Well its official... America is now Le 49%
Well its official... America is now Le 49%
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And that's a good thing!
Our number one priority should be banning abortion though
Yeah so that states like California legalize it and quarantine niggers and spics to their states.
Mutts are seeeeeeeeething
Even though most abortions are from niggers and spics. Absolute state of burger education
Yeah, the USA is doomed, spics will inevitably destroy this country.
He's probably a spic, spics are all Christcucks that breed like roaches.
the funniest thing about this pic is that a million more spics were added since the date of that census
Hahahahahhaha, the Anglos have our Islands to ward off nigger and spic invasions (I.e. UK, AUS, NZ and N.Ireland)
That didn't stop the Pakistanis
Its closer to 37%
>more mutts than native americans
lmfao. im glad im not white or seeing this chart would make me seethe.
Fuck off Argie Bargie, otherwise we are gonna have to pay you another visit.
This meme is fucking shit. Euroshits jealous of us again because we have more rights and good ass food. We'll always be a better country. Also I'm whiter than most euroshits on this board. Prob all muslims posting anyway.
whites refuse to breed
must be too busy snapchatting and following their careers to propagate their race
Isnt it weird that the government considers Latinos white when it comes to crime, IQ, and wage, but when it comes to population they're all of a sudden different?
this is the most obvious of euro bait
he's gonna cap it and post the pic, I bet
That's for one generation faggot
what a fucking retard. when did the government publish IQ data?
This, London is already a shitskin colony and the other large British cities all have sizable infestations.
>This meme is fucking shit. Euroshits jealous of us again because we have more rights and good ass food. We'll always be a better country. Also I'm whiter than most euroshits on this board. Prob all muslims posting anyway
>4% Mudshits in the UK, with 80%-90% White
>51.4% Shitskin in the USA with 49.6% White
It's your future mutt
Bruh, I'll give you London but the other cities are fine. You are living in essential Mexico.
As if that fucking changes anything, this country is fucked beyond saving thanks to the spics, collapse is inevitable.
here's my ultimate cope redcoat, soon you edomites
will be killed off by the angels of heaven, that's why
you exist now, as payment for what your ancestors
Tick Tock Ameribomb
that's the fighting spirit!
Bruh, we are a proud and white protestant country with a awesome history which you will never have in comparison. You will be struck down by the Angel Michael for your nations crimes serving Moloch and ZOG while we were purging Europe of all ZOG influence (napoleonic wars).
Cope Pablo De Las Tyrone.
>pic related, it's you.
The fact that the U.S. is doomed doesn't mean the U.K. isn't doomed as well. The small 5-7% infestations outside of London will grow, the rot in London will spread out to the rest of Southern England and eventually the whole country. If you overthrew your Orwellian government and purged them quickly you'd have a chance, but I don't see that happening.
destroy the nukes before you lose all power. You were sent on that continent to conquer it, not to arm others to the teeth.
True, our population especially up norf would burn down a city over a football match but not seeing their country being subverted and destroyed.
>Doesn't know the kikes played both sides in the Napoleonic Wars
If you were purging Jew influence in the Napoleonic Wars, how the hell did Benjamin fucking Disraeli end up as prime minster and how the hell did your country end up being the ones to issue the Balfour declaration?
I'm rollin'
Please be an Israeli flag to top it off!
the spics didnt prevent you from breeding, white man. Your race is just incapable of breeding the women in it.
I know when I got with my polish fiance i insisted on family. We are having kids before she is 30 and plan on at least 2 if not 3.
I dunno what white men do with their girls. Prob go backpacking or some gay shit.
t. le 56% spico mutto
>Doesn't realise that American Jew Rockefeller brokered the deal.
Absolute State of burgerland education
>Dual Citizenship Politicans
>Nigger President
>Only non-zogged presidents were G.W. JFK and Nixon
>38 Billion to the Greatest Ally
>Cold War Jewery
>Arm a terrorist group to fight another terror group then found another terror group to fight said terror group
>US Media
>US Degeneracy pushed onto Europe via US Media
And this is only the tip of the iceberg Pablo Dios Mio Rabbi
Britain was the host of global Judaism before America, the kikes ditched you as their favored proxy after you after you bankrupted yourselves fighting WWII for the sake of the Jew.
Cope with no evidence, enjoy your Satanic Nations final years mutt
whiter than you mohammad
>t. 49% mutt
The fucking boomers have to die anyway. And the cities are absolute cesspits.
Wtf is wrong with your feet? Jesus the muttification really has taken its toll.
Once they die the % will drop even further, I'm crying in laughter rn.
He's Italian, he spams his feet everyday.
