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Holocaust Deniers BTFO
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Are you scared of seeing the truth? You think your mental gymnastics won't hold?
The holocaust never happened but it should have
cool. now we're all getting this guy recommended by youtube.
and I don't even have a youtube account.
so now that no one is paying attention to the EPSTEIN SUCKS TRUMP'S COCK threads you cutdick brain damaged shills have moved to hoax threads?
You are the one who is pathetic. You aren't even strong enough to see that MILLIONS of jews died because of your disgusting ideology
remember to install the MEMEFLAG DELOUSER addon, it's available for both mozilla and chrome bases browsers
Just installed it, thanks!
I'm surprised it's still on (((their))) web store.
Don't hide from the truth!
They didn't but they should have
Oh look, one has already come out of the woodwork.
This guy is a low IQ coward. I've seen him play Close Combat 3, and he puts his AT guns out in the open, and is literally too terrified to move his units on mildly challenging maps. (Early Moscow)
Why do you hide from the truth?
Normies need to do some research into WW1 and Weimar Germany (i.e. jew Germany, Germany between the wars).
Basically jews sabotaged Germany during WW1, among many other things, and continued their anti-indigenous-German subversion through the 20's and early 30's until Hitler took power. Jews were repeatedly asked to leave the country all through the 30's, most famously under the Haavara agreement.
After WW2 was under way, the jews that had refused to leave were put into camps, just like the Japanese-Americans the US put into camps. They were seen (rightfully) as a security risk.
They were treated well by POW standards, better than the US treated the Japanese, see Typhus was a major problem in the early 20th century, see The camps were riddled with typhus (a disease spread by lice, hence ALL the camps having Zyklon B on site, it's a pesticide) and eventually as the war turned against Germany (24/7 bombings by the allies, invasions on 3 fronts, food and material supplies cut-off etc.) you saw a lot of disease and starvation in the camps... just like you saw in the German civilian population and what you would have saw in the US camps had the US come under such duress.
"The holocaust" and all of its myths (gas chambers, electric floors, lampshades etc.) were created post-war for political purposes and to punish Germany. Jews died, but not systematically, and not anywhere near the numbers claimed.
See these threads for more holohoax truth:
You fucking incels spend all your days laughing at racism, bigotry, misogyni and shit like that, while it's insensitive, i don't mind because it's humour and nobody takes you losers seriously anyways. But when you fucks start making fun of the holocaust I CANNOT and WILL NOT remain silent. The Holocaust was a TRAGEDY. Don't laugh at tragedies.
The holocaust, however it happened according to verified, accepted, certified and recommended historical books containing accepted, certified and verified historical facts concerning the holocaust, was a tragedy.
I have read some of the verified, accepted, certified and recommended books about the holocaust and I swear to you, to god and to anyone reading this, that they not only are true but cannot have happened any other way than the way they were described in the verified, accepted, certified, recommended books containing descriptions of them. Thank God the french government provides us with a list of verified, accepted, certified and recommended books about the holocaust containing verified, accepted, certified facts about the holocaust and the tragedy that took place during world war II perpetrated by the nazi government of the time in the way that is described by the verified, accepted, certified, recommended books about those events. You should DEFINITELY read some of the verified, accepted, certified, recommended books about the holocaust to further understand and realize the gravity of the events that took place the way they took place as described in the verified, accepted, certified, recommended books containing verified, accepted, certified descriptions of the events
>PS, This is the reason it's illegal to disagree with the facts contained in verified, accepted, certified, recommended books.
Minute in, nothing happened so far. Not gonna waste my time, that's an eighth of the video. Please summarize jew.
National Socialism is left wing
In Marxist socialism you kill the rich people to "socialize the people" and in nazism you kill jews to "socialize the people" so it's the same thing
Capitalism is heaven and socialism is hell
Because Hitler was a socialist the holocaust defenitely happened
1) if it's true, why is it illegal to demonstrate it?
2) if supposedly killing 6 mandrillions jews is considered horrible, why doesn't anyone care about communist jews having killed around 10 times that in the USSR alone (and yet moar if we originally blame communist deaths on marx, a jew himself)?
He shows how to btfo any holocaust denier at 5:32
hortler wasn't right wing, but the holocaust still didn't happen (though some say it should have, in minecraft)
>thinks capitalism is a thing and not just a strawman invented by commies.
kek. fucking dumbass.
>using old images full of bullshit
Libbre David 37 doesn't even exist for example.
1)It doesn't make sense to let people spread misinformation that could lead to people getting hurt. You wouldn't let people be fooled into thinking that cynide is good for you ,would you?
