And that's why daddy wants Epstein to be destroyed or rot in prison for the rest of his despicable degenerate life?
Do you think Ivanka will finally say: ME TOO
I don’t think Ivanka was ever actually a victim, BUT it wouldn’t surprise me if they saw her as a BIG FISH and attempted stuff on her. That alone is enough to set a man off, especially with that much power
Trump fucked her over epsteins lap on thier way to lolita island
Ive seen this thread 3 times in the last twelve hours. Same fucking picture and everything. You shills are so fucking assblasted, and continue to try and sling mud on trump about this. Let me tell you a little secret.
We dont care.
If trump is honestly into this shit I want him to hang too. Screaming DRUMPF DRUMPF DRUMPF constantly doesnt reinforce your opinion however. It just makes you look super desperate to draw attention away from the fact that half of our current government is implicated in this.
Were they lovers in the past under the watchful eye of her daddy?
he fucked ivankas big badonkas
believe it
Aaron & Melisa DYKES
fuck you're desperate
Only daddy can smooch Ivanka. lol
>And that's why daddy wants Epstein to be destroyed
Please stick to the facts. Trump appointed Bush AG criminal cover-up artist Barr to AG. Trump DOJ is covering for Epstein and Clinton again. Trump appointed Comey's daughter to prosecutor team after citizen journalist cernovich won suit and forced Trump to act. Trump has been clear in his desire to cover for the Clintons since day one of office. Trump is traitor or Trump is coward: you pick
Living your jealous fantasies belong on /mlp/ you sick fuck
dudes shilling--he has like 4 threads on this
It's been in their modus operandi to scream outrage at everything related far and wide to Trump for the past 4 year (started before the election), you think they'll learn at this point? They are dumb shit working by a list of tricks made by wiser than them, they can't do any better else they would have done so already given how Trump is a thorn in their side. Because regardless of wether or not Trump is in on it, he kicked the hornet nest and whoever comes after him will have a far easier time passing ideas that couldn't possibly be seen as part of public discourse less than a decade ago.
Was Epstein the photographer in this hot scene?
oh shit it's phil from new jersey laying it down
Gee, wounder what it is you're trying to do
>Gee, wounder what it is you're trying to do
Better worry what he was trying to do to her
Very creepy. Unsettling.
Fuck off kike, Trump never went to lolita island.
You’re fucking retarded dude.
>Trump never went to lolita island.
We don't know that for sure.
really it just seems like you have an ivanka fantasy going and you're somehow jealous of trump. Pretty obvious really.
Jealous of sexually touching my daughter ?
Donald stop posting your nonsense please.
Ivanka...? Who is that?
You're talking about Yael Kushner
I think there is some reality metrics that you need to re-evaluate
Hot limo ride with hot daddy
take your meds dude--you clearly don't have any kids
Flight logs say no you dumb faggot ass nigger
But Trump has also black kids, kek
What a lot of Jow Forums doesn't know is that fuckers like Epstein target socialites to work for them.
Weak ass bitches like Rachel Chandler take them up on it. Strong competent women like Ivanka tell them to get lost.
Look at all the female celebrity suicides in the last few years---you know, the red scarf and door knob ones? Yeah, those cunts were part of this, especially the fashion-related ones.
Good on Donald and his ex-wife Ivana for raising a strong woman like Ivanka. Donald and his wives could have had a family of drug-addicted hedonists, but they did their best for their children so that they wouldn't fall into the degenerate bullshit world of the ultra-rich.
Socialite females are easy prey, especially when their parents cut off their trust funds.
Fight logs could be faked you dumb ass.
don't bother--it's a bot
kinda like every girlfriend you've ever claimed to have had
>Good on Donald and his ex-wife Ivana
Gee, wounder what's going on here
> Do you think
Meme flags are CANCER. Don't forget it
Mother Ivana and daughter Ivanka Trump.
>Gee, wounder what's going on here
Yes, it looks creepy
you're literally a child molester -- no parent with daughters thinks anything like you you fucking pervert.
Absolute creep.
Donald stop panicking please.
you are an absolute child molester
eg. sliding your thread by abusing the metrics.
keep it coming though you ivanka obsessed child molesting pervert--you've spent hours combing ivanka images already: that much is clear.
LOL Donald is in a massive panic mode.
the female shows no signs of molestation. body english, weight, attractiveness, etc
>thinks I'm donald trump
>unironically posts something to late night talk shows on JewMedia
yet--you're the one desperate to tie your pedo habits to someone else.
Donald you are being pathetic...yes Epstein will sing like a bird and your dirty secrets will be finally exposed you pervert.
Implying Unwilling Always a lie
You’re a sick fucker. Even a blind man could see that. You have absolutely no power here.
Is that you Donny?
She is top grade perfection only the jealouse can hate
>haha we got you this time!
You guys fuck everything up lol. What makes you so certain this is the one that will get him?
shh, don't spoil my fun--this reeeeee is gold
OMFG SEEETHING. Your lust is oozing--you're masturbating right now aren't you?
>Actually posting pic of Stormy Daniel as if she was a credible source of anything
Lol your intel isn't up to date, ain't it? Afaik she isn't in on it anymore ever since Avenatti double crossed her by accepting terms and promoting lies under her name.
you're overdue on jumping to a new thread nigger
Fuck that’s hot
>-you're masturbating right now aren't you?
To this pussy lol
>masturbation confirmed