User I want to make mixed babies with you

>user I want to make mixed babies with you

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>being this desperate for babies and marriage
bipolar demon detected

No wh*toid. I only breed with black queens within my race, also I want to get away from you and live in Africa.

Vade retro Satana

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wojack my pp hard

Good on you, I guess.

Why are you so obsessed with white people and breeding with us? Is It because you know we're superior?

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Right on brother. I hope to die of aids someday in a shithole country too.

But I'm already white, (((unless)))...

Nice that the whole family is in one pic

Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel

If you put it like that, I might just stay here then. Either that or you apologise for insulting Africa and I go

yes im very lucky to live in an age where superhuman white girls are brainwashed into wanting to fuck a subhuman nigger like myself. truly the best time to possess a bbc (my dick is only 5.5 inch but thanks to Jewish media white girls overestimate its size)

fuckin hate kids

thats an ugly jewess post a pure aryan nordic disney princess with refined highly evolved features that contrast with my apelike appearance

We need you to stay in America somebody has to fuck my wife and it ain’t gonna be me


>but you're only slightly whiter than me

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>mfw spic
>mfw know that feel

Have to mejorar la raza

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Fuck yes! Let's go! I want mixed babies as well.

I'm proud of your decision, thank you for promoting a separate place for every race.

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>sure, why not? hop inside my 2019 supra

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>when your kid doesnt look like you at all
isnt that the whole point of having kids?

>Sorry baby, miscegenation is worse than holocaust.

You’re welcome wh*toid.

How to find a coalburner gf bros? Pol says they are everywhere yet I hardly see single ones

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wonder how much photoshop went into this blurry picture

Mixed race can produce some beautiful children if done just right.

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Good morning Israel. How's the weather there today?

Oh shit, that's bretty good.

they usually work with refugees, strange innit

oh look, no father in sight, how truthful for a cuckpost thread

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Made for white cock

said no white girl ever


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Ugly mutts

>when your kid looks better than you because of black genes

>beautiful but 70iq
What’s the point?


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Muh dik Is 10 inches lil whitoids don't gots dat dNA