Unironic happening??????

The amount of shilling on this board from all factions in the wake of Epstein is honestly incredible. Like truly astounding. There are entire threads of shills arguing with other shills.
I don't WHAT is happening, all I know is one way or another, something IS happening.

Attached: sides.jpg (600x603, 40K)

It's election season all over again, they are all literally shaking.

Attached: c69Z6.jpg (536x280, 43K)

retard boomers and reddit-summer-fags are the Jow Forums version of herpes: once they are hear they spread everywhere and are hard to get rid of.

Imagine being the guy responsible for an entire countries nickname on Jow Forums. I'm envious desu

Yes it's fucking hilarious when you shitpost and the shills start fighting over which disinformation is true lol

The dancing is actually making me smile today, I thought I was fucked after last night's blackpill

Q predicted this

I know the feel, wanted to start a thread about an interesting topic but it would get buried in slide threads or anons would call me a slide shill.

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Which blackpill this time?

Can we ask g00km00t for polharbor 2.0?

I knew things were bad but a video was posted last night that kept me awake all night, had to go to the gym to work out the stress. Even then I just laid in bed till I had to get up for work. Crazy how the mind works though, my horror is turning to resolve.

It was bad things happening to children

That's the shit that always gets to me too

TONS of shills. And a section of them loves pushing the ‘16 year old girls’ like he wasn’t with younger girls

I think the 14 yo angle is they opened with inorder to pressure him into a plea deal to get more names. Had they told the public he fucked a 6 yo and then gave him a plea deal there would have been a massive backlash.

It's fucking great. Imagine how nervous the boss shills must be.

...Wait... Did that user actually deliver? Fell asleep before.

my gut instinct is that it will come to nothing, and that this is a huge public relations op. they're throwing the public a bone so to speak. epstein's handlers will use the opportunity to kill key witnesses and arrest only the DISLOYAL members of the conspiracy. we'll never know if trump was involved or not, because we'll never know any real information of substance. the democrats will eb on trying to implicate trump and keep their accusations limited to hearsay and innuendo, because they don't want to embarass themselves too much. basically nothing will happen. the whole U.S. is run on blackmail, i dont think you faggots understand how high the stakes are. if too much information comes out about this sex network, the country as you know it will literally end and (((they))) will have relinquished control of it completely. ((((they)))) cannot let that happen

Attached: duke.jpg (520x622, 93K)

Trump is a pedo. Just admit it

Attached: 10A3351A-DC91-48E7-8EC6-DCCC0AB40A9D.jpg (697x545, 117K)

Whoops wrong pic

Checked and keked

Excuse me for being a little bit skeptical of the idea that you could know a guy for 15 years, but not realize that he was doing Tifari Parties the whole time.

Supposedly Epstein got permabanned from Mar-a-lago in 2006?

I get suspicious of plea deals like this. It comes off as quid-quo-pro-ish, kinda.

Sure thing boomer. It's summer. Kids vs. Boomers right now. Fuck off.

Attached: mm.png (888x962, 1.19M)

Have no idea what you're talking about user. Bernie Sanders is based and Socialism-Communism is the answer to White Capitalism. Supporting Israel is necessary for American peace and freedom. Quite honestly, we don't give enough to our greatest ally.

Attached: IMG_3966.jpg (571x626, 78K)

The chans are CONTROLLED
Free speech is GONE

STFU shill, the video you're referring too was never uploaded.

Bots are not just "shilling"
What is this thread?
The "user" accurately anticipated what human anons might be thinking, and posted it.
The system of FAKENESS stays in control by trying to emulate every aspect of the board.
And it has succeeded in this, clearly to a very significant extent.

there's not as much shilling as you think, i'd wager. the people posting photoshopped pictures of trump, telling us we need to "wear safety pins" to identify ourselves and posting discord links are certainly shills. other than that, about half the people you think are shills are really just stupid autists who can't entertain another point of view or respect other peoples opinions. these people think YOU'RE the shill

I'll tell you what will happen:
>Epstein will implicate Trump in child rape. Maybe one or two other rich goys will also get implicated
>Trump will get ousted from office
>Epstein story will quickly be buried/covered up.
>Some other rich kike will take Epstein's job of supplying rich/powerful people with prebuscent pussy.

The dude getting arrested give hope to everyone brainwashedby alex jones

>I knew things were bad but a video was posted last night
not it didn and you're a bot or a paid poster

Yep, it's a limited hangout. They'll either pollute the case with immunity promises or only go after 3 or 4 people, including some C-lister to convince the plebes that they've accomplished something. If you think they're going to be putting out arrest warrants for members of the Royal Family and some Rothschilds you're out of your mind.

are you accusing me of glowing?
I, frankly, am offended
But you are right
That's normal pol/
this shit is ridiculous

Tбh anti 5Gay schizos aren't any better

rangeban of all americans*

Attached: ais1.png (1334x3395, 1.33M)

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Attached: ais3.png (1334x4102, 1.45M)

they are taking over, it's a good way to redpill them anyway, like we did with facebook moderators and stuff...

You can't unsee

Attached: ais4.png (1334x4102, 1.26M)

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Gee, it's almost as if this schizophrenic shit hole is not a great source of information...

Attached: krs.png (1222x5330, 3.94M)

gr8 b8 pedo

>If you think they're going to be putting out arrest warrants for members of the Royal Family and some Rothschilds you're out of your mind.
got that right although Putin already issued warrants for Rothschilds in Russia, SMART DUST takes care of those problems

>not a great source of information...
fucking a, I go straight to the mainframe at tavistock for my info

it's almost as if they don't realise the corruption is global
it's pretty bad right now, i have to admit

>it's almost as if they don't realise the corruption is global
They know but they don't care. Most of the bluepills here think it's only a way to get Trump or Clinton in prison and don't think of it beyond that.
Watch neither happen and Alex Acosta gets 3 years for obstruction of justice or some faggot shit like that, while Epstein gets to live out his days at the Chateau Kibbutz, the only prison with its own par 3 golf course.


The shills have twoines of attack
>Trump is a pedo Epstein was his best friend
>nobody in Washington ever goes down, Epstein, Clinton at al will get off
I remember the first 24 hrs of confusion and chaos when this hit though. There is some serious money being wasted trying to shape narrative.

Fuck off nupol

(((THEY))) are trying to paint Trump as a buddy and child fucker

Guys what if this whole shitstorm is to induce Democratic party turnover? Some kind of Demotard coup?



Imagine caring about anything

According to some report (by the gobment or something) bong comes from a rhyme scheme. I can't find the screenshot though

Epstein is a nexus of the entire Jewish compromise industry. The lynchpin which will lead to real lynchings of the Justice System doesn’t do its job.

Expect many people to flee the country very soon. Some probably already left.




? ?

Aren't some documents from 17 years ago going to be unsealed?

i dont know. i'm not even paying attention honestly, but i'd bet my life right now that whatever you're talking about doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. anything that reveals the true extent of the blackmail network or that names names surfacing will literallly be a glitch in the matrix, and whoever's responsible for letting it come to light will suffer maximum ball torture before being sent to the gulag forever

actually it's more likely they'll be killed though. anything to secure the existence of our glorious kid raping network


Big Ben will NEVER ring again.