US Women’s Soccer captain is a tranny

Notice the differance with a real woman

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Did anyone already successfully rape Angie Varona?



kicks like a girl.

what is your obsession with that little arabe girl?

>little arabe girl?

Angie varona is not arab.

Reminder that Angie Varona is a low-IQ Trump voter. Do not jerk off to her.

Attached: angie_verona_trump.jpg (929x594, 146K)

>votes trump to spite Hillary
Absolutely based. Fuck the establishment

Look Based to me.

you're just made they kicked your puny team's ass

Literally nobody cares, see you for the real world cup. Probably not though.

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you cared enough to make a thread

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Not me.

ride never ends:DDDDDDDD

I'd suck her cock

No one cares about the world cup. That was last week's outrage.


Why does she keep both sets of car keys together?

I hope within the next 10 years all women's sports teams are 90+% tranny because at this point I just want women to suffer the consequences of the world their whining created

>Clicks on Priscilla Instagram.
One pic of her with black guy.
Comment says Beau couple.
Idolizing a coalburner. The absolute state of frogs

you frogs all look the same

I thought an African team won the last one?

Who’s your favorite right winger tranny to fap to?

Why don’t you?

The women's soccer team is not natty so of course they're going to have manlier jaws, more muscle, and less body fat than normal women. It's just part of the sport.

She looks half beaner, still pretty cute.

Ah yes, the “French” povertyball team. Just as diverse as our ape hoop and nigger collision teams.

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I would expect nothing less

Did you really think that Hitler would lie?

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Let's be honest, she's been the queen of Jow Forums for about a decade now

Rapinoe just looks like how 95% of white women do sans makeup.

Take the Yellowpill, lads.

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Let's use common sense for a minute to actually come to a conclusion that makes sense.
>Male soccer players are better than female soccer players
>Male soccer players play on a different league and team than female soccer players
So let's say the captain was born a male and transitioned with hormones to play on the female soccer team. If that was the case, every male person who wasn't good enough to play in professional soccer would claim to be a female so they can play in female leagues and win, because women's soccer is shit compared to men's soccer. So I think you have to be a female in order to play in Woman's professional soccer.

>TL;DR: Trannies are forbidden in women's professional soccer

Wtf webm won't load. I want to see feminine benis.

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Not gonna lie, it would be hilarious to see them get a pay increase just to see traps snack up all the checks.

Stop fellow burger, you're embarrassing us. French user is right.

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but if a trap changes her sex in passport to female she is allowed in. Rule doesn't say you have to be a born female, just a female at game time.

>Rule doesn't say you have to be born a female, just a female at game time


This. We need to end the filthy antisemitic white race.

What's it like being a retard?

I just scanned over the rules of the NWSL and it says nothing about sex. I guess males can already play in it.

I don't know, ask your mom

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>"Hmm, it doesn't say anything about sex in the National WOMAN'S Soccer League. I guess people who were born male can play in it."
Nah, that doesn't make sense. Or else we'd have a lot more males in women's soccer, and they'd be easily recognizable.

but if it's not in the rules, who is stopping an owner of hiring men? Maybe they can't write in the rules because it would be gender discrimination?

>low IQ post

Women's soccer's is for dykes, they are all dykes.

if they would hire males, all the marketing appeal would disappear and nobody is interested to see 3rd string males. One per team would maybe be acceptable, the seething of the femenists would be hilarious.

true and Jow Forums always tells me how latinas are getting fat when they get older meanwhile angie aging like fine wine

>"If it doesn't say that it's woman only, why can't men join?"
It's woman's soccer, you can't play on a woman's team if you're not a female. It's literally that simple
Also this

>unironically buying into pol memes
there's your problem.

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where is the legal binding? Are only Philips employees allowed to play at PSV cause it's named Philips Sport Vereniging?

Why hasn't she had a white bf yet? I don't support race mixing but I find it hard to believe that legions of white boys haven't tried to get with her.

>"It needs to be stated that only women should play in women's professional soccer"
Just give up at this point, you and I both know that she's not a tranny. Just another lesbian\invite\DDYPBuw


I never said anything about her being a tranny. I think legally they can't keep men out of the league, since they are creating jobs and they can't be gender exclusive. It's like deneying the holocaust or saying nigger, legally you can but there are other factors holding you back. Now let's try to meme a small team to take on 1 male player on their team to be competitive.

woewo the french are still salty about the usa kicking their ass in soccer...STAY SALTY MF


I love her