2)These masacres are talked about, you are just sitting in an echo-chamber and don't see it. Also they aren't as important because they weren't racially motivated
Sure thing (((memeflag)))
This. Based post.
1) we can't know if it's misinformation if we can't prove it
2) lies through and through (they were racially motivated too)
Sure thing incel
>talked about; echo chamber
literally never heard of the holomodor until i got to pol. all through college/hs/military/jobs.... nothing. but you can damn well be sure i knew all about the holocaust.
1)It has been proven for 80 years, no need to discuss it anymore.
2)Communism doesn't see race, you can't have a racially motivated genocide under communism, that's a nazi thing
wait till you learn about the Rwandan genocide and the extermination of pygmies in africa, the Cambodian genocide, the Armenian genocide, the fact that ireland still has less irish than before the potatoe famine even after 170 years, and all the other countless genocides and tragedies that stand alongside the other people killed in the holocaust that weren't jews that don't get talked about. oh but remember those were tragedies too and matter just as much.
You must have not been looking into history at all then. Of course the holocaust is more widely known but it is for a reason. The holocaust is more important than any other genocide because of it's racial motives and gruesome nature
maybe shit head. they had typhus and THEY WRE GETTING GASSED
you guys are so fucking stupid
i smoke weed everyday lol
i also have a neck tattoo
and im tired of everyone fucking judging me
i can't get a job other than flipping fucking burgers
everyone thinks im a criminal or a dumbass. the ydon't realize that i'm actually fucking smart
dey think im a dipshit until i school dem on economics and politics. i explain to them the whtie surpemacy capitlaistic system and the geo poltical effects of racism on blakc and brown people and they end up thunderstruck
they don't say shit
see you fuckers on this site judge people too fucking much
why don't you right wingers follow jesus LOVE EVERYONE
amrenian genocide, rwandan genocide, the balkans after the breakup of yugoslavia, and arguably happening now in myanmar.
but they don't matter because (insert bullshit reason those instances of ethnic cleansing are now somehow not as big of a deal)
Could it be that these genocides aren't as widely known because they didn't happen in Europe aka the place that produces media about things like that?It isn't some conspiracy that an European genocide is more widely known to Europeans and Americans than an African one. WE are responsible for that genocide and it should be reminded to us
show flag. because its obvious youre not an american. its impossible to go through college without learning all about communism. funny how they never mentioned (((who))) was behind the revolution. funny how systematically starving ukraine was a 'famine' and not a targeted campaign. the genocide of the kikes isnt any more different than any other. racial motives are what makes a genocide a genocide you fucking twat. its literally in the definition. you kikes are disgusting at how brazen you are with your victim playing. sure 300-500k jews died during the war from typhus and overwork. get the fuck over it.
Well holodomor and armenian genocide was certanly worse. But still better than belgium congo hoax.
The Jews that refused to leave - you mean the three million Polish Jews captured and rounded up by the invading Nazis? The 400,000 Hungarian jews the Nazis bulled the Hungarians into sending to Poland to kill?
The 250,000 Romanian jews that the Nazis wanted to kill, it the Romanians did it for them instead?
Fuck off with your apologia for mass murder
woe is me, fell for bait, sage
1) the science is never settled, kike, that's how it works, want it or not
2) kek: I was born in a communist ruled shithole, and commies are 100% racist as fuck, always
The Irish in America now numbers in the many millions. They largely left the island when the natural disaster of the famine overtook them.
Yes many died - and the English are to blame for not aiding them - but it wasn’t an industrial killing machine deliberately targeted and murdering children by the million.
You can’t compare the two.
>its should be reminded to us
why so we could prevent it from happening like it has happened in all the places we have failed to prevent it in?
I mean the rwandan situation happened in 2002 to 2003. in three months 40% of the pygmies were killed because they were seen as subhuman. Are you really trying to suggest we remind ourselves of the holocaust so that we can prevent it from ever happening again? all the while it has happened on smaller scales and we did nothing about it. mass communication rules out the notion that rwanda and myanmar couldn't be known to western states because the media is run in western states.
its jews were the primary victims of the holocaust which is false by body count it was non jews, and we should remember it because we need to prevent another from happening because ethnic genocide is a terrible thing, but all these other ethnic genocides were not prevented and somehow not as repulsive because the numbers were't as high even though the holocaust numbers show the majority of victimcs were not jews. you can't have your fucking cake and eat it too. either all ethnic cleansing and genocide is morally repulsive, in which case the holocaust is nothing too special because others ethnic genocides have happened with the same motivation, or because other mass killings have occurred in larger amount besides the holocaust. no matter how you slice it the holocaust does not deserve the special status applied to it, which is really just sentiment from wartime propaganda that never died out. all genocides are disgusting oh but the holocaust was the worst, all for reasons that also apply to other genocides in larger amounts, by body count or by means of killing or by motivations that can be matched.
people here don't 'laugh at' the holocaust, people here are *furious* as the disgusting, shameless, bold-faced lies by a people that twice massacred Germanic whites in numbers 100x higher than the 200-300k jews that the census showed died in the concentration camps due to disease and starvation.
