you gotta be fucking shitting me
The absolute state of facebook
jewbook is on its way out. I'll give it another 5 years tops before it's totally dead.
I'm sure many people would wish that, especially in light of the recent revelations about Zucky & co, but the truth is that people still like AND want it, as there's no suitable alternative to replace it.
I'm a low level employee at facebook and all I do is steal office supplies and use the diagnostic account to cheat on shitty facebook games.
Answer me this, and be honest with yourself;
Why do you feel the need to share every aspect of your life in social media? You're a product for sale to the highest bidder. You don't own your own information, photos or user activity.
I deleted all my social media a couple of years back and I haven't regretted it once. In fact it made my life better as I am now spending more time with real life friends instead of just posting bullshit that nobody cares about.
never felt better since I deleted that shit show
Based leaf.
Where else am I supposed to get pics of my hot cousin to jerk off to?
I can't tell if people are serious or not anymore, but if that's your main concern, then social media might not be what you need to focus on.
In any case, I strongly advocate for a return to a pre-digital revolution state so the kikes can't easily manipulate and control us.
>but if that's your main concern, then social media might not be what you need to focus on.
You're right, I need to be working on a strategy to get up in that
post pic
The free market will fix this problem. There is a golden opportunity for someone to create an alternate platform that could make Facebook go the way of Myspace within a year.
And have autists finder her fb and get me excommunicated from the family? Don't think so
VK is pretty much an exact copy of pre cancer FB
This is where you find a pic of a cousin of a guy you hate at work and post that, while "accidentally" revealing her and "your" name somehow.
This leaf is wise beyond his years
I'll tell you one thing tho, I've lost rack of how many good sites I've seen recked the minute they're flooded with normies who get into mod positions in the passed 15 years, it happens every time
why have you not gone on a shooting spree yet you pussy? do you realize the good you could do for humanity?
Have sex.
>boomerfags think facebook is a threat anymore because they still use it
You have to go back
Normies are addicted to attention the way we're addicted to running memes into the ground.
I only own a pistol, not going to get a decent body count. Plus I dont think I could hurt people like that.