I've stopped. I figured if I'm actually a right wing nationalist (like I claim) I may as well live it. And watching evil left-wing (((porn))) is not something right wingers should do.
I'm sure that this has been mentioned before, but I never click these threads so I wouldn't actually know, but if you're trying to get people to stop masturbating why in gods name would you post a sexually suggestive pic that is likely to cause somebody to want to fap Are you retarded or is this just a bait thread?
Caleb Garcia
2nd girl>1st girl
Connor Ramirez
>this just a bait thread btw nofap and noporn works, I got my first gf while on that. Move forward, soldiers.
Dominic Baker
better idea.. anti pedo/anti porn retards just leave the anime/hentai forum
I have no fapped for close to 2 years. the results are amazing.
Jace Brooks
Every time I do no fap my sexual fantasies get more perverted and I even start to fantasize about litte girls. What can I do?
Thomas Carter
Because you keep watching porn.
Zachary Hughes
>anti pedo Found the kike
Ian Hall
When I start watching porn again it's get better actually and I'm not attracted to girls.
James Long
niqqa who dat bitch wit dat phat azz
Wyatt Jones
>fap once or twice a day. Always either when I wake up or before I go to sleep >it never gets in the way of things I need to do or makes me unproductive >it's just 15 minutes of pleasure time per day. That's it
>the results are amazing. What results are those, apart from testicular cancer and a stinky load that's gonna make the girl throw up once you finally manage to find a bitch desperate enough to put your dick in her mouth.
Sure, nofap causes cancer just like eating red meats does. So better become a vegan porn addict ;)
Kill yourself degenerate.
Hudson Martinez
>jerk off >feel good all day Must be a high test thing. I always hear soi cucks crying how they get depressed and shit for jerking off, what's up with that? Is it the estrogen in their little dicks?
>he fell for the cancer fearmongering meme isn't it funny how the "no masturbation causes cancer" thing appeared suddenly and out of nowhere exactly when NoFap started gaining traction?
Show me the studies, show me the statistics, show me the proofs. But you won't, because you don't have any; all you have is demoralizing and fearmongering kike propaganda.
Connor Cook
You're both utter fucking idiots. It's not jerking off that's the problem, it's limitless supplies of degenerate Internet porn you absolute stupid fucks. Masturbation is very healthy for you. Your brains are just too fucking retarded to allow for natural, wholesome masturbation without porn. In reality, you are weak and don't have a firm grip (xDDD) on your own sexuality.
Pa jebem te u glavu degenerisanu. Check the goddamn nofap website for fuck's sake. It's all about the porn. And I'm not saying you should wax the carrot twice a day or anything. I'm just saying there's absolutely nothing inherently wrong with masturbation, quite the contrary - it's good for you.
Nathaniel Watson
Porn without masturbation would be harmless. Masturbation is literally referred to as "self harm". And it really is. Masturbation will lower every aspect of your personality, health and behavior.
There is no healthy masturbation. And it is also shameful and undignified.
Isaac Brown
Unless you have a woman, obviously. Then there's pretty much no need for jerking off in 98% of cases.
Austin Taylor
Day 81 nofap and noporn
Super powers are real
Fuck off shills
Connor Baker
>Masturbation is literally referred to as "self harm" Lmao, I don't give a fuck what your boy-fiddling priest in Iowa calls it. That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard.
>I'm not attracted to girls. nofap turns gays straight confirmed
Cameron Evans
Wyatt Myers
wrong, both porn and blowing a load is bad
Logan Sullivan
Prestani kaljati Srpsku zastavu svojim pederlukom, drkadžijo. Ne mogu da vjerujem da hrvat normalnije govori od tebe. Vjerovatno si B*ograđanin. Prestani ga bacati svaki da i počni raditi nešto korisno za naš narod. Ili nastavi da ga bacaš redovno kao amerikanac.
Austin Hill
my problem has been ive been working out a ton more but it makes me horny af because of the corresponding test increase. porn is often more accessible, convenient and most importantly cheaper than dealing with women. anyone have any tips for controlling myself better or suggestions i would be very appreciative
of course. but I was talking to some sluts on a dating site. they got be exited, so I had to bust a nut
now I'm quiting dating sites, they are just as bad for you as porn. probably worse. will kill your self-esteem
Jordan Morgan
>nyone have any tips for controlling myself better or suggestions i would be very appreciative take a cold shower after you work out
Ryan Peterson
Wrong. >svojim pederlukom Rece covek koji je opsednut time sta ja radim sa svojim kurcem. A ja kad budem uradio nesto korisno za svoj narod, to ces na vestima da vidis. Samo vi LARPujte i ulizujte se ovim anglo-americkiim desnicarima i verskim fanaticima. Ti su nam i jebali kevu.
Leo Howard
stop using your legs for a year or two and see what happens.
Daniel Adams
A great way to destroy your brain and becoming a cuck.
Carson Rogers
Just stop watching porn, it's not that complicated. Jerk off to thoughts. At first it's gonna be weak, but over time you'll get used to the idea. Jerking off like our forefathers did is the way to go.
