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Should we just ban mountain climbing niggers?
Benjamin Perez
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William Morgan
link the video faggot
Camden Watson
>no video
Levi Fisher
1) Not politics or news
2) share link to video Faggot
Kayden Long
I'm sure it's real harrowing to watch someone fall asleep in the cold
Honestly there are many worse ways to go
James Perez
Blake Barnes
yes, we should ban mountain climbing
James Moore
Let the dead litter the mountain side as a warning to others. You must be prepared to die if you want to reach the heavens, man has always known this and yet now we toy with fate and act surprised. Let them see.
Angel Diaz
where is the harrowing part?
Tyler Bennett
they were alive in that video and now they are deeeeaaad
Brandon Ortiz
the problem seems to be handling itself just fine
Dominic Parker
This. Life needs more self correction. I say we do away with seat belts.
Michael Johnson
NO. Human infinite potential for innovation and discovery comes from mens drive to do extremely stupid and dangerous things. What if the Wright brothers were banned from trying to fly? What if Richard Gatling was banned from making the gatling gun because of womans feelings? Men need to do dangerous things or else its spirit dies and with so the infinite potential of mankind.
Adam White
their families still have to pay for funeral expenses even if the remains are never returned. and deal with the loss of a family member because he wanted to do something that nature clearly warns us not to do.
Hudson Morales
I do alpine mountaineering and you've got to accept the risks
Jack Turner
Why ban them when they go up and don't come down...
I'm totally failing to see the problem to ops situation
Juan Ross
British tabloid clickbait titles are the harrowing part.
Henry Smith
Personally i would say that Reinhold Messner and Peter Habeler were the last Everset mountainclimbers, they climbed Mount Everest without oxygen in 1978 and Reinhold Messner did another solo climb in 1980 without oxygen, no help and nothing more than he could carry to the mountain.
I can understand the lure of Everest, climbing that mountain is a big thing but personally i would do it Messner style as far as i can get, most probably the journey would end at basecamp since i don't got Messners physique.
So getting as far up Everest as possible without supplemental oxygen is the toughest thing anyone can do.
Jace Harris
No, getting to the summit of K2 alive and without oxygen is much more impressive.
Jeremiah Cooper
Useless risk. You're not accomplishing anything that hadn't been done a million times before.
Not discovering anything new, won't be remembered for it.
It's a stupid endeavor. I'm Not telling you this to change your mind, I'm telling you this because you're an idiot and you probably think that what you're doing is meaningful.
You couldn't be further from the truth, the guy who works at an autoshop has meaning to his life, the electrician, the plumber.. these guys affect the lives of people every day, directly. You literally do nothing of the sort
Aaron Thompson
Nah if we ban these retards we might have to ban skateboarding and skiing retards.
Christian Carter
Getting anywhere above 8000 meters withouth supplemental oxygen is damn impressive :D
Wyatt Clark
>should we just ban retards killing themselves
Henry Cooper
>banning idiots from dying
What do you have against natural selection?
Ethan Hill
We should ban mountains for killing all those people.
Liam Martin
Wyatt Cox
Agreed. But with the technicality of K2, it would be much more impressive. Everest is not a technical mountain
Adam Hall
>reinhold messner
>He made the first solo ascent of Mount Everest, the first ascent of Everest without supplemental oxygen, along with Peter Habeler, and was the first climber to ascend all fourteen peaks over 8,000 metres (26,000 ft) above sea level. He was also the first person to cross Antarctica and Greenland with neither snowmobiles nor dog sleds.[1] Furthermore, he crossed the Gobi Desert alone
absolutely based
Anthony Gray
Go stand in the corner for a while and think about what you did.
Mason Lopez
That's true, K2 is probably more technical and require real mountain climbing skills.
Ethan Ortiz
Adrian Taylor
fücking übermensch