He's so autistic he comes and posts his feet and his 23andme whenever someone mentions Italy
this goes doubly for you. I said white man.
Not American white man. You guys have penis problems and can't breed.
My gfs family arrived here in the late 70s for what thats worth. They were living amongst your parents, the muttification just happened here rather than over there.
Better a pedro than an abdul
>everyone in America is a zoomer
Our paki and nigger population is stable at 4%. We will be called Nigel and Tony for millennium and beyond.
hes been doing it for years just check the archive.
This is your future pablo de la jamal. Boomers will die off and by that time it will already be too late, tough shit mutt.
you've sold me on moving to england mate, i need to escape the muttification fo america
only zoomer women are young enough to breed
You realize you are a country of mutts also, right?
When will Boomers die off?
I don't see a future for the current republican party after that. (not like they are very useful today)
>good ass food
Burgers> French Italian Greek cuisine
>one city
>step outside the London county
>90%+ White
>Same for other cities
>49% White
>No where that is white to go to
>Same for other cities
Kys mutt
Honestly better than I expected tbqhwyf.
>Only Generation Z exists
Wow, this is peak "the world revolves around us" Zoomer shit.
Fuck off demoralizer.
What happens when the previous ones die of pedro? Considering the Boomers are the whitest I'd be concerned.
>30yrs from now
>Le 19%
Boomers were the whitest generation, and it only goes downhill from there.
Today is good day too be while
>muh military
This meme needs to die. What's the point of having the strongest military if you just arm, fight and die for kikes?
Abortion is net decreasing with the availability of effective birth control. Boomer cuckservatives want to remove BC too so they have more blacks. Kek.
actually, yes and no. if red states are allowed to limit or ban abortions and liberal states are allowed to have abortions up until birth, this is ideal.
shitskins largely live in liberal states. let them be aborted, make it even easier. for shitskins in red states liberal groups like Planned Parenthood could offer their services to those poor POC women. take them to liberal states for late term abortions free of charge. fuck you could get stronk wahminz in those states to B&B them. think of the mad virtue signaling points.
it'll take a few generations to work it out but the problem would fix itself.
>the problem would fix itself
Peak mutt logic.
>one city that has 25% of the population
>in a country with 1/6 the population as the U. S.
>located on a tiny island 1/38 the size as the U. S
Sorry bud, but no matter what you say it doesn't change the size of your population or the size of your country. It takes a lot less people migrating to make you less white than it does for us. There are thousands of white enclaves here while your country is lucky to have a dozen.
Imagine the smell. (Not even memeing, that's Brie Larson tier)
Imagine lying to yourself like this
>population 8million
>not even a mega city
>66 Million Population
>66/8 = 8% of the population
>of which half of niggers/pakis
>so 4%
Absolute state of burger education.
Sure thing shitskin
Wait for the 2020 census fellow European.
I think you missed the part about groups like Planned Parenthood offering services to those poor POC wahmin in "slave states". which means rural whites will be without help when it comes to have their babies aborted.
no feminist is going to help a poor white woman, they hate them. but a feminists will go all underground railroad to help a POC wahmin to have an abortion. soulja sista bullshit
shitskin birthrates are now under replacement, they mostly live in Blue states. you raise white birthrates and keep shitskins below replacement.
combine that with this. the shitskins are actively trying to breed themselves lighter.
Its a nothing. It means nothing. Things will continue as before as they always have.
Europe is a lot better off than the US when it comes to that. most Americans don't realize the absolute state of the US. mostly because the US is so large.
where I live is mostly white, it's great. however go to California or NYC and it's like you've entered the 3rd world. it's absolutely disgusting. if you never go there you'll never know, especially if you're living in a white area.
>America is now Le 49%
The national deficit will only get bigger faster the more blacks and hispanics there are as their groups are negative net tax payers.
more like jajajajajajajajaja
your birth rate and death rate are almost exactly up to par, with births among young people being far below what your parents had.
Your third largest nation of origin is india with pakistan being right behind at half a million citizens in a nation of 63 million.
estimates show increasing muslim populations. if this thread looks at future births and generations then we should do the same for you, Mahmoud.
isnt mihammed the most popular name there?
how they determine the number is by the race of the woman having the child.
Rachel Welch (aka Tejada) had two children and under this metric they wouldn't be white
her son Damon Welch wouldn't be considered white by this but on any form or how society views him, he's white.
no American can claim any racial purity because we assimilated dark as fuck Sicilians,
>but they're white
they weren't when they got here, it took a few generations of bleaching to get that
damn that meme is frighteningly true
Welcome to the 3° world.
Based and redpilled. Honestly, i don’t even know why non Americans post on this board. If I see a post without an American flag I literally just skip it.