Soon the world will feel this rage.. you as well, I hope, you disingenuous cunt.
your post was a joke, i read the first word or two and unleashed. i am forever shamed,
that hitler wanted to remove the jews from germany doesn't mean he needed to kill them,expulsion works just fine.
it was the continuous dividing of land, and poor treatment of the irish that set them up for the potatoe famine, it was their inhumane treatment, of sending to prison any starving irish caught hunting on any english own land manors that made that number so high. the main treatment of the irish and the body count are somehow less disgusting than the holocaust? this case of cold indifference to human suffering is somehow magically not comparable?
Gas the fucking likes now!!!
how absolutely womp womp you, sir???
Shut up nazi
speak up, kike
the more you lie, the more it's obvious you do
Is that even possible?
of course not
>disingenous cunt
How can you call somebody that while believing only 200-300k Jews died? You're either a moron who can't understand history or a liar.
Of course, you would say that.
Well, lets break it down. Is tribalism bad? And if it is why? Why it was so important to crush/genocide tribal societies of Europe by Roman Emperors? Why dont you think about it and come back with an answer, Jew boy....
Go ahead and search for it. I did and couldn't find anything.
trust me I am just as disappointed as the next guy to find out the holocaust didn't happen. Well buck up and hope someday the real thing happens.
fucking based
we're reaching levels of pilpul that should self combust
>mfw all these memeflags are deloused
this is awesome
New constructions being made to better reflect the reality of the holocaust doesn't disprove the holocaust! What do you expect them to do, just show the ruins left by the nazis?
Surely this is a joke channel, right?
The holohoax certainly did not happen as they say it did and Hitler was in on it. The Jews were removed from the dangers of the war far away from the towns and cities being annihilated and were placed in to holiday /death camps where they would be eveneually processed for emigration to America or Palestine. 6 million Jewish people did not die in the war but 6 million jewish names were erased from history, and guess what Hitler and his gang of crypto jews were in on it!
World War 2 was the single largest cullling of European men in history they just wanted dead Europeans. Millions of men, brave and strong were removed from the European gene pool because of these wars and you have Mr Shlomo and his gang of demons to thank for it.
>What do you expect them to do, just show the ruins left by the nazis?
Some people lying doesn't make the deaths of six million people any less true
far fetched, but still more believable than the yolocaust
>you can only remove a group of people by killing them
Show flag shlomo
lolocaust is fake, don't believe the brainwashing
Based. Hitler, son Rothschild, master/executor of the biggest psy op false Goyim has ever witnessed. 9/11 was a child play when compared to a WW2 scam....LMAO
it happened in my imagination
If all that stood in the place of a death camp were ruins we would have even more holocaust deniers than we do now. I don't see the issue with restoring history so people can understand it better. You aren't against restoring a castle or a piece of armor, are you? Why is it different now?
removal of the jews doesn't necessarily make the holocaust true, as defined by the establishment.
Moshe, imagine you had a massive foreign group in your country who controlled everything who had the exact same ideology as Meretz. That's how the European Jews were. Either that or like the ultra-Orthodox leeches. I'd exterminate them too. Especially if they weren't my ethnicity.
After WW2 most of the globalist Jews fled to America or stayed in Europe. The nationalists went to Israel. That's why Israel is more right wing. But even the minority of lefties here are causing massive chaos in the country. I'd send them all to get gassed if I had the chance.
>beautiful Jewish girls
Do people really expect anyone to believe this shit?
Artificially (((Recreating))) the scene gives more ammo to deniers dude.
>Why is it different now?
because it's all a bunch of bollocks
>Based kike
Literally my opinion, get the gas pass
We should deport leftist kikes back to Israel as a punishment for your crimes
Do you guys unironically think anyone here will believe that drivel?
fuck off were full
Yeah, the (((((holocaust)))) totally happened guyz !
Just ignore all the time the jews cried for the 6 millions of jews getting decimated LONG before Hitler ever came.
>wherever we are, we must jew
They are jews, they deserve to go back to their homeland
>Eliminate your intellectual opposition from YouTube.
>make some videos about the official narrative
Shame on you for denying the suffering of your own people
show flag, rabbi
Yikes, you really are paranoid. There is no conspiracy out to get you
You get half of the gas, youll get none if you sell them out.