>be tall as fuck
>be white
>be good looking
date a black goblina.
Why do they do this?
>that nose
user he isnt white
Wtf do you mean he’s not WHITE?
people are retarded, what can you do?
Tall people are often attracted to short chicks
>disturbing the peace of random people just to get views and attention on a jewtube
pathetic, you probably also think that you are redpilled, but you aren't. You are just an attention whore, that's it.
yeah, its not the greatest material BUT
its still OC and you can hide the thread!
>good looking
you are a faggot and my wife says he isn't that great looking
>asking your wife or gf what she honestly thinks of other men
>expecting an honest answer
>being this insecure around your women
>yurofag sirens
Have you ever fucked a black pussy? The darker the berry the sweeter the juice. Most white pussy has been ruined by a dog knot. A solutely disgusting.
because normally our dicks are the same size as regular guys
seeing there faces , i knew it was that cctv guy , keke
>its still OC
First, it's not an original idea, you seem to be too dumb to create your own thing, that's why you simply copied "Surveillance Camera Man" ideas. Even his intonations and behaviour.
Anyway, it's not about originality, it's about purpose of doing it. What is your doing right now is comparable to that amerimutt who licked icecream and put it back on the shelf to get views: ooga booga tier attention whoring.
how is that insecurity?
why even treat her opinion as a definite fact?
the guy in OP is waaaaaay out of her league. thats the point
>The darker the berry the sweeter the juice
Black pussy might feel good but it tastes disgusting. I won't go down on anything but a white woman.
>he still thinks he can avoid partaking in clown world by minding his own business
>What is your doing right now is comparable to that amerimutt who licked icecream and put it back on the shelf to get views: ooga booga tier attention whoring
I like this analogy, if you commented this on my channel i would pin it.
>the guy in OP is waaaaaay out of her league
how do you fucking know this? are you a women?
if you look at men and think they are good looking,, or as you put it " waaaaaay out of her league" you are a flame faggot
how do you know what women think is good looking? are you a fucking women? if not you are just a faggot.
>how is that insecurity?
because you are so insecure that your women wouldn't tell you the truth about what she honesty thinks when you ask her a question?
what kind of relationship is that, a fucked up one, and a future failure.
I know all my wives idols and what she finds handsome/good looking
does she find other men better looking than me, of course she does, do i care? no. what kid of man thinks he is the best looking guy in the world to his women? that just utterly fucking retard, same goes for my wife she knows i find other women prettier than her, and so fucking what?
you are either a flaming faggot, a loser, or just stupid.
You like tall guys? Why don't you date him you faggot.
Most white men have an inferiority complex and don't understand they are getting bad deals before it's too late.
Men have essentially no standards for women compared to women for men.
I'm 6'4 white and dated a midget latina girl. Luckily that went south and am redpilled now so only going to wife up a tall white girl so my kids will be tall/white.
Because they want love and can't get it from their own race so they started to shop down a different isle. It is happening more and more.
nah i,m not gay at all and he is clearly way out of her looks league, however she has a pussy and lives in a western country so she can essentially get any man she wants. He also acts like a complete beta so that doesn't help his cause.
>That nose
Yeah, have you seen noses on French, Italian people? This is a White nose on a White face.
Maybe you're 6'4 and ugly. Don't assume the rest of us have shit taste in women.
Dude you a fag! You need to embrace it. And bang all colors.
you seem to assume a whole lot, sir. if you think women are honest, maybe it be a year or twenty into a relationship or marriage, you are wrong. i still dont get why you needed to ask her opinion on it. maybe youre the one thats insecure?
>You like tall guys?
who doesnt? no homo ofcourse. the point was about him having those attributes; white, tall and handsome. If only he put a bit of effort in approaching women, he would have a legit bonafide qt on his hands and not a literal goblina that was destined to be with a manlet.
>i,m not gay at all and he is clearly way
again if you are not gay and a male, how do you know what women think about this guy, looks wise?
you want to believe this guy is " out of her looks league " because you find him good looking, that doesn't mean women do.
>be good looking
Yea, no.
I'm not. She was cute, don't get me wrong. But men generally don't care if a women is short (if anything they prefer it). And most men don't care about race as long as she isn't black from my experience.
Low T
>why do you need to ask a women if a man is good looking
because i not a faggot like you are.
>But men generally don't care if a women is short
>And most men don't care about race as long as she isn't black from my experience
i honestly think white women’s skin feels much nicer than a black or curry ones
because i'm a good looking guy myself and can easily judge aesthetic. With both men and women you have attractive people, average people and ugly people. Its not very hard to judge aesthetic. I'm not saying he's a 10/10 or anything but he is clearly of good genetic stock, but acts like a complete pussy. And she is not very attractive even by goblina standards.
Forgot your memeflag
if youre just as comfortable in your own sexuality, as you claim, you would have no problem judging a mans looks without ‘feeling gay’.
>if you commented this on my channel i would pin it.
oh no, what a missed opportunity.
it's hilarious how such shallow people like yourself call others NPC.
>misses the sarcasm completely
>don't date short girls
Now I've heard everything
again both of you are judging the guy based on what you think is attractive, as men..
how do you know what a women finds attractive, unless you are women or faggots.
Hahah i fucking love this shit
The real question, you miserable little shit, is how the hell is it any of your business and why do you think you get a say in who other people fuck? Go off yourself.
