Why does POL hate hate muslims? They're on our side. Think about it, whats two things muslims hate more than anything...

Why does POL hate hate muslims? They're on our side. Think about it, whats two things muslims hate more than anything? Fags and Jews.

When they talk about their hatred towards the west they're mostly talking about the libtards and kikes. So why can't we love them? I say we bring them to America, give them guns as a welcome gift and quarantine them in heavily blue territory and just sit back and enjoy the fireworks

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r5---sn-aigzrn7l.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1562713335&ei=l8gkXcS-Af3u1waKtK2IBQ&ip=,ei,ip,id,itag,source,requiressl,gcr,mime,gir,clen,ratebypass,dur,lmt&sig=ALgxI2wwRAIgRMGSVBbjadXQ6iCjii3F-lHioF3jzO4t7hlZlCKMjC8CIARyPpw_Hb1hOoWeFPFTn0PyIf-3pME-dDQdytHqP8CP&video_id=4XwvCoKeBjQ&title=National Anthem of the Third Reich (1933-1945) 'Deutschlandlied + Horst Wessel Lied' (Instrumental)&rm=sn-aigesd76&req_id=85af8204f5cba3ee&redirect_counter=2&cm2rm=sn-cu-c9iz76&cms_redirect=yes&ipbypass=yes&mip=,mip,mm,mn,ms,mv,mvi,pl&lsig=AHylml4wRQIgdKddjne2zl3wfidxSgTNy7q1Gney8WazaAx5GJ017yoCIQCO0u8_geYHAF10n9wi-bqVxS_VggbqTw1TV59VvJXXjA==

>muslims bomb europe
>muslims replacing european population
>european women getting raped by muslims 24/7
>lets bring in more muslims to destroy our nations because some sandnigger said fuck the jews

Jews and Arabs are both sand-niggers—the same race of Satanic, soulless pieces of shit.

Fuck off Achmed. Islam isn't compatible with western civilization.


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Its happening regardless of what you say

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Do you actually enjoy acting like a retard?

Mudslimes are working with kikes to complete white genocide


why do we have to take sides? Why not kick the fucking lot out?
I dont like kikes, niggers or muslims.

pretty much this

Christians and Muslims are just Jews 2.0 and Jews 3.0.

Anyone involved in Abrahamic religions is fucked.

The one true religion for enlightened humans does not involve Abrahamic or paganistic religions.

Why do so many Americans support mussies?

>Walk like sand
>Talk like nigger

They blow shit up and want also want Christians gone

what's your special religion then i'm feeling open minded

t. suriname monkey

And when they do all you christfags can kick them off

Jow Forums is full of christfags

Jow Forums is mostly full of larping faggots.

I dont hate muslims, ive been to turkey, I can say this with experience
I hate people who use religion as an excuse to set people on fire, shoot them, rape them, explode them, and otherwise ruin peoples lives.

>Think about it, whats two things muslims hate more than anything? Fags and Jews
There's more to opposing degeneracy than this. For example, niggers are also extremely sexist and homophobic; Jow Forums still hates them because they act like niggers.

Fell for the enemy of my enemy is my friend meme.

Muslims hate everybody that isn't part of their religion. They want to destroy everything that isn't connected to their religion.

Why Jow Forums thinks Muslims and countries like Iran (whose national anthem is death to Israel, death to America) is their ally is beyond me.

Get out Mohammed

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>>muslims bomb pro rapefugee liberals
>>muslims replacing weak leftist cucks
>>european roasties getting raped by muslims 24/7
only leftists and commies are affected

Sandnigger, Jow Forums is a white Christian board

This doesn't happen though. Muslims are indescriminate because everyone who isn't them is an infidel.

You the kind of chimp that actually deserves having someone like ilhan omar as a representative.

only fucking americans come up with this shit. you clearly have not anough muslims in your country. they are litterally worse then niggers.

>t. triggered commushit antifag


r5---sn-aigzrn7l.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1562713335&ei=l8gkXcS-Af3u1waKtK2IBQ&ip=,ei,ip,id,itag,source,requiressl,gcr,mime,gir,clen,ratebypass,dur,lmt&sig=ALgxI2wwRAIgRMGSVBbjadXQ6iCjii3F-lHioF3jzO4t7hlZlCKMjC8CIARyPpw_Hb1hOoWeFPFTn0PyIf-3pME-dDQdytHqP8CP&video_id=4XwvCoKeBjQ&title=National Anthem of the Third Reich (1933-1945) 'Deutschlandlied + Horst Wessel Lied' (Instrumental)&rm=sn-aigesd76&req_id=85af8204f5cba3ee&redirect_counter=2&cm2rm=sn-cu-c9iz76&cms_redirect=yes&ipbypass=yes&mip=,mip,mm,mn,ms,mv,mvi,pl&lsig=AHylml4wRQIgdKddjne2zl3wfidxSgTNy7q1Gney8WazaAx5GJ017yoCIQCO0u8_geYHAF10n9wi-bqVxS_VggbqTw1TV59VvJXXjA==

What is the difference between Muslims and Jews? Both subvert and destroy

>They're on our side.
Nice try, Amir. Now jump on your flying carpet and fuck off back to the shitholestan you came from.

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Seriously though, why does your entire generation seem to think that acting like an absolute imbecile on the internet is the height of humor?

Ya they r from Israel

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It doesn't matter if the truth is being spoken