboi
Fucking trailer park pasty ass cracka
Where's my $1000 nigga gibs me dat

>The problem is not that the government can take away gibs based on political views but rather than it is applying the wrong standards.
You're a major idiot if you think that there will ever be a government that always agrees exactly with your political position.
It's insane to want to subject yourself to the whims of another human.

Pushing sex offenders away from society and making them feel like outcasts only makes them angry and stops them from changing. Get it together Yanf

>i think we should enslave this people here
>oh but im not taking their freedom :^)

Jow Forums is truly the dumbest board

Why is there so much fake and gay shit on here the last couple of days?

OP is a massive faggot

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the sad thing is that pol is actually above average iq
120 or 130 if I remember correctly

This is the entire reason for these type of programs.

>Make populous dependent on gibs
>threaten to take gibs if the children get restless

Why would a communist care about the constitution?

Libertarians deserve the rope more than Commies because they are deluded about the nature of the world.
How are you going to assert yourself in a world where you're surrounded by enemy nations if you are afraid of a collective effort?

Those who are not men enough to submit to greater order will be destroyed by those who are.

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nice cope retard

Child rapists aside yang is never becoming president so not really something you should concern yourself over

Yeah, because he Yang can just do that.

YangGang isn't under the assumption that Yang isn't a retard. He's just the only likable candidate this time around with an actual vision. If Trump hadn't long since outed himself as a fraud I'd be backing him again. You can't functionally mass apply a racism registry in the US yet anyway, I'll worry about that when it becomes a more pressing issue.

>in all seriousness who are we to question the government?

Kill your fucking self slave. How the fuck do faggots like you even exist?

yang is literally a chinese plant

>"I'm sorry, sir, because you were arrested for standing atop a pile of battered, broken, and dead blacks with a swastika tattooed on your forehead bellowing "GAS THE KIKES!!!!", you cannot recieve your thousand dollars"

How the fuck would they even enforce this outside of hate crime arrests, telepathy?

I've found no trace of him ever saying this

>Jow Forums for the past 6 months
>"A thousand bucks a month for niggers and shitskins?! That's outrageous! You should only get that money if you are white like me! I don't have a job and I need that more than those subhuman leeches! N-not that I'd ever take the money, of course! That's communism!!!"
>We don't want to fund pedophiles, violent Nazis, and terrorists
>Jow Forums today

Never change Jow Forums

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Lmao you're worse than migafags

It wouldnt be legal anyway, the supreme court really only agrees on one thing and thats free speech

Oh, come on Mr. Yang, that list isn't nearly exclusionary enough!

Surely an SJW fuckwit like you can come up with a more diverse list of people to discriminate against!

what about that sanders guy? the media really doesn't like him, even moreso than trump i would say

>predicted it
You’d have to be a super brainlet to not see this shit coming from a mile away.

You are getting $1000 for stop being racist, like dude, just do it.

But Jews are white and they're supremacists? Doesn't that means Jews get the rope first under Yang?

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Cool you've just shown that r selected spiecies work well as collectives
literally become a termite nigger

Once you get past immigration

Well now I feel really stupid for supporting him for a bit. Comparing us to sex offenders. I hope he gets raped.

>bump for the bump gods

Freedomfags still scared of the Chinese Utopia.

Yang is a fuckwad, not even a good poison candidate. He's just shit. At this rate they should shill Biden, he's doing more damage with the fringe and he's totally weak. Trump could totally Jeb the cocksucker.

You're not advocating for a collective effort though. You're advocating for master and slave.

It's a different relationship. We can work together so long as you are upholding your end of the deal. I'm not going to give up the tools that I have to punish your misbehavior.

>You're a major idiot if you think that there will ever be a government that always agrees exactly with your political position
Many people agree on some general policies. You take what you can get.
>It's insane to want to subject yourself to the whims of another human.
You are subject to the whims of the government no matter what.
You can either take part and influence its whims or you can close your eyes and be dragged along to someone elses, probably someone that wants to take from you.

I can't tell what's satire anymore

>free money for everyone except people with political ideologies I don’t like

Uhhhh is this even legal?

Can republicans run with the promise of giving free stuff to only republicans?

one word: kike

>Uhhhh is this even legal?
Oh sweet child

You dont know anything about libertarianism

Libertarians generally are so rather than anarchists BECAUSE of threat of other nations you stupid fucking newfag

Well, he is a chink so wouldn't surprise me.


I think it's fake

Go ahead and give me the bad news on tulsi so I have a fucking stroke already

Andrew ... Nooooooooo!

He just admitted there's antisemite and white-supremacist registry.

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>Here's a review of your Jow Forums posting history
>as obtained from google LLC subsidiary of Alphabet inc.
>due to the nature of the offence we have now revoked your yangbucks loicense please leave your empty bags by the bag deposit area.

If it is, it would be ruled illegal once it inevitably made its way to the Supreme Court.

"i called it freedom because freedom polls better"

>restructure the entire economy for free gibs
>jobs no longer exist because of high costs and automation
>100% reliant on the government to live

Now the government owns you and can pretty much do whatever it wants. You want to feed your kids? Well, better start turning in your guns!

Lol if you're so fucking stupid you thought someone would give you free money.

>universal basic income
>not universal

and now it will fail. nice work demotards.

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DAMNIT YANG, you just had to keep your mouth shut and give away the money, all the way to the white house, it was too easy.... but you MESSED IT ALL UP

nice source retard

It was only ever Jews and niggers posting that on this board you idiot


yes, yes they can
if americans cared about legality anything passed after about 1900 would be thrown in the trash including FED, new deal, foodstamps, regulation etc

That's why he also wants a social credit system.

>oy vey it's just congress exercising their right to tax just like obamacare :^)

>registries for "antisemitism" and "racists"
yang is finished