Charles Reed
>‘The rise of nationalism coincides with anti-masturbation movements’ retarded yes porn is kike propaganda but still, retarded. nationalism is rising because of the influx of shitskins an media painting native peoples as villians
This makes no sense unless you're watching some artistic vintage porn for the cinematography of it or something. But even then, why would you, seeing how many great films are out there? Now if you're watching brazzer-stier shit just to watch it, then you really need a fucking hobby.
Juan Foster
guess you will just have to fuck some gym sluts
Hunter Phillips
looking at hot women lifts the spirits
Tyler Price
>trains body to not get erections >surprised when he gets erectile dysfunction yea... im the retarded one here..
Thomas Kelly
i guess i wanted to avoid jerkin it all together but maybe working with it rather than trying to go the abstinence route is better long term thanks for the suggestion appreciate it
Well sure. But you're still watching actors acting like they're fucking, unless you aren't. Solo girls masturbating and lesbian porn are not that bad desu.
Dylan Jones
It's all about that Middle Way, like the Buddha himself said.
I've stopped watching porn and masturbating. The way I see it, even if I don't get "superpowers" it'll be one less thing I depend on the jews for.
Ryan Davis
Očigledno ne razumiješ. Normalno da mi je stalo da li Srbi rade degenerične stvari, sa svojim kurcem ili bez njega. >A ja kad budem uradio nesto korisno za svoj narod, to ces na vestima da vidis. Nadam se da ne misliš na neka sranja koja bi naštetila sloci Srba u svijeti kao teroristički napad Svaka čast ako misliš na nešto dobro i konstruktivno Moraš da shvatiš u kakvo stanje stavljaš svoje tijelo/mozak ako se stalno samozadovoljavaš. Već znaš šta se dešava kad ne koristiš mišiće dugo... Niko ovde ne larpuje američkim "desničarima", nema većih degenerika upravo od njih
Josiah Russell
yep, you are just a retard
Xavier Wood
OOF straight into the blue balls.
Angel Collins
you don't need charisma if you are buff
Christopher Miller
>posts brapster
Jacob Campbell
it makes sense actually eventually if you keep going the middle way over and over again youll end up somewhere very close to where you want to be i like it
Hahaha buraz, ako te tiste "degenericne stvari" koje Srbi rade, onda jebeno drkanje treba da ti je poslednje na listi prioriteta. Ovaj narod ima daleko, daleko vece probleme od masturbacije. I vidim da nisi pazljivo citao moje komentare. Ja nisam zagovarao "redovno" samozadovoljavanje. Ja sam samo rekao da je masturbacija tehnicki zdrava, kao i milion drugih stvari koje su dobre ako ne preterujes u njima.
Jose Wright
Don't do it. if you abstain from fapping for a while, then fap again, you will get super horny and start fapping even more
Carter Jenkins
im not buff ive been going to the gym regularly for only a few months and although i have lost about 40 lbs i am still not quite there yet and too used to unconfidence but i figure it will come with time
Tišti me sve što Srbi rade sebi na štetu, bez obzira koliko je bitno ili nebitno ili na kom je mjestu "na listi" >tehnički zdrava Čini muškarce manje produktivnim/agresivnim
Jackson Anderson
>STOP WATCHING PORN Peolpe need to do some research into WW1 and Weimar Germany (i.e. jew Germany, Germany between the wars).
Basically jews sabotaged Germany during WW1, among many other things, and continued their anti-indigenous-German subversion through the 20's and early 30's until Hitler took power. Jews were repeatedly asked to leave the country all through the 30's, most famously under the Haavara agreement.
After WW2 was under way, the jews that had refused to leave were put into camps, just like the Japanese-Americans the US put into camps. They were seen (rightfully) as a security risk.
They were treated well by POW standards, better than the US treated the Japanese, see Typhus was a major problem in the early 20th century, see The camps were riddled with typhus (a disease spread by lice, hence ALL the camps having Zyklon B on site, it's a pesticide) and eventually as the war turned against Germany (24/7 bombings by the allies, invasions on 3 fronts, food and material supplies cut-off etc.) you saw a lot of disease and starvation in the camps... just like you saw in the German civilian population and what you would have saw in the US camps had the US come under such duress.
"The holocaust" and all of its myths (gas chambers, electric floors, lampshades etc.) were created post-war for political purposes and to punish Germany. Jews died, but not systematically, and not anywhere near the numbers claimed.
>Basically jews sabotaged Germany during WW1 The Iron Cross was awarded to 18,000 German Jews during the war. Hilter's superior officer was a Jew, famously he recommended to award him with Iron Cross First Class.
Jackson Cruz
I cant stop masturbating.
Help! MY SOUL IS DAMNED! Satan's creatures will take me should I stray from the path of peace! youtu.be/DFH4lkPj_e8
I will, just when you tell me first the source for that THICK LEIDII
Logan Thompson
are there actually good studies showing that porn leads to negative life outcomes or is it all theoretical and correlational?
for example it could be that shitty people tend to consume more porn, so consuming more porn could be linked to worse life outcomes. but that's not establishing causality.