Lets make barbecuing the new white supremacist activity. Since barbecuing on a holiday is an American tradition and the majority of people who barbecue are white, we can make barbecuing a white supremacist activity.
New white supremacist activity idea
Liberals already beat you to it.
Watching Garfeild
Based and meatpilled
Cock niggers for your dog
Please no more raids this type of stuff is what is making Jow Forums mainstream so fuck off
how do any of those points in that slide characteristics of white supremacy?
Because liberals use what I call "trojan language".
To the unaffiliated who follow words literally and follow logical sequences, White Supremacy, simply looks like a belief in the superiority of the White race. So When liberals bitch about "white supremacists", they shurg and say, "well sure, I mean, thinking someones better just because they are White doesn't seem very cool to me", and go about their business.
But White supremacy means something else to liberals. White supremacy is all the things they don't like and it cannot be detached from Whiteness and White people. So, when they say they are fighting against White supremacy, what they really mean is the White race and the cultures they have created.
So these leads to white liberals hating their heritage so much that they want to take it down. Even though if they take it down, it will lead to the downfall of western civilization.
The psychology behind it is a bit more complicated than just "monkey see monkey do", but yeah, this stuff being passed off as fact is basically fanning the flames of race war and encouraging people to basically destroy modern civilisation.
The poetic fucking irony of it all is that a lot of these arguments are fundamentally White supremacist in sentiment, for if Whites have this much power, and are basically an unstoppable powerhouse of oppression, even if they aren't trying to be, and other groups are incapable of putting up any kind of serious fight against it, then implicitly, the White oppressors are superior. Superior basically means above. To dominate.
The "anti white supremacy" faction are literally White supremacists.
>Unironically thinks Americans are the only ones barbecuing
And this is why we all hate you dumbasses
Boiled euro meat < BBQ
is there anyway to stop these people from destroying modern civilization or are we screwed to die on this planet?
Fuck you nigger, we Greeks eat BBC all the time, and all around the year, not just on holidays
all of the Greek debt meat i have ever eaten and seen has all been boiled. its fucking horrible. Everything else is good just not the meat.
>Mutts can't prepare Greek food
Color me surprised nigger. This is the kind of BBC we usually eat (pic)
It could be fairly easily stopped. Most of these activists are mentally and physically weak.
The problems are government and law enforcement makes it hard to fight back and right wingers working together is like herding cats.
There's also the problem of "ok, so what do we replace it with?". There's a lot of guys on here, I get the feeling, that would kill all non-Christians.
But yeah, we can win this one, and we can win it harder because of the technology available. Gas lighting has been a liberal tactic for so long. They just say it's a coincidence or call your sanity into question. "Hhaaha conspiracy theorist". But now everyone says and posts everything online. The internet has brought about extreme transparency and the liberals just can't seem to not run their mouths all the time.
So all the problems right wingers have been warning about are clearly on display and that wakens people up faster than anything else.
We're winning, but, every user should have an archive of hard hitting red pills ready to go at all times.
Online debating technique works kind of like Roman legionary technique:
pilum (red pill, powerful information)
gladius (logic, critical thinking)
shield (truth)
Open the debate by throwing your red pill at the enemy. Hit them with an indisputable uncomfortable fact to pin them and soften them up.
Move in for the kill with logic to pick apart the enemies bad arguments and lies.
Shield yourself with truth as that will make you harder to move.
Being able to do this well requires effort and training, but lots of anons have this and already basically fight this way online. The internet is a very powerful weapon, and some of the political changes that are happening around the world right now are comparable to the outcomes of major battles.
And this is the stuff mutts normally eat. Hell, i think Turkey has better food than Greece
blacks do this a lot.
this joke ie "lets make this harmless thing nazi"
is lame and not funny anymore.
also how many people here understand the difference between real bbq ie smoked meat and just grilling.
Good take pasta nigger. It makes more sense now. These people won’t be happy until they produce blood from a turnip.
But it works every time. It’ll be unfunny when it stops working.
Please don’t. I’m begging you.
t. Work in the grill industry
So what about the companies like google and facebook that actively censor people that say its okay to be white? how do we stop them?
Nice lie, you eat nuggets and cheetos
Fuck them if they try to take away bbq. Not only is it fun but delicious.
I do.
>the most stupidest way to cook your food is now your symbol
I know some norteños and Argentinians who ill join you in your crusade
you need more white butchers and the free time to bbq.
Stop buying kosher and start growing your own meat
>start growing your own meat
were not growing meat in a lab in mass yet dumbass
Ignore the Mutt, everyone knows we love BBC and have the juiciest ones