Holy shit you sound like such a repressed homosexual. I bet you won't even eat hot dogs because it reminds you of a penis.
Maybe he's got a shit personality like you and that's why he can only date goblins. Being tall isn't everything you muppet.
i don't find men attractive unlike you
They're paid actors.
>again both of you are judging the guy based on what you think is attractive, as men.
yes, but its also quite easily to judge a mans looks by what women think is attractive. its really not that difficult. knowing what the value of your own looks are, can also help you out a lot in the dating game. win/win imo.
i have a feeling youre extremely afraid of being labelled as gay. suspiciously afraid even..
i agree with you man. this guy has some obvious repressed gay feelings.
Also lmao @ those in the closet answers, I bet you are incels who hate on chicks because you can't admit you want to get your asses plowed.
Tbh im not gay but ops pic is objectively attractive
>no facial deformities
>strong jawline
>not fat
Why do you think he has a gf if women dont think hes attractive
he's not a metrosexual, so he has no chance with white women.
first you say, why do you need to ask my wife if he is attractive to a women.
>i still don't get why you needed to ask her opinion on it
than you say
>easily to judge a mans looks by what women think is attractive
You are just a fucking retard at this point, as i suspected, you most likely have zero experience with women also.
watch out for stating your opinion in this thread, you might be labelled as a flaming faggot by the ‘experts’
Holy fuck are you seriously this autistic to go up to random people and film them just because they're dating and they have different skin colours? Dude this is so pathetic man.
fuck off roastie
half the germans posting here are whores, i swear
i said that because its so damn easy to figure out what women want. why the hell do i need to run to one, like you, to ask what she thinks? They are extremely predictable.
He looks completely average. I don't get what your fascination with this guy is.
Yeah, you sound gay as fuck. Maybe leave Jow Forums and Jow Forums for a while.
gb2KC Bernd
So why are you an incel then?
he might be tall but he's ugly and the streaked hair indicate a homo
>mfw I can't find a tall boyfriend because i'm pretty tall myself
you still seem to assume a lot by a few youtube videos. cant blame ya though
>those pants
He isn't hetero
That idiot one of these days will
end up at the hospital. You DO NOT do that.
I really wish I could get him to try to do that to me
>its so damn easy to figure out what women want.
your incel is showing
women are so easy to figure out! this guy is handsome because I said so!
Self-worth. It is all about self-worth and self-respect in the end. You can go spit on the guy or his girlfriend and he won't raise a hand because he is a bitch, and so are most of you here, you are just bitter so you hide behind nationalism or racism or whatever non-mainstream views you accept.
Admiring Eurocentric beauty isnt gay, white people are the most beautiful looking race, thats why everyone wants our women and even the ugly rejects can find love in SEA or africa. The aesthetic beauty of whites including white men isnt gay to admire. It should motivate you to want to look your best through exercise and diet and skin care.
2m tall blonde guy here
You're a faggot because all you see is some tall guy and you swoon over him without knowing anything about him.
>He looks completely average
I wouldn't know that. I'm not a women or attracted to men.
what makes him average to you?
lanklet who never lifts guaranteed
all Germanic "men" are
I don't like Belgians.
>how didn't you notice my joke
you sound like a basic zoomer who will do everything to get attention.
hope you will get jumped by random shitskins who will livestream it some day.
Because he is not actually white
that guy is objectively handsome considering the tallness (6’4), his white skin and his face. Especially compared to the girl he is with.
For example, the guy in this pic is very handsome. I have no problem saying that, but you do. Which just shows how much youre afraid of being labelled gay. And that, my friend are signs of being a closet homo.
That's what I'm trying to figure out. Average means average. I'm not the one claiming he should be with someone more attractive because he was born with long legs, you are.
He's not white
Just like jews aren't white
How can you not tell
I like you user
/pol has fallen for the manlet meme so hard that you're now posting pics of guys you find hot. Unbelievable.
we get. it, so you find men attentive and think women should also find them attentive because you said so, as a man.
fucking faggot
oh, i didnt know i was only allowed to post pics of ‘ugly’ men.
Its ok to be gay, you dont have to hide in the closet anymore.
how do you know he's 6'4? or are you the OP?
thats not what i said at all. your post just shows how much you like saying the word faggot.
more signs my friend.
do you also have a cuck fetish with your wife?
>being this new
Lurk moar.
I don't find men attractive
You must find men attractive like me or YOU ARE GAY... REEEEEE
newsflash spergs: women care much more about alpha behavior than they care about looks, height, muscles. i say this as an abercrombie model looking chad jock.
There’s a lot of literal faggots and cucks here
>i say this as an abercrombie model looking chad jock.
prove it
it just gets more obvious with each post, please stop
>I finding men attractive!, YOU ARE THE GAY ONE
that both you you find men attractive.. we know faggot.
Attractiveness doesnt equal sexual attractiveness
Chads are attractive guys so does calling them chad make you gay? No
Maybe the guy has a shit personality. Maybe he has bad hygiene or is abusive towards animals. But all you see is how tall he is or that he has a strong jawline.
>Chads are attractive guys
to women
>Maybe the guy has a shit personality
Nobody denies that this cant be the case. But even then, he could score better.
Maybe she’s really cool and funny it’s